"Come on, wait for you guys for a while, didn't you introduce Xiao Ke very fast before, why did it take so long this time?"

Wu Wenguo is a little curious, Ke Xinlong has done this several times, why this time is different from the previous ones.

"Captain, it's hard to say a word." Ke Xinlong grimace, it took two people a long time to get rid of the entanglement. Lin Huai was so popular, he really didn't expect it.

"Okay, okay."

Wu Wenguo waved his hand and looked at Ke Xinlong's expression. He knew that there was nothing serious and didn't dwell on this topic. Instead, he pointed to the beautifully dressed woman beside him and introduced to Lin Huai:

"Lin Huai, this is the companion I found for you, Ran Caimei, a natural affinity ability. Her ability can also control other creatures to a certain extent, which is just right for you."

Although there are many in-service talents in Jiangbei Province's Alien Management Bureau, people who are suitable for Lin Huai's partner are not very easy to find.

It is necessary to play a guiding role in terms of abilities, and it is best to be guided in terms of character.

After all, Lin Huai is still a high school student and his thoughts are still plastic.

After talking to Lin Huai, he turned his head and smiled at Ran Caimei: "Xiao Ran, Lin Huai's power potential is D+, you must teach me well."

"Guaranteed to complete the task." Ran Caimei glanced at Lin Huai's face, with a little joy in her heart, and agreed.

"Little brother Lin Huai, since the captain has been assigned, you will follow me obediently from now on." Ran Caimei stepped forward and patted Lin Huai on the shoulder affectionately.

"Okay, Sister Ran." Lin Huai also smiled.

"Okay, I have to communicate with each other later. Let me send what I received to Lin Huai first." Wu Wenguo took out a small bag from behind and interrupted the conversation between Lin Huai and Ran Caimei with a smile.

He took a black phone from the bag, and two old papers that looked a little yellow.

A mobile phone is a common smart phone on the market, but the style looks a bit old-fashioned. From Lin Huai's perspective, two pieces of old paper can't see the content or understand what it is.

"This is our internal dedicated encrypted mobile phone. This mobile phone is not only encrypted in terms of information technology, but also in terms of communication signals. It is also blessed with special abilities. It is extremely safe and generally does not cause accidents."

Wu Wenguo handed the black mobile phone to Lin Huai, saw the doubt in Lin Huai's eyes, and patiently introduced him.

"In the future, you will use this mobile phone for all tasks and communication between peers. Without it, you will be very inconvenient, so if you lose it, report the loss as soon as possible."

"As for these two pieces of paper, the above records are Meditation (1) and Mental Power Tactics (1). This is what the general ability person wants most when joining the ability person."

"Meditation and mental power tactics, one of them allows you to increase your mental power at a faster rate even if you don’t have access to resources, and the other allows you to have a strong power even if you have awakened auxiliary abilities. Combat effectiveness."

Two old papers were handed to Lin Huai.

"Watch on the spot, comprehend it on the spot, try to enter with mental power, rest assured, it is easy to learn."

Lin Huai took a closer look.

A creature is drawn on a piece of old paper. This creature has four legs and a big head on its body. The image is blurry and it is extremely difficult to recognize. If you don’t recognize it carefully, you may not even be able to recognize it as a creature. come out.

Lin Huai's spiritual power penetrated into it, and the old paper had a very weak spiritual imprint. Once the spiritual power entered, this imprint would activate the previously stored image, and this image would appear in the mind of the person who explored it.

As Lin Huai's mental power penetrated, this vague image appeared in Lin Huai's mind, meditating on this image in his heart, and the faint tiger roar echoed in his mind.

The recovery of mental power accelerated, waves appeared in the sea of ​​spirit, and after a while, the sea of ​​spirit expanded a little distance outward at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

Just meditating for a while, it actually had an effect.

Suddenly, shock and ecstasy were intertwined.

Lin Huai, who had been calm since entering the Alien Administration, was confused.

This this this! ! !

This is the spiritual power cultivation method I am looking for!

In the interstellar world, it is regarded as the highest inherited spiritual power practice exercise by various organizations. It is so simple that I got a copy.

Even if this is just a fragment, only one-tenth of a complete exercise, it also has the characteristics of a spiritual power practice exercise:

Increase the upper limit of mental power without loss!

Fragments have this kind of power against the sky, and how complete they are, Lin Huai can't even imagine.

But needless to say, complete meditation is definitely the treasure of inheritance.

The treasure of inheritance, the treasure of inheritance! !

Lin Huai's eyes flashed red.

No interstellar person can remain calm in front of the treasure of inheritance.

The competition for a treasure of no master heritage becomes fierce and can even develop into an interstellar war sweeping the entire universe.

And now, on this planet where the peak power absolutely does not exceed the planetary stars, a true heritage treasure has appeared.

Mine is definitely mine.

Lin Huai thought silently in his heart, so you should keep it for a while, and then grab it back when I really develop.

Wu Wenguo, who always thought that Lin Huai was studying meditation diagrams, became very excited after seeing Lin Huai sluggish for a while, and said with the same feelings: "Learn it, when I first learned meditation diagrams, it was similar to you. Excitement, compared with the difficult passive enhancement of mental power, this method of cultivation is really convenient."

"Yeah, the person who invented this method is definitely a genius. Our Alien Administration is really a Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon~www.ltnovel.com~ Lin Huai took a deep breath, and suppressed the excitement in his heart. She sighed.

"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is indeed right."

Ran Caimei covered her mouth and smiled: "But the idea of ​​meditation was not invented by our alien management bureau. I heard that it seems to be dug out from the ground. It is an item countless years ago."

Wu Wenguo grinned awkwardly: "Although it was not invented by the Alien Administration, the full version is currently in the hands of the Imperial Alien Administration. They can separate this technique for us to learn. It is not also very courageous. "

"It seems that this method of splitting was created by the people in the imperial capital, and it is not a characteristic of the exercise itself." Ran Caimei whispered and whispered.

Full version...Emperor Capital has different management bureaus.

Lin Huai nodded secretly in his heart, the Imperial Capital Martial Arts University, the Imperial Capital Alien Administration Bureau, it seems that I really have to visit the Imperial Capital in the future.

Wu Wenguo pretended not to hear Ran Caimei's muttering. As the oldest group of people in Jiangbei Province's Alien Management Bureau, he was engaged in this work before his aura recovered. His loyalty to the Alien Management Bureau came from the heart.

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