
Seeing that Chu Tian did not speak, Ledfield knew that the other party had acquiesced.

But it doesn’t matter, at most it’s troublesome.

Dealing with some jailers is like rehabilitation after being trapped for so long.




Several bursts of gunfire rang out, pointing directly at Ledfield.

It’s a pity that when the bullet hit the ground, Ledfield was long gone!

“Crimson hunting.”

Another flash of red flashed, and the attackers in the shadows fell to the ground.

“Hey, old fellow, have you lost your strength? How long will it take for the Qing Miscellaneous Soldiers? ”

The voice of the golden lion came from the side, and Chu Tian and Ledfield turned their heads to look at it at the same time.

I saw that the side roads on both sides were full of people, apparently done by golden lions.

“Just a couple more words.”

Ledfield ignored the golden lion’s provocation, and a bright red sword qi split out, smashing the big dream that stood in the way.

“Now that the garbage has been cleaned up, let’s move on.”

The speed of the three of them was at the top level, and after a while, they passed through the fifth layer of the “Extreme Cold Hell” and came to the door of the fourth layer of the “Scorching Hell”.


Before approaching the gate, Ledfield raised his eyebrows slightly and said with an evil smile

“There seem to be quite a few people welcoming us behind the door.”

“Oh, after so many years, your nose is still so smart.”

The golden lion rarely did not scare Ledfield.

After all, he really had to obey.

Ledfield is a monster born to see.

It is also easy to comprehend the level of “reading memory”.

This is also the origin of the title of Lonely High Red.

No one wants their memories to be exposed to others, so people who understand this ability naturally hate approaching Ledfield.

And Ledfield, who can easily see through people’s hearts and understand the memories of others, is also accustomed to the darkness of people’s hearts, has a great rejection of outsiders, and develops a withdrawn personality.

The most bizarre pirate group on the sea was created, and only Ledfield himself was the bloody pirate group.

“Hehe, but even if these rookies go together, it’s not enough to stuff the old man’s teeth!”

With that, the golden lion rushed out.

When the strength is enough, there is no need for any other plan, just one word – reckless!


“Be careful, there is a noise across the door, it should be the three escaped prisoners.”

“Hmph, Deputy Warden Magellan, your worries are completely superfluous, and they are simply affecting my promotion… No, it’s just hitting our morale! ”

“Deputy Chief Guard Hannibal, among the escaped personnel, there are those two legendary pirates, don’t be careless!”

Magellan wiped the poisonous sweat that spilled from his head, and his face was solemn.

Obviously, a few years older, he can better understand the strength of the past two.

“Heh, I see Magellan, you are just scared and confused, hundreds of fire bolts are aimed at the same time, and no one can dodge!”

“Besides, I called several jailer beasts!”

Hannibal said, pulling out the two knives at his waist.

“This is deadwood, Sakura ten? How much did you shoot, the warden rewarded you. ”

Magellan frowned.

“It’s not okay to take it out at this time, what if it is taken back by the golden lion?”

“Hmph, I’m not as dependent on fruits as you are Magellan, and my swordsmanship is powerful!”

Hannibal said, dancing the double knife in his hand.

“He dares to come and take it, I want her to look good!”

Magellan saw that the other party was stubborn, and he didn’t have much to say, and continued to look at the door.

“I didn’t expect that as soon as the warden went out, such a big event happened.”


Suddenly, a sound of breaking air sounded.

Magellan was the first to reflect, shouting as he ducked to the side

“Get out of the way!”

But apparently not enough time for the other jailers to reflect.

The golden light flashed, and the gate instantly shattered into several segments.

Several sword qi continued, and then attacked the crowd!

For a while, it turned directly from a hunter to a prey, and no one expected it.

The crowd of people, the heavy fire bolt became a burden at this moment.

As soon as he saw his face, the sharp sword qi cut several people into pieces of meat.

“No… I don’t want to die yet. ”

“Damn, what kind of monster power is this?”

“Is this the strength of the legendary pirates?”

Looking at the blade that easily cut the earth, even the stupid Hannibal sobered up from his arrogance.

The hands that were originally flaunting their might and wielding the blade began to tremble.

“Don’t panic, everyone cooperates well, no matter how strong the other party is, he is just a pirate!”

At the critical moment, it was Magellan who stood up and calmly commanded:

“We are the navy, how can we fear them and fire back together!”


Hearing Magellan’s voice, the jailers regained their courage, raised their guns and began to fight back.

“Huh, don’t run?”

The golden lion laughed playfully twice.

“That kid in charge of commanding seems to have some skills.”

Ledfield observed the opposite side with interest.

“That man’s name is Magellan, the deputy warden who has just taken office at this time.”

Chu Tian had already taken the time to investigate the information of the navy.

For example, the warden at this time is called Engar, a legendary demon race, very strong, but he is not advancing the city at this time, which is also convenient for Chu Tian to start planning.

The deputy warden is Magellan, who has just taken office, and his strength has begun to show his strength since then.

And the warden is the strength of Magellan’s Rain no Hiryu, who is also an acquaintance.

As for the other miscellaneous ones, there is nothing to say, anyway, there is no combat effectiveness.


(Ask for flowers, evaluation tickets, monthly passes, I really can’t give a comment…) The author really needs your support QAQ!)

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