Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 840:

Ruan Zhongming was so polite, Qin Qin turned his attention to Zheng Jia, who had no special expression on her face, and sought her meaning.

"We have just finished here, and the people above are here to get in touch, but it is really timely." Zheng Jia glanced at Qin Qin, and then brought the phone in her hand.

As she moves, the floating window displayed also moves.

"Hello, Minister Ruan, this is Zheng Jia." Zheng Jia faced Ruan Zhongming emotionally without any slight fluctuations, a faint smile on his face, not warm but not cold.

"Hello, hello, bother Zheng." Ruan Zhongming did not mind Zheng Jia's attitude at all. In his opinion, the technology crystallization company has already skyrocketed.

And as the Mars program unfolds, this company will become even larger and more frightening with this project. Zheng Jia is the president of the technology crystallization company, one of Cheng Yuan's most trusted people. The technology crystallization company is the only woman who owns shares except Cheng Yuan.

Her attitude is the most normal!

He never expected Zheng Jia to take a warm attitude immediately after seeing him.

"I don't know what happened to Minister Ruan about me?" Zheng Jia asked politely, and she actually guessed the purpose of Ruan Zhongming's calling.

But sometimes the dialogue between people requires skill, and some things do not require you to take the initiative to speak, and the other party will naturally take the initiative to bring it up with you if you have any requirements.

"That's it. We got news that we heard that the space portal has been completed. The space portal attaches great importance to it and cares about the Mars project."

Ruan Zhongming said nothing at the moment. He didn't want to conceal anything. He didn't want to conceal anything. He expressed it very directly and looked at Zheng Jia seriously. He said, "General Zheng, my main purpose this time is to talk to you. Part of the exchange of information on the Mars Expedition. "

Zheng Jia raised his eyebrows, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly, saying with a hint: "The news of Minister Ruan is really well informed. The construction of the space portal has just ended today."

Ruan Zhongming can come to where he is now, where else can't you hear the meaning of Zheng Jia's words, he doesn't want to be misunderstood by Zheng Jia, and quickly explained: "General Zheng joked, your company's project is so big, we naturally Pay special attention. After all, the place that powers the space portal is also very interesting. "

Ruan Zhongming's explanation made Zheng Jia a little bit relieved. It would be a problem if the project of such a large space portal did not pay attention to it. Besides, the space portals are also powered by several huge nuclear fusion reactors, and the danger of this thing naturally goes without saying.

However, the only thing that made Zheng Jia dissatisfied was that since these people have been paying attention to the situation of the space portal, what happened here at the beginning, why didn't they see someone come forward to solve it?

This clearly shows that people at a certain level have moved their minds, and if they don't help, they just want to see if they have a chance to take a bite here!

But for such a thing, even if Zheng Jia knows the concubine inside, she can't change anything. After all, it's not a system.

All she can do is do her own thing!

Thinking of this, Zheng Jia's eyes moved slightly, and his expression became serious: "Mr. Ruan, you just proposed that the two parties exchange information on the Mars development project. I may not be able to do it."

As soon as Zheng Jia said this, Ruan Zhongming stayed for a while, and the next moment he was anxious.

"General Zheng ..."

Before waiting for Ruan Zhongming to speak, Zheng Jia interrupted his own words: "Secretary Ruan, don't worry, I don't agree for a reason."

"What's the reason?" Ruan Zhongming looked at Zheng Jia anxiously.

Zheng Jia smiled with regret, but said helplessly: "Although I also want to have an information sharing exchange in this area, our company has not yet established a Mars development plan department."

The answer given by Zheng Jia directly made Ruan Zhongming bewildered, and his eyes showed a meaning of 'you're kidding me'. He couldn't believe that Mars pioneered such an important thing, and the technology crystallization company from beginning to end He didn't even do the project establishment!

Thinking of this, Ruan Zhongming couldn't help crying: "Mr. Zheng, does your company really have no project?"

Zheng Jia shrugged his shoulders: "It is true that no project has been established. In fact, before the construction of the space portal began, there was no news in the company. You may not know the habits of our chairman.

"Cheng Yuan?"

Ruan Zhongming felt shocked at the moment. To be honest, he had never seen a company that did such a thing.

As long as the company is a little more mature, it is not necessary to conduct a very sufficient research and preparation before doing anything. If it is unsuccessful, it will be a simple information summary, right?

But Zheng Jia mentioned Cheng Yuan at this time. He thought about it seriously. He really didn't know about Cheng Yuan. In addition to knowing that he was a personal talent, he valued him very much.

Beyond these two points, the only thing he knew was that Cheng Yuan was rich and could not move!

But to tell Cheng Yuan's character, to be honest, he didn't understand it at all!

"General Zheng, can you tell me more about it?" Ruan Zhongming didn't dare to guess anything by himself. He could only ask Zheng Jia to see what the president of the technology crystallization company would say.

Zheng Jia smiled and said, "Mr. Ruan, in fact, there is nothing to say. The task assigned by our chairman is to build a space portal, and this matter has not been officially announced in the company."

"In essence, although the company's senior management knows this, they don't know the specific role of this space portal."

Speaking of this, Zheng Jialue hesitated a bit. She suddenly thought that Cheng Yuan took Guo Xiaolian to Mars. Since Cheng Yuan did so, he must have a certain infrastructure on Mars.

Otherwise, wouldn't Cheng Yuan and Guo Xiaolian eat pure green plants on Mars?

Thinking of this, she was sure that Cheng Yuan had already set up her own logistics base on Mars when she was preparing to cross the river like a stone in the Chinese official.

However, she was not suitable to tell Ruan Zhongming, after all, it was better for Cheng Yuan himself.

"That is to say, so far, the whole plan is the result of Chairman Cheng's one sentence?" Ruan Zhongming pulled out a bit, he was unbelievable.

Such an important thing turned out to be the result of one person, one sentence!

This, this is just kidding!

He just wanted to ask, hasn't the management board of the technology crystallization company expressed any opinions? But as soon as this question went around in his head, before he had time to speak, he realized a problem he had never paid attention to before.

Although the technology crystallization company is the world's largest technology company, the overall structure of this company is completely different from the usual global well-known international companies.

For other international companies, which is not a diversified shareholding. The entire board has personnel from various industries. These people not only control the shares, but also give the company a huge network of people.

This is why there are always people from different investment banks in large international companies. They are not that they have no money to buy back their company's shares, but there are still many things they need.

However, the technology crystallization company is different. Without a board of directors, power is concentrated in the hands of individuals, which belongs to Cheng Yuan.

His will is the will of the company!

There are advantages and disadvantages to such a company. Needless to say, the benefits are natural. There is no objection. Cheng Yuan's personal orders can be effectively implemented in the company, and no one will block them.

The disadvantage is that once Cheng Yuan is faint, making the wrong choice ~ ~ will cause fatal harm to the entire company! And no one would remind him of this wrong decision.

Although, so far, Ruan Zhongming has not seen anything wrong with the technology crystallization company.

"So, this ..." Ruan Zhongming looked at Zheng Jia with complex eyes, and didn't know what to say for a moment. In his opinion, the task explained above has already been lost in half.

Zheng Jia shook his head with regret: "At present, I have no good ideas. When our chairman has time, let's talk about it."

"When will Cheng Dong be free then?" Said Zheng Jia, and Ruan Zhongming hurriedly asked.

"I'm not quite sure, it may take two or three days, or maybe one or two weeks, and I will inform you when the chairman is free." Zheng Jia said.

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