Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 692:

"Yes. Net" Zheng Jia is not at all vague, because she knows that there will be basically no changes to this plan. If such a plan is still rejected, the so-called supervision will become a joke.

Before breathing for a while, detailed information appeared on the screen in front of Zhao Jun.

Because of the holographic technology, Zheng Jia's materials also appeared in front of everyone in the conference room at the same time.

However, when Director Ma saw the first piece of information, his original soothing expression suddenly became rigid. He rubbed his eyes and looked closely, and his mouth twitched.

He wanted to say something, but he glanced at his silent colleagues, and wisely swallowed what he wanted to say.

Besides, this matter is not under the management of his department. He was able to participate in this meeting because of his current position.

With this in mind, he sat quietly, waiting for the person who really made the decision to speak.

Zhao Jun was also watching, but the look on his face remained the same from beginning to end. After looking at it roughly, he focused on other people.

And the same is true of others. If Zhao Jun gives a high-level order, they will definitely ‘fill righteous indignation’ and say, how can state property be given to private enterprises!

But now, the situation is quite the opposite. The above clearly states that it is necessary to support the technology crystallization company. If they jump out at this time, they will not face it?

The people present can go where they are today, and every head is dumb, knowing what they should and shouldn't control, what can be reached and what can't be!

These things are clear to them!

The atmosphere in the conference room was especially quiet. When Zhao Jun saw this, he also understood the attitude of these people, but he still needed to ask about it, otherwise there would be contradictions, which would be an excuse for his arbitrary behavior!

"Everyone, do you have any different opinions?" Zhao Jun asked lightly.

"No." The leader of the municipal party committee made the first statement, and it was very fast, with little thought.

When others saw this, they nodded one after another: "Mayor Zhao, we don't have any opinions. I will follow the method of the technology crystallization company."

"Really? You can think clearly, if this is agreed, we will transfer all the funds to the books of the technology crystallization company!" Zhao Bureau deliberately increased his tone.

"of course not!"

"No problem, I believe in the credibility of the technology crystallization company!"

Seeing that everyone agreed, Zhao Jun smiled suddenly: "The matter is so settled. I will now pass the attitude of our Anhe city government to other cities and let them cooperate with us."

Zhao Jun started quickly, and in the first time after speaking, he passed all the data through the quantum network to other cities in China.

After seeing the decision of Anhe City, the senior officials of other cities have different attitudes, but Anhe City is the leader of this operation. Although the senior officials of other cities have opinions, they also have to cooperate with the Anhe City Government. the behavior of.

With the popularity of quantum networks and the holographic technology covering the whole country today, the delivery of information is faster and more accurate than before.

The responses from various cities were 66 consecutive within half-sloping with results, and no city was opposed.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Jun was both happy and somewhat complicated in his heart.

I'm glad that the result of this unification can also make the technology crystal work with peace of mind. As long as the rewards are in place, the soldiers will naturally have no other opinions.

The complication is that at this time, his current technology crystallization company has a huge gap with ordinary companies, and it seems to be out of control a little bit.

Zhao Jun is not clear whether such a situation is high-level and what countermeasures will be taken. But what he can do now is to cooperate with the technology crystallization company to complete this task.

Zhao Jun took a deep breath and didn't think much about it. He solemnly said to everyone in the conference room: "Well, this meeting is here. I'll reply to Zhou. Don't forget the dinner party.

He then got up and left the meeting room.

On the other side, Zheng Jia was surprised when she received a reply from Zhao Jun. She felt surprised that the government would actually hand over the funds to herself this time!

They are all ready for the second plan!

"It's an honor to make Zhou so surprised." Zhao Jun laughed lightly as he looked at the surprise on Zheng Jia's delicate face.

"I was really surprised. I didn't expect the government to trust us so much. We had prepared a second plan at the beginning." Zheng Jia laughed and joked.

When Zhao Jun heard that there was a second solution, he did not react. After all, the technology crystallization company was a large company.

A successful company, no matter what it does, will consider all aspects and will not chase a set of solutions to the end.

He didn't ask much, just said with a smile: "Our government still believes in the credibility of your company, so I hope Zhou don't forget about the party at night."

"Relax, we will be there." Zheng Jia nodded with a smile, and then ended the call.

When she hung up the phone, Guo Xiaolian shook her fist, "Haha, this is really an unexpected joy. I thought I would use the second solution, but in this case, the web It needs to be changed again. "

"This kind of thing just needs to be handed over to zero, and it is the best." Zheng Jia looked at Guo Xiaolian's stance like a baby, couldn't help but reminded, "Xiao Lian, you are also a mother , Be more stable! "

"Okay!" Guo Xiaolian heard the words, immediately put away her movements, and spit out her tongue: "Then I'll leave first, don't forget the party at night!"

"By the way, what time is the banquet?" Guo Xiaolian just turned around and suddenly thought that she didn't know what time the banquet was.

"At eight o'clock in the evening, we'll be there together," Zheng Jia said.

"Okay!" Zheng Jia said so, Guo Xiaolian naturally would not oppose, she left happily, ready to report good news to Cheng Yuan.

To be honest, after listening to Guo Xiaolian's narration, Cheng Yuan couldn't believe it, "Zhao Jun promised to be fake, and his colleagues have no objections?"

"I don't know about this, anyway, the answer given to us is that we can handle it to us!" Guo Xiaolian answered straightforwardly ~ ~ Cheng Yuan shrugged: "I hope it is agreed now, don't do it until then Just give us a trip. "

"Who knows, let's talk about the later things. Now that the communication is so high, the monitoring intensity is also strong. I don't know how much. The probability of such things will be greatly reduced." The smile on Guo Xiaolian's face also converged a lot. Because the situation that Cheng Yuan said is very likely to occur, she can only comfort herself with words.

Seeing Guo Xiaolian's anxiety because of her own words, Cheng Yuan felt a little unhappy for a while, did she feel that she was picky in her bones?

He was just about to speak and comfort Guo Xiaolian, but he hadn't waited for him to speak yet. Guo Xiaolian suddenly said, "Cheng Yuan, the banquet at eight o'clock in the evening, Sister Zheng said to come with us, would you say OK?"

"Zheng Jia?" Cheng Yuan stunned: "Don't Zhao Jun just let us both go?"

Guo Xiaolian rolled her eyes: "Please, sister Zheng, as the company's president, how could she not invite in her capacity, but she didn't tell you!"

"Oh!" Cheng Yuan looked exactly like this, nodded his head clearly, and then asked, "Is there anyone with an identity on the list at this banquet?"

"This" Guo Xiaolian was immediately asked, she thought about it, and suddenly smiled slyly, and said, "Zero, can you see the list of this party?"

"It's very simple!" Appeared suddenly beside Guo Xiaolian with a relaxed smile on his face.

After that, a list appeared in front of Guo Xiaolian.

Guo Xiaolian smiled and pushed the list to Cheng Yuan: "Well, this is what you want!"

Cheng Yuan grinned, and then looked at the invitation list for the banquet. The list was not long. He looked at it very quickly and finished it in a few seconds.

On the list, he saw several familiar names.

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