Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 877:

"What's the problem?" As soon as he heard the sound of zero, Cheng Yuan's nerves tightened. He was responsible for the experiment of super-light particles. There was a problem there, and Cheng Yuan immediately thought whether the super-light particles were wrong.

Cheng Cheng immediately took the spacecraft to the laboratory address on the western continent.

"What's going on." Cheng Yuan couldn't wait to get down from the spacecraft.

Zero did not speak, but led Cheng Yuan into the observation room, then opened a screen to release the situation in the tunnel.

In the screen, the golden superlight particles are still running frantically. It is clear from time to time that a piece of granular black matter will appear from time to time on the orbit of the superlight particles.

"What is this?" Cheng Yuan's expression suddenly became serious.

These black substances have never appeared before.

At this time, zero also looked dignified and uncertain: "It's not clear yet, but I analyzed it through the detection system on the inner wall. These black particles have never been seen before, but I check the data of the centaur civilization , I feel that these black particles are very similar to the transition linear particles, but different. "

Looking at the black particles appearing from time to time with super-light particles in the tunnel, Cheng Yuan thought and asked: "What's different?"

"Dark matter is invisible to the naked eye, but we can see this very clearly." Cheng Yuan gave a strange look, with a strange tone.

He was looked at by the odd look of petty, and Cheng Yuan immediately realized that he seemed to be shame even if he was unresponsive.

"Ah!" He coughed a little, and Cheng Yuan asked again, "Where are they the same?"

Zero glanced at Cheng Yuan at random, and replied: "The entire accelerator tunnel is full of electromagnetic waves and gravitational fields. It stands to reason that no other matter will appear, but it does appear, indicating that it can easily penetrate the coverage of electromagnetic waves and gravitational fields.

What's more, it can interfere with the operation of the gravitational field. I found that the orbit of the super-light particles has been deflected by 0.03%. If this continues, the super-light particles will hit the inner wall of the tunnel, and once it exits the tunnel ... "said At this point, zero desire to stop talking.

Cheng Chengyuan glanced calmly and continued what he did not say: "Once the super-light particle breaks through the tunnel, there will only be two results at the moment when it interacts with the air.

One is burned out instantly, the other will produce a very strong air explosion. I am not sure about the power, but it will certainly not be small. "

"Yes." Looking helplessly at the super-light particles still running in the tunnel, anxious emotions appeared in his eyes.

Tachyon particles are a very good research material. It is rare that this experiment did not have the last accident. If he was allowed to start another Tachyon particle experiment, he could not guarantee what would happen.

Uncertainty is too great after all!

So far, they have only judged 50% of the stability of super-light particles.

Although this judgment is based on only two experimental results, it is this uncertainty that makes people more worried! Because no one knows whether the next superlight particle experiment will happen for the first time?

What if the space tunnel that got through was something more terrifying than the crimson monster the first time?

Seeing the anxious emotion that Zero showed, Cheng Yuan thought about it, and probably understood the problem that Zero was worried about. He thought about it and said, "Zero, don't worry, this is just your guess.

Do you think that this kind of black particle has the function of penetrating the force field, but have you ever thought that maybe it is inside the whole force field?

And when super-light particles act around them, some kind of reaction in them makes them appear to our naked eyes? Analysis of Cheng Yuan word by word, looking at Zero's eyes was very serious.

I heard Cheng Yuan say something completely different from him, and for a moment, he began to analyze the possibility of Cheng Yuan's view solemnly.

判断 If judged by the technology of the earth itself, Cheng Yuan's analysis is naturally possible. Such particles are too similar to dark matter, but after all, they have very little research in this area, so they dare not make any absolute judgments.

半 Although there are also researches on dark matter in the scientific and technological data of the centaurus civilization, they are not very compatible with the experiments they are doing now.

Because the space navigation technology used by the centaur galaxy civilization is not to fly beyond the speed of light, but to reach its destination faster by means of space transitions.

But after searching the data carefully, he found that in the scientific and technological data of Centaur civilization, the super-light experiment was rarely mentioned.

"Sir, I found that in the database of Centaur civilization, there are very few references to the speed of light experiments." Zero expression surprised, this unexpected discovery made him feel awkward for a while.

Cheng Chengyuan raised his eyebrows, the technical information of centaur civilization, naturally he would not look at it a little bit, this approach is not realistic. After all, he is a human, not a robot. How can he have so much energy to study the total amount of science and technology in a civilization.

Therefore, the technical data collected through the Titan Fortress is directly transferred to his own existence in the matrix for processing. Now Zero suddenly says that there is not much information on this aspect in the centaur civilization.

However, when thinking of the source of these materials, Cheng Yuan shrugged in disbelief and said, "It may be that there is no technical information in Titan Fortress. The big guy is a war fortress, and it does not need to fly at the speed of light with its volume."

Cheng Yuan's words are not unreasonable. Zero can only think like this without knowing a lot ~ ~ Looking up at the situation inside the particle tunnel, he sighs: "What should we do now? "

He heard zero inquiries, and Cheng Yuan smiled instead.

"Isn't it better to change the energy of the force field and correct the repair orbit? Moreover, these black particles may still be a breakthrough for us." Cheng Yuan looked slightly excited.

"Did you find anything?" Seeing Cheng Yuan not only didn't worry about the influence of black particles on the super-light particles, but he was very happy, which made Zero's heart wonder.

Cheng Chengyuan smiled and pointed at the black particles that kept appearing on the screen, and said, "As you said just now, it can affect the force field and change the direction of super-light particles.

So, if we can resolve this kind of black particle, will one day in the future, we have the day to fully grasp the speed of light? "

Wu Chengyuan reminded him suddenly that he suddenly realized that the look at the black particles was no longer uneasy but eager.

Although it's hot, but not very excited in his tone, he said calmly: "Sir, we need to understand the cause of this black substance and its own characteristics before that."

Zero seems calm, but the glowing gaze is staring at the moment when the super-light particles pass by, the black particles fluttering like ripples.

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