A seven- or eight-year-old child cowered helplessly in a corner.

He looked at the evil ghosts wandering seven or eight meters away stunned, without a single reaction.

"Please, please open the door and let me bring the baby back."

The mother's voice trembled, and in the most humble tone she begged the two muscular men guarding the doorway.

It is more uncomfortable for a mother to watch her child being eaten in front of her than to delay her.

However, the two men, whose muscles were about to burst their clothes, closed their eyes as if they hadn't heard it.

No one stood up and spoke, seemingly not seeing the heart-wrenching scene.

"They found my child, please, he's still a child."

The mother was already crying into tears, and she wanted to rush up and push open the door, but she couldn't get over the high wall in front of the two of them.

The spacious outpatient hall is terrifyingly silent.

Only the ghost made a laughing sound.

They have found this human cub and are probably discussing how to eat it more deliciously.

"Child, my child!"

The mother knelt on the ground, clutching her chest and watching the two ghosts slowly walk towards the child.

"I lean, there are children!"

"Fuck, this group of beasts actually wants to do something to children."

"It's too late, what is the anchor doing to eat, hurry up and save it!"

"You're a streamer! Don't hurry up to save people? The

barrage had exploded, and they all denounced the silent Luzhenja.

Lu Renjia looked ahead stunned, his hands and feet no longer obeying the command.

Why didn't anyone save it!

Obviously, as long as you bring it in at the beginning, you will not be discovered by ghosts.

Fuck, a group of netizens who don't care about watching the excitement.

Lao Tzu is an ordinary person, his own life is difficult to protect, but also to save people?

I just want to live, what's wrong?

After some mental struggle, he silently shifted the camera and stopped watching the scene that was about to happen.

The two hundred people, as if extremely tacitly lowered their heads, no longer looking at the scene in front of them.

"Open the door."

At this moment, a middle-aged man whispered.

He clutched the mop tightly in his hand: "I'll go to the rescue."

"Dude, I'll go out with you."

Someone said indignantly.

How is it possible to watch fellow human beings being killed in front of them?

"I'll go too, it's a fucking big deal to fight with this group of monsters!"

The bloodiness of humans was aroused, and the men turned red-eyed.

The middle-aged man shook his head, "Going alone, it's easy to mess up more."

Everyone hesitated, but nodded and got up to remove the obstacles blocking the door.

"Hurry up! No time! Looking

at the demon getting closer and closer, the man shouted.

Pushing away the wooden table that was finally blocking the door, the strong man roared.

"I'm open!"

With a loud bang, the gate was pushed open by everyone in unison.

The man rushed out and dashed in the direction of the child.

However, a sharp cry suddenly sounded.

The evil spirit has come to the child.

This group of monsters can directly eat him from the beginning.

It's just that what they want to taste more is the evil of human nature.

However, when they see that humans finally choose to save the child, they become more and more embarrassed.


The middle-aged man gritted his teeth and rushed, but it was already too late.

The hands of the two demons were already reaching out in front of the child.

Some people closed their eyes, tears flowing, and did not dare to see this cruel scene.

Lu Renjia gasped and slapped himself hard.

The mother knelt on the ground, her expression already numb.

Seeing the child being eaten with your own eyes, it is better to kill her.


On the ground, a golden lightning bolt streaked across the dark night sky.

The windows shattered, and the smooth marble floor streaked a scorched black mark.

People looked up, but in the blink of an eye, the lightning had dissipated.

In his place is an eccentric boy wearing an Ultraman mask and a robe similar to that of the traditional Oriental Taoist robes.

He stood in front of two ghosts as if out of thin air, with the seven-year-old child under his armpits.

In a second, the heads of the two ghosts fell heavily on the ground, constantly convulsing.

The flat cross-section is like a work of art, perfectly divided by a scalpel.

This scene happened to be recorded by Lu Zhengja in the live broadcast.

He was slightly stunned, and for some reason he always felt that this figure had been seen somewhere.

"I lean, what's the situation?!"

"Is this a human, when did he appear, why didn't I see it?"

"What the hell is that weird Ultraman mask!"

"Brother Ultraman is so handsome, my God, how can he exude the light of justice all over his body!"

"Ten Super Fire, you go and take off Ultraman's mask."

When the summer wind appeared, the number of people in the live broadcast room exceeded 500,000!

And in just a few seconds, countless people have recorded the soundtrack of the summer breeze, like a dragon's blow, and posted it on the short video platform.

"Do you believe in light?"

Xia Feng looked down at the young man who didn't react, and asked.

"I believe!"

The child nodded heavily, and his eyes were full of adoration when he looked at Xia Feng.

"Then I'm going to tell you a secret secretly." Xia Feng leaned close to the child's ear, and his tone was like a demon whispering: "There is no Ultraman in this world~

" "Woo... Wow wow wow!! The

child was stunned for two seconds, and then wow.

Heart-rending cries echoed through the hospital.

He didn't cry when he was left alone, and he didn't cry when he was about to be eaten by a ghost, only when the summer wind told him the cruel truth, the child Bengbu froze.

"Great, the child is fine, you see how happy he is crying."

"Ultramango won't be a superhero, is it possible that the existence under the iceberg is finally going to surface?"

"It turns out that the officially announced cultivation realm is true!"

For a while, the Internet's speculation about Xia Feng was also divergent, and various identities burst out.

What Reiki revival, M78 Nebula inheritor, superficial Ultraman is actually a hundred years old.

"Open the door."

Xia Feng knocked on the door of the outpatient hall and said expressionlessly.

In the distance, three ghosts had already discovered him and were rushing towards him.

Lu Renjia did not speak, and turned the camera on Xia Feng.

In the camera, he did not speak, his hands shook, and two small and sharp scalpels fell in the palms.

He slowly walked in the direction of the ghost, his steps getting faster and faster, until finally he actually ran in big strides.

Looking at the summer breeze, whose figure was almost like a shadow, everyone gasped and unconsciously clenched their toes.

He wouldn't want to pick a dozen evil spirits, would he?


After using the Thunder Breathing Method, Xiana's unique breathing sound came.

Thunder's breath, thunderbolt flash!

In front of the phone, the audience has held their breath, afraid of missing even a second.

I'm going to crash!

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