More than a dozen ghosts did not take the initiative to attack, but slowly surrounded the summer breeze.

Less than five meters behind him were hundreds of helpless civilians.

The summer wind did not retreat, ignoring this group of evil spirits.

With a shake of his wrist, two pocket scalpels fell into his hands.

"After condensing entities or possessing humans, the strength and speed of demons have been greatly increased, but their attack methods are extremely single."

That is, if I'm fast enough, it's not impossible to kill twelve demons in a matter of seconds.

It's a pity that their own weapons are not at hand.

Come on!

Lightning like a golden snake lingers around the summer breeze, and the electric light swims, dazzling the dark hospital.

The summer breeze moved.

His speed completely exceeds the limits of humans.

The lungs are overclocked like bellows, and the neck and forehead are bruised.

The dust that exploded, the debris of glass, and the evil ghosts in various costumes seemed to freeze at this moment.

The summer breeze catapulted out like a cannonball.

"Breath of thunder, thunderbolt flashes six times!"

Of course, the move must be shouted out to hurt.

No one saw that the scalpel turned into thin golden lines that accurately slashed across the ghost's neck.

Under the passive blessing that each attack will inevitably produce a critical hit, the knife is fatal.

"Thunderbolt flash, eight companies!"

His speed is still pushing the limit.

The lungs are like pulling bellows overloaded, and the muscles of the body are tense to the extreme.

The hard marble floor was cracked one after another.

One by one, the heads were precisely cut by the summer breeze.

"Can someone explain what just happened?"

"Lao Tzu tissue is ready to cry, this is the end?"

"Can someone on the scene help me get Ultraman for an autograph?"

I thought it would be a drama of heroic sacrifice in exchange for human peace.

But everyone didn't expect that Xia Feng would solve the terrifying evil ghost in just a dozen seconds.

"Look at it, Ultraman's back, standing quietly in place, like a boundary monument guarding mankind, solemn and great!"

Everyone looked at the summer breeze.

I saw that he maintained the posture of collecting the knife, like a solemn statue motionless.

For a while, the heart of worship was born.

"He meows, Lao Tzu's legs are going to be wasted."

Under the mask, Xia Feng grinned in pain.

In addition to the legs, the burning sensation coming from the lungs was a side effect of Thunder's breathing.

But fortunately, his physique was beyond ordinary people, and after a few minutes, he eased up slightly.

"Is there a doctor who knows where the MRI is?"

Summer breeze swept through the crowd and asked.

After a few seconds, someone raised his hand: "I, I know."

"Okay, you come to lead the way, now you need to throw this group of monsters inside."

Xia Feng easily carried the two evil ghosts and walked forward.

"Benefactor, I'll help you!"

Someone stood up and said.

"I'll transport the corpses too."

People enthusiastically offered to help the summer wind.

With the concerted efforts of everyone, all these evil spirits were sent to the MRI room.

After inspecting the building and making sure that there were no fish that had slipped through the net, Xia Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

"You guys go back to the outpatient hall, get ready for defense, I'll take a look at the construction building."

"I, I'll go with you!"

The middle-aged man hesitated for a few seconds and said firmly.

"I'll go too!"

"We can't just run away anymore!"

When I saw my compatriots dying tragically in front of my eyes, the bloodiness in my bones was finally stimulated.

At this time, their eyes were full of anger.

Xia Feng scanned everyone and slowly spoke: "There are already people doing these things for you." "

They... Who is it?

Xia Feng shook his head: "They don't have a name. "


In the new city, in the empty conference room of ghost hunting

, seven or eight people stood in front of the huge screen, their faces heavy.

When the ghost snake broke out in the First People's Hospital, the Ghost Hunting Division got the news for the first time.

However, the ghost lizard is powerful, and the new town guard happens to be out on a mission, and with the existing troops, it is impossible to break the ghost lizard.

The longer it drags on, the more people will die.

And according to the latest news, there are at least a few hundred evil spirits hidden in the hospital.

What's more, there are ghost blessings....

There was a sadness in the air.

Obviously, the blood-stained hospital plan, the ghost came prepared.

"Mobilize all the awakened, ambush outside the hospital, and prepare to seize it."

It is no longer possible to rely on the awakened people in the hospital to resist the killing of ghosts.

"This plan, obviously a certain ghost is in order to advance, if he waits for the other party to upgrade successfully and then seize the hospital, I don't know how many people will die."

Lin Qingnan shook his head, unbearable.

The task of the awakened is to banish this group of evil spirits, not send them to death.

"Then you tell me what to do, continue to make this a forbidden area?!"

Li Chengzhi's clenched fists were shaking.

"Thirteen years ago, I became the deputy director of the Ghost Hunting Department, and by now, thirteen blocks have been given to them!"

"The day before yesterday, I had a dream about those brothers who died in battle, and they saw those plundered places and cried silently and asked me, sorry Director, did you still not hold it?"

Li Chengzhi patted his chest, and his voice trembled: "Ashamed! I, Li Chengzhi, Ho De, how can they get them to apologize to me? For

a moment, the room fell silent.

Lin Qingnan took a deep breath, "I will inform the squads and swear to guard the First Hospital to the death!"

He was about to leave when a clerk rushed in.

"Director! The hospital is almost held, and the people of the two buildings are already safe! There

was an indelible excitement on his face.

"What did you say?!"

Everyone looked shocked and couldn't believe it.

Fighting ghosts for so many years.

Although Li Chengzhi has also won battles with less, but in battles like this, which have almost no hope, Rao has already given up.

How did they win?

"People in the hospital who broadcast live filmed this scene."

He quickly projected his phone onto the screen.

The appearance of an eccentric teenager wearing an Ultraman mask attracts everyone's attention.

When he saw that Xia Feng had almost killed more than a dozen demons with the destruction of the decay, the dozen or so top awakeners of the new city present were stunned.

A few seconds passed.

"Which Awakened One is this?"

Li Chengzhi hurriedly asked.

How did he not know that there was such a genius in the Ghost Hunting Division?

"His identity is not recorded, it should be civilian."

The clerk said uncertainly after investigating.

Just then, the phone rang.

"Director, it was Lin Beihai who called in the hospital."

"Hurry up!"

Li Chengzhi's eyes lit up with hope.

Although I don't know who this teenager is, it is with him that the situation has been shockingly reversed.

"Hello, I'm the Xincheng polling sub-team..." Lin Beihai's voice sounded.

"I'm Li Chengzhi, don't be so official, just tell us the situation inside."

Li Chengzhi snatched the phone and said in a deep voice.

"The director rest assured, most of the personnel are safe for the time being, we are now trying to find the ghost, and we also need organizational support."

"Organizational support will be in place immediately, you must hold on!"

After Li Chengzhi hung up the phone, he looked at everyone.

Hope has appeared!

The mysterious young man abruptly tore open a crack in this dead end.

"Immediately dispatch all awakened people and prepare to support the First Hospital." His eyes lit up again, and then he said firmly:

"In addition, we must do our best to protect that person... Ultra Junior Safety! "

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