Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 839:

"Even if I don't need to prepare too much for the development of materials, I will send someone to Donghai City for a while." Lao Liu groaned for a while and said, "I received the news before. There are still a few young people in Donghai City The guy is not very honest, let's send someone to supervise it. "

Although Lao Liu did not wait to see Cheng Yuan and his technology crystallization company before, it was also considered at the national level. He personally admires Cheng Yuan's wisdom.

But this time, whatever he said, he would be on the side of the technology crystallization company. After all, the space portal involves the development of another planet.

For such an important thing, he could not bear the attention of someone hitting the portal when he couldn't rub the sand in his eyes!

Even if the other party is only for the surrounding land!

But this incident happened because the surrounding land was involved in the construction of the space portal site. How did this keep him from getting angry? And Li Kangbing, the leader of Donghai City, has not done anything in this matter, which makes him even more angry.

Even if he knows that Li Kangbing is the leader of Donghai City, he can't turn it into a eloquence, but he doesn't know it!

So he felt the need to send someone to take charge of the matter in the past.

However, as soon as he said this proposal, he was immediately opposed by others: "Lao Liu, although you have a good idea, we must not take the liberty of letting people pass, otherwise people from the technology crystallization company and the Donghai city government will What do you think? "

Lao Liu's eyes narrowed suddenly: "Our people just go over and watch for the situation before it happens again, and we will not point at them. What can they think?"

The opponents did not expect Lao Liu's response to be so great. He smiled bitterly and explained: "Lao Liu, the thing is not how you think, but how they think. Although you think so, the other person may not think so. .

想 If you think about it, the people who came out of the capital went to Donghai City and said they were supervising the project. What do you think they think? Even if you say clearly in advance that you are only worried about an accident, the real situation is not the same as you think. "

Lao Liu was silent, and he knew this, too. There were more people holding chicken feathers as arrows, and he couldn't guarantee what the people who sent him would do.

The meeting room was quiet again for a while, and after a while, Hua Lao gave a cough and diverted everyone's attention.

"Everyone, although there was a small problem in Donghai City some time ago, haven't they all been solved now?" Hua Lao glanced at everyone and said, "The situation of the space portal is three reports a day, everything is progressing. It's all going well, and at this time we should stabilize. "

After a moment's pause, a smile bloomed on Hua Hua's old face: "I also know that you are anxious, but not only you, but I am as anxious as you!"

When he said that, everyone would smile.

It is true that everyone in the seat was in a hurry. When Cheng Yuan first proposed to develop Mars, they had kept this thing in mind.

Only after Cheng Yuan mentioned a word, there was no movement, and they could only worry in their hearts. But also did not deliberately urge Cheng Yuan.

But after Cheng Yuan determined to build the portal in Donghai City, the eagerness in their hearts burst out again, and it was much stronger than before!

The laughter of the crowd also slightly eased the atmosphere of the conference room. Hua Lao continued to say, "Of course, Lao Liu's proposal is also good, and we need to arrange a person to pass by."

As soon as he said this, everyone was slightly surprised. Lao Liu's proposal was rejected before. What does Hua Lao still propose now?

他 Does he also think it necessary to send someone over? Isn't this contradicting what he said before!

Facing the eyes of everyone searching, Hua Lao explained with a smile: "Can we send the past only to be supervised? We can first find a technology crystallization company to understand the situation. After all, developing a planet is not a trivial matter, we need more details News, make full preparations for the first step of pioneering! "

Saying this, Mr. Hua Hua said that although everyone thought it was reasonable, they were still uneasy. Lao Liu couldn't help asking: "Then you don't worry about the disagreement of the technology crystallization company?"

"Hehe." Hua Lao smiled a little, didn't say much.

I saw him look like a bamboo in his chest. Lao Liu frowned first, and then he was surprised, and there was a touch of clearness in his eyes.

"I almost forgot that your relationship with Cheng Yuan is extraordinary. The kid you asked for will definitely not refuse." Then he thought, unlike him, Hua Lao has always maintained a good relationship with Cheng Yuan. relationship.

Especially Hua Lao, who was the Z-type robot project, went to watch it in person.

自然 The relationship between the two of them is naturally not ordinary. Thinking of this, everyone will acquiesce to Hua Lao's decision.

Uh ...

In Donghai City, Zheng Jia looked at the giant thing standing in front of her, and watched the intelligent robot evacuate while orderly cleaning up the debris on the construction site. It was inevitable that there was some uneasiness in her heart.

The space portal is built. What next?

怎样 What kind of change will this portal that opens the passage between the planet Mars bring to this world, and how will it affect the whole society?

At this moment Zheng Jia's thoughts were flying.

"Mr. Zheng, your phone." As she wondered in her mind, assistant Qin Qin ran over, holding a constant ringing phone in her hand.

"Are you going to answer? It's a strange phone call." Qin Qin was a little confused. The phone in her hand was Zheng Zheng's personal phone, and few people knew about it.

All I know are people I know, but now the smart assistant of the mobile phone tells her that this is a strange phone, which makes her wonder what to do for a while ~ ~ can only take Zheng to find Zheng Jia .

Zheng Jia heard her brow and raised her eyebrows. Then she signaled, "Come on and see who it is."

After Zheng Jia's voice dropped, the phone was connected, a holographic window popped up, and the face of a strange middle-aged man appeared inside.

"Excuse me, are you?" Qin Qin glanced at Zheng Jia who did not intend to answer the phone, and immediately understood the meaning of her boss. She straightened her face and looked at the middle-aged man on the screen seriously.

When the middle-aged man saw Qin Qin's young face, he stunned and hesitated, "Excuse me, is this Zheng's phone call?"

Qin Qin blinked and nodded: "Yes, are you?"

After being confirmed by Qin Qin, the middle-aged man was obviously relieved and said, "Yes, I'm Ruan Zhongming of the China Logistics Management Department. This time contacting Zheng is always related to the space portal. If possible, please put Can you transfer the call to President Zheng? "

Ruan Zhongming's tone was very polite. After getting Hua Lao's instructions before, he also strained his nerves.

As the head of the China Logistics Department, Ruan Zhongming was naturally one of the first people to learn about the space portal and Mars messages.

之前 In the past, the preparation of materials was handled by himself, so this time he was also assigned by Hua Lao and others to be in charge of contacting the technology crystallization company to discuss some things about exploring Mars.

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