Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 803:

Li Kangbing suddenly held the phone in his hand, listening to the blind tone on the phone, he was a little doubtful that he was dreaming! ?

The president of the technology crystal company even called him and said that the company would invest in their Donghai city!

As for the technology crystal company, he is not familiar with it anymore. As the mayor of Donghai City, he used to dream about when the technology crystal company would come to their development in Donghai City.

After all, Donghai City is the most developed coastal international metropolis in China, and various conditions are among the best in the country. With this geographical advantage, he believes that as long as the technology crystallization company wants to develop vigorously and rapidly, Donghai City must be one of them. A choice!

Unfortunately, the technology crystallization company has been developing steadily in Anhe City. The only external action was in Nanhai City.

This disappointed him. After confirming that the technology crystallization company will not develop in foreign markets in the near future, he has not paid much attention to this aspect.

With the invasion of intelligent machinery, Donghai City was destroyed, although urban restoration work has begun.

But the situation in Donghai City is still not optimistic. After all, not everyone is willing to stay in the post-war city. Because war not only brings destruction, but also chaos.

Never make people's minds too good, nor can they make them too bad. Due to the war, the law and order in Donghai City in the recent period is quite bad.

Because a large amount of intelligent surveillance was destroyed in the previous invasion of intelligent machinery, many criminals took the opportunity to take action. Even if all the police stations in Donghai City were operating, in the face of the large Donghai City, only relying on regional public security, in There are serious deficiencies in the police force.

Without the cooperation of intelligent monitoring, this greatly increases the difficulty of police protection of law and order. This is not what Li Kangbing wants to see.

But things like intelligent monitoring can only be installed one by one when the city construction is normal. As a result, monitoring was installed in only a few areas of the entire Donghai city.

The areas where surveillance is installed are also the areas with the best law and order environment.

For this matter, Li Kangbing sorrowed his hair at the meeting, and now a call from the technology crystallization company immediately gave him hope.

If the technology crystal company settles in Donghai City, it will be a great news for Donghai City. Not to mention the name of the technology crystallization company itself.

Li Kangbing did not believe that Cheng Yuan could tolerate that his company would be in a dangerous and chaotic city. If Cheng Yuan's company were to settle in Donghai City.

The first thing is definitely to cooperate with the government to improve the public security environment of Donghai City, and the premise of improving the public security environment must be to contribute to the reconstruction of Donghai City.

Li Kangbing believes that with the cooperation of the technology crystallization company, his work difficulty will be greatly reduced, and the presence of the technology crystallization company can also make the people's hearts in the region much more stable.

After all, the company is definitely in urgent need of jobs, these are all proper jobs! As long as there is work, it can solve a large number of possible hidden dangers.

Moreover, the name of the technology crystallization company is also very easy to use, which can attract a large number of people to Donghai City.

Thinking of the benefits that the technology crystallization company can bring to Donghai City, Li Kangbing quickly ordered the assistant: "Notify everyone, meet immediately, urgent meeting!"


Cheng Yuan didn't know that a decision of his own would make Donghai's high-level teachers move, and he looked at the video window in surprise at this moment.

"John, why are you free to call me, and the US business is over?" Cheng Yuan smiled, and took a sip of water, leaning on Erlang with his legs on the sofa.

But Rockefeller Jr. didn't have a smile on his face, with a rare dignity. "Cheng Yuan, you have to be vigilant lately. Some people who are restless seem to do something."

"Oh?" Cheng Yuan put a smile away, straightened his body, and calmly said, "What happened, what happened in the United States?"

Rockefeller Jr. nodded, and Shen said, "You and the Chinese government have been persecuted too tightly, making those people very disturbed. My people find that their recent actions are a bit weird, but I can't find out the specific circumstances."

For Cheng Yuan, Rockefeller Jr. has always been very optimistic. He was always proud of his decision to go to China in search of Cheng Yuan's cooperation.

In fact, after years of changes, he also proved the correctness of his decision.

Even now that he intends to resume development in the United States, he is still on Cheng Yuan's side. As soon as he discovered the strange behavior of the so-called leaders in the United States, he immediately sent someone to monitor.

It's just that those people are very cautious, and his people can't find out how much. The only thing that can be sure is what these people must be doing secretly ~ ~ Then he thought of Cheng Yuan as soon as possible, if it was Cheng Yuan's words must be much stronger than him, and maybe he could find something.

Cheng Yuan frowned slightly, and Rockefeller Jr.'s serious look made him realize that this matter might not be so simple.

But when Rockefeller Jr. said so, he wasn't sure what the people were doing. This matter still needs to be investigated in detail.


"Here, sir, what do you command?" Zero walked over and said.

"You have heard what Rockefeller Jr. said just now. After investigating the gang, there are only two or three big cats and kittens left, so uneasy!" Cheng Yuan said blankly.

For this group of people, Cheng Yuan has never had a good opinion. He does not want to criticize what the Huaxia government does, but this group of people really don't know what it means to be gracious.

Although I look down on these people in my heart, he still needs to pay attention.

Zero seriously said, "I see. We have satellites in the United States and can investigate the relevant information at any time."

In the next few days, in addition to paying attention to the situation in the East China Sea and the Centaur galaxy, Cheng Yuan also paid special attention to the United States.

Through satellite exploration, Cheng Yuan found that the group did not know how to open the road to Washington, which surprised him.

The original reconstruction site arranged by Huaxia was not in Washington, but in New York!

"How did they get there?" Cheng Yuan was very curious. It stands to reason that these people don't have anything like smart robot bodyguards on their hands.

It's not too close from New York to Washington. How did they avoid the dangers that might arise along the way?

Although he was extremely curious, Cheng Yuan didn't take immediate action. He wanted to see what these people wanted to do?

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