
In the face of the oncoming bullets, the three of them just swayed easily and dodged them all.

You can even have time to chat and chat when you have time to do it now.

Very calm.

But this calmness is obviously a very blow to the Navy.

“How is it possible that not a single bullet can hit them?!”

“It’s hard to imagine, are they really human? Can humans be so strong? ”

“Everyone calm down!”

Magellan rushed to the front of the line and waved his arms.

“Since the warden is out, it is my responsibility to resist them!”

“No matter what, as long as I haven’t fallen, I will do my best to stop them!”

After speaking, Magellan entered the elementalization and turned into a purple poisonous man.

“Poisonous dragon!”

In an instant, three poisonous dragons rushed out of the body, hovering around the body, opening their teeth and dancing their claws, and constantly roaring.

The venom dripping from the poisonous dragon’s body alone can easily dissolve through the ground, and the strength of the power can be seen.

“Everyone run, don’t get hurt by mistake, Magellan’s poisonous dragon, the poisonous gas alone is enough to make people unconscious!”

“Haha, that group of prisoners should be desperate now, I haven’t seen the deputy warden use this trick for a long time.”

“Of course, the strength of the deputy warden is comparable to that of a general, and he must not fall behind in the face of the legendary pirates!”

“That is, the legendary pirate? Although it is powerful, it is only an old man, how can he fight the Magellan Warden who is in the prime of life. ”

The jailers boasted about Magellan while running away.

In fact, they have long wanted to run, just now they have the opportunity, facing a few murderous demons, staying is simply a matter of delivering vegetables.

“Do you make a big move as soon as you come up? Interesting. ”

Chu Tian spoke lightly, not caring at all.

“A kid with poison? It’s rare. ”

Ledfield chuckled, his expression calm.

The golden lion laughed twice, and instead of focusing on Magellan, he looked at the fleeing man.

“I really want to play with you, but the old man seems to have found his two swords!”

Contrary to the calmness of the three, Magellan did not feel the slightest sense of security even if he opened a big move.

Dignified pressure, strong momentum.

This is his most intuitive feeling in the face of the three.

The most puzzling thing for him was that he had at least seen the other two legendary pirates in prison.

Learned in the past.

But the mysterious man with eight-winged black feathers, he had never seen before.

But Magellan did not despise the other party because he was unknown, on the contrary, he looked at Chu Tian’s eyes more solemnly.

He vaguely sensed that this mysterious man seemed to be no weaker than the two legendary pirates.


This feeling made Magellan afraid for a while, and quickly dismissed this “impossible” idea.

“Left this guy Ledfield to you.”

After speaking, the golden lion floated into the air, and its body chased after the retreating jailer.

“Don’t think about leaving!”

Magellan forced down the fear in his heart and blatantly struck.

“Poisonous Dragon Bomb!”

Magellan and the poisonous dragon behind him simultaneously spewed out balls of poison.

“It’s really difficult!”

The golden lion let out a low roar and waved his arm quickly.

“Lion Chikiri Valley!”

The sword qi directly collided violently with the poisonous ball, bursting out a flood of poisonous smoke.

If the average person smells this poisonous smoke, it is enough to sleep for several days.

But unfortunately, for the golden lion, this level of poisonous smoke obviously does not have an impact.

A shuttle of the body passed directly over Magellan.


Magellan reflexively tried to block, but found that Ledfield had flashed in front of him!

“Well, I don’t want to help that arrogant mad dog either.”

Ledfield smiled evilly and drew his knife and chopped down.

“But if you don’t let you be quiet, it seems that it will delay a lot of jailbreak time!”

There was no way, Magellan had to turn back to the defense.



“I didn’t run away on my own initiative, I just wanted to report the situation to headquarters.”

“At that time, I must throw the pot on Magellan, so that I can be promoted to deputy warden!”

Thinking of this, Hannibal couldn’t help but feel a little dark.

Even the pace of running is brisker.

At this time, a sword qi suddenly slashed through the tip of Hanni’s nose and smashed on the floor in front of his feet.


The explosion directly sent Hannibal flying.

After tumbling a few laps before stopping, Hannibal quickly looked up to see what was going on.

What came into his eyes was the ugly face of the golden lion.

This sense of horror speaks for itself!


Hannibal was so frightened that he subconsciously wanted to shout.

It wasn’t until the golden lion pressed the hand knife to his neck that he stopped exclaiming.

“Don’t worry, as long as you return the two swords to me, I won’t do anything to you, he…”



On the other side, Chu Tian heard Hannibal’s exclamation and knew that the golden lion should have succeeded.

It seems that no matter how it changes, what should happen will still happen.

After sighing in his heart, Chu Tian continued to look up at the two people fighting fiercely in front of him.

An expression of watching a play and eating melons.

Not to mention, this fight is much more exciting than the movie.

It made Chu Tian a little regret that he didn’t bring popcorn.

Every time Magellan waved his hand and opened his mouth, he would cooperate with the poisonous dragon to emit venom that covered the sky!

Just a drop will paralyze the nerves, lose all five senses, and produce great pain.

If there is a lot of contamination, without Magellan’s antidote, death is almost certain.

Unfortunately, his opponent is Lonely High Red.

In the face of the world’s top sights, even if it is as many as raindrops, the venom will never touch Ledfield.

On the contrary, Ledfield’s attack easily worked.

The fluctuations of blood-red sword qi seemed simple, but the destructive power was unimaginable.

After several attacks, several poisonous dragons were killed, and Magellan’s body was also colored.

The body was half kneeling on the ground, constantly panting, and it looked like he was about to be defeated.

“It seems that you can only use the newly learned trick!”

As if making up his mind, Magellan clenched his teeth, clenched his arms in vain, and his steps sank.

Suddenly let out a roar!

“Poisonous Giant!”


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