Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 878:

The control of the force field is naturally not a problem in Cheng Yuan's hands. It is easy to change the direction in which the super-light particles are deflected by the strength of the force field to return it to normal track.

After seeing the effect of this method, Zero Control Instruments immediately started to collect materials related to black particles.

黑色 These black particles are different from the super-light particles that have been running at the speed of light. Although the black particles have diffused and disappeared from the moment they appear, they are not fast.

I easily collected a lot, but then the question came.

Although it was easy to collect a lot, Cheng Yuan and Zero also looked at the black particles in the transparent container with excitement, but the key point was that these black particles contained in the container continued to disappear.

This makes the two helpless before thinking about the control method.

But Cheng Yuan and Zero didn't pay attention to this point, because for them, as long as the super light speed is still running, these black particles will continue to appear.

The amount of plutonium is still very large, and the black particles collected by the two did not even have one percent, so they have enough materials to study the experiment.

At the beginning, I guessed that these black particles may have been circulating dark matter. After all, the characteristics of dark matter are very one-sided for geophysical insights.

There is no in-depth understanding and relevant data, so after zero comparison based on the existing particle characteristics, it is believed that this speculation can also hold up.

The main thing is that according to the information he obtained in the Titan Fortress, there is also some information related to dark matter. The data show that the structure of dark matter is various. They are called dark matter because the general spectrum cannot show their existence.

Different dark matter has different structures and different characteristics. Some dark matter can strengthen the connection between particles. Some dark matter can be used as energy in various types and mechanical instruments.

There is also a part that can isolate the forces between celestial bodies, just like we can find from time to time in the universe that there are other substances near the black hole with the strongest gravity.

As for the other functions, there are countless other things. By understanding the centaur galaxy civilization, Zero and Cheng Yuan know that the use of dark matter is a necessary knowledge that must be mastered by an advanced universe civilization.

Because the universe is not only vast and immense, it also contains hidden dangers.

Using a good proportion of dark matter in the universe can provide them with a better and safer environment.

It's just that the information they got from the centaur civilization is not very comprehensive.

Perhaps the exploratory function still searching on the starry battlefield may bring them good news in the future.

Zero didn't conceal his own opinions and analysis. Listening to Zero's analysis, Cheng Yuan's eyes flashed with the light of wisdom. He stared intently at the black particles that diffused and disappeared, and a sudden flash of surprise in his mind idea.

"Zero, check the dark matter density in the tunnel with the dark matter observer of the centaur civilization!" Cheng Yuan shouted almost with a roar.

This surprised the tenths who were always beside him. He didn't know why Cheng Yuan was suddenly surprised.

However, seeing Cheng Yuan's slightly scared look, he didn't dare to neglect, since he was born, he had never seen the process show such an expression!

Even when foreign mercenaries first entered Huaxia and targeted him specifically, he was still very calm.

"OK, but the equipment is in Mars City, we need a little time to start up, and then directly observe the situation here." Although Zero did not know what happened to Cheng Yuan, but still acted as instructed.

Wu Chengyuan was a little bit confused at this time. He couldn't believe what he had suddenly thought. His heart was pounding at this moment, and a goosebump was stirred all over his body.

This is not a feeling of fear, but a unique emotion for the unknown secrets that are about to be seen.

Tachyon This is a very rare concept in existing physics cognition. Why is Tachyon as a concept because so far, Tachyon has not been formally verified or appeared in human eyes.

In the theory of relativity, a substance with mass is not allowed to move faster than the speed of light. If it reaches the speed of light, the mass will increase infinitely.

Although Cheng Yuan agrees with this view, he only agrees with half of them.

Plutonium can transcend the speed of light. When the speed of light is reached, the mass of matter does increase, but the mass of matter will increase, but it will not be infinite.

This can be seen from the changing shape of super-light particles during acceleration.

Moreover, at this time Cheng Yuan really saw the existence of super-light particles, and he was more convincing than the theory of relativity.

Cheng Yuan's idea is also related to the black particles that appear after the particles enter the speed of light.

Cheng Ling believes that these black particles are a kind of dark matter. Cheng Yuan does not deny this. He not only does not deny it, but also agrees with this view.

Not only that, he felt that he had a new understanding of the universe. As long as the detection results of the dark matter observer can verify his thoughts, he is sure that the so-called cosmic explosion theory will also become a hypothesis!

Uh ...

When Cheng Yuan and Zero were conducting deep experiments on Mars, it was extremely lively on Earth.

After Hua Lao disclosed the gene fortifier, Chinese citizens could not wait to buy their fortifier with their ID cards. Many people were affected by American heroic science fiction movies at that time.

队 The Captain America who became a hero through technological means is naturally easier to accept and generate thoughts.

As for Iron Man, that's Cheng Yuan's patent.

Everyone knows that Cheng Yuan has an even more advanced laboratory like that of the arms dealer in the movie, and Cheng Yuan also has his own steel suit.

But they will not pay too much attention ~ ~ Because Cheng Yuan will never show up wearing that steel armor to mess around.

Isn't the emergence of genetic enhancers very similar to that Captain America? Who doesn't want to be a strong man with a strong body and tons of hands?

Even if the effect is worse, it will have a great effect.

Moreover, the price of the gene fortifier sold by the state is not high, which is lower than the price of previous high-end smart phones, as long as 5,000 credit points!

The most important thing is that the gene fortifiers are not categorized into different grades and they are sold at the same price!

This is what makes the whole people happiest, because there is inequity everywhere. Although many people know that the military definitely uses it better than the state's public sale.

But at least the official did not clearly mark the level of gene enhancers, which is also a kind of psychological comfort?

出售 The sale of gene fortifiers, while envying other countries, also actively contacted Huaxia, hoping to obtain a batch of gene fortifiers from Huaxia.

Because when Huaxia announced the news, many of the citizens who were originally returned by them from Huaxia flew up at this moment.

Many people think that if they do not return to China, they will continue to be Chinese citizens. At this time, they should also have their gene fortifiers!

But now, it's gone!

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