Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 802:


After seeing space teleportation, Guo Xiaolian and Zheng Jia also looked strangely to Cheng Yuan. The only thought in their hearts at this time is, can this thing really be manufactured by humans?

There are indeed a lot of simple space theories, but those things are basically thoughts with big brains. What is uncomfortable is flashy.

The theory is another one, but what is really usable is almost no! It's all pure imagination.

"Cheng Yuan, what is the transmission distance of this portal, and how stable is it?" Zheng Jia put away a slightly shocked look and asked after calming down his mind.

"In theory, the portal in front of us, even if placed on both ends of the earth, they can teleport instantly, but it has not been practiced yet." Cheng Yuan laughed and continued: "There is nothing to say in stability. The problem, after weeks of experiments, it made no mistakes at all. "

Speaking of which, Cheng Yuan paused and looked a little more serious. "But just transmitting inside the earth is not why I invented it. You also know that we are flying very fast now and want to go to other areas Just take a transport boat. "

Guo Xiaolian and Zheng Jia nodded at the same time. Although the smart machine crisis has passed, it has also greatly affected human life.

Because a large number of high-tech products have been exposed, this has also caused many high-tech products to be converted to civilian use after partial reductions and rectifications.

High-tech products such as transport spacecraft have gradually been put into civilian use. Nowadays, when you travel far away, you can't basically take a plane, but a transport spaceship!

Of course, this phenomenon is not a voluntary decision of Huaxia executives. After all, the technology included in the transport spacecraft is very advanced. According to normal circumstances, Huaxia executives will never come up with this technology.

However, although Huaxia executives were unwilling, they also had to come up with various types of suspension cars developed by the technology crystallization company.

Nothing else, because nowadays the application of anti-gravity technology is becoming more and more common, and high-rises have to come up with more efficient and safer means of transportation to meet the needs of the people.

The old internal combustion engine has gradually been replaced by more efficient, safe and clean energy. This is a process of social progress and technological progress, and an irreversible process.

Therefore, after discussions among high-level officials, the transport spacecraft gradually replaced the original aircraft.

"Then where are you going to apply it?" Since it wasn't used on the earth, Zheng Jia and Guo Xiaolian were puzzled.

Cheng Yuan grinned, showing his kind front teeth. "What do you think of the transmission between Mars and Earth !?"

After Cheng Yuan said this sentence, Guo Xiaolian and Zheng Jia stunned.

"Mars and Earth? Are you right?" Zheng Jia and Guo Xiaolian looked at each other, exclaimed at the same time. Although they both faintly heard Cheng Yuan mentioned plans related to Mars.

But this plan is very secretive. Cheng Yuan never said much, and they never asked in detail, so they were completely unclear about the situation on Mars.

But now Cheng Yuan directly said that he would use this portal between Mars and Earth, which was naturally enough to surprise them.

"Is this dangerous? This interplanetary and interregional teleportation should be completely different, right?" Although I don't know what the portal technology is, I can think of it if I think about it. After Zheng Jia was surprised, she looked at Cheng Yuan cautiously, her face worried.

Cheng Yuan smiled very easily and explained: "Don't worry, the portal's teleportation is absolutely okay. The only problem that hinders me is how much energy do I need to get the two portals between the two planets Make connections! "

Cheng Yuan said with four fingers: "This is 400 million kilometers away!"

Although 400 million kilometers refers to the farthest distance between Earth and Mars, Cheng Yuan must calculate according to this data, because he cannot calculate according to the shortest distance. After all, Earth and Mars are orbiting the sun.

The distance also changes in real time. To ensure the absolute stability of the portals, he can only keep them at the safest distance!

So if 400 million kilometers are small, the real distance threshold should be between 420 million kilometers and 500 million kilometers!

This is perfect!

Guo Xiaolian frowned at this time. She pursed her lips and said, "No wonder you just said that you want to build a portal with a diameter of 3 kilometers. A portal that is too small cannot be transmitted between Mars and Earth?"

Cheng Yuan opened his mouth and wanted to explain it carefully, but he suddenly thought that even after explaining 80% of Guo Xiaolian and Zheng Jia, he would not understand.

It's just as good as they think.

He nodded and confirmed: "It's almost the same, but the three-kilometer diameter is our estimated size, so we will build several different-sized portals for verification before building a three-kilometer portal."

Cheng Yuan said that Zheng Jia and Guo Xiaolian could understand why Cheng Yuan called them over, if they came according to Cheng Yuan's thought.

These portals alone can't hide anyone. After all, this is a big project. In addition, the technology crystallization company itself is a world-renowned presence. Some actions will attract the attention of the media.

Those reporters will surely be around like a shark that smells bloody.

Having figured this out, Zheng Jia did not make nonsense. She did not reject Cheng Yuan's plan at all, but looked forward to it! Even if Cheng Yuan didn't say anything about Mars.

But since Cheng Yuan did this, it shows that he has the ability to lay out on Mars! This alone can give her endless motivation!

According to the laws of the earth and the universe, as long as it can be successfully planted on an alien planet, even if it is a hundred square meters, according to the law, the ownership of this land is yours!

You are the owner of that land!

Zheng Jia knew this law, because Cheng Yuan and she had mentioned topics related to Mars at the beginning, so she also searched for it personally.

But Cheng Yuan doesn't know!

In his understanding, it seems that there are not many laws on the earth that are specific to the universe, and they are not even the same. These laws are basically laws at the national level.

Because up to now, no civil aerospace organization can independently develop an aircraft to explore and land on an alien planet!

If he knew that there was such a law, wouldn't it mean that the entire Mars belonged to him personally? Cheng Yuan can definitely become a veritable ball length!

Because he transformed the entire Mars, sprinkled his vegetation on the entire Mars!

"Then what should I do next?" Zheng Jiadan entered the working state, showing that she was violently popular.

Cheng Yuan said without hesitation: "To buy land, I need a large enough area to build the portal. I have already selected the location, how about in Donghai?"

Although Cheng Yuan wanted to place the space portal in Anhe City, the current conditions in Anhe City did not allow him to do so.

The whole city is expanding externally, and Anhe City cannot afford more land to Cheng Yuan. As for his cosmic port Nanhai, this is the place he thought about.

But the main thing there is to build spaceships, and it's not a good idea to put space and space ports together.

After much thought, Cheng Yuan finally put the construction of the space portal in Donghai City.

Without him, Donghai City had just gone through the war. Now it can be said that it is sparsely populated and urgently needs some development resources. If he intends to buy land for development there, he believes that the leaders of Donghai City will definitely welcome with both hands.

In addition, after the war is also a period of time when the land is greatly devalued, he will not waste much money.

As for the last point, which Cheng Yuan has to admit, it is that the geographical location of Donghai City is indeed not comparable to that of Anhe City.

Water and land surrounding cities are always more developed than simple inland cities! Even if Anhe City is the most technologically advanced city in the world, it cannot surpass Wuhan, a central city with convenient land and water transportation, in terms of population base.

"Donghai City?" Zheng Jia raised an eyebrow. If the space portal is placed in Donghai City, does it mean that Cheng Yuan or she or Guo Xiaolian is going to live in Donghai City?

After all, such an important project must be supervised and supervised, and at the same time, someone needs to be in constant contact with the senior management of Donghai City.

Although the company's intelligent robots can do the former, the latter can't.

Mr. Zheng Jia's thoughtful appearance made Cheng Yuan helpless. He said, "Sister Zheng, aren't you thinking who is going to Donghai?"

Zheng Jia froze and then said, "Yeah, after all, this kind of thing may not be very good if it is simply given to an intelligent robot."

"No one in the company?" Cheng Yuan asked curiously.

Zheng Jia quickly shook her head, "How is that possible, but you can rest assured that such an important matter?" This is the focus of her worry.

Just like many companies' assets are always handed over to those who the boss trusts, either relatives or professional external accountants who specialize in checking accounts.

However, this did not work for Cheng Yuan. He smiled, and it didn't matter: "The person sent is only responsible for communicating with the senior management of Donghai City, and the rest is not a concern at all. There are no accidents. "

Cheng Yuan smiled confidently, and Zero also cooperated to stand forward, assuring: "Zong, rest assured, there will be no accidents when I am."

Cheng Yuan and Ling sang this way ~ ~ Zheng Jia also knew that her worry was unnecessary, she shrugged and said, "Since this is the case, then I will contact the leaders of Donghai City and see Look at the land you can win, what is your favorite? "

Cheng Yuan waved his hand to open the holographic map, and then reached out to the triangle area of ​​Donghai City.

Seeing what Cheng Yuan was referring to, Zheng Jia expressed his understanding and continued to ask: "Then what materials are needed and how much are needed, give me a list. This aspect should be arranged as soon as possible."

"I will let you get the list zero. At that time, you and Xiaolian will try to acquire it. If it is not enough, don't worry. Tell me how much is missing and I will fix it." Cheng Yuan said with a blink of his eyes.

Regarding such a big action as a space portal, he never thought about concealing this high-level Chinese executive. The other party would surely know this.

In addition, he also promised some high-level distribution of benefits on Mars. Compared to the other side, he was very anxious, but he did not deliberately urge. . () "Gate of Science and Technology" only represents the point of view of the author's rushing black ants. If the content is found to be inconsistent with national laws, please delete it. The position is only to provide a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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