"Don't forget to learn another attack method," Wu Wenguo reminded.

It is also a spiritual power.

After Lin Huai comprehended it again, there was an attack technique called Spirit Cone in his mind.

The mental cone can transform the blank mental power into the shape of an awl, and have more attack effects. This method is very useful for auxiliary abilities that are not at all aggressive.

It is also of great help to Lin Huai's controlling ability.

Such a useful mental power manipulation technique is actually just a fragment for beginners to get started, what the complete look is like.

Isn't it another heritage treasure?

Thinking of this, Lin Huai's heart felt a little wave.

Of course, he was not as excited as before, perhaps because there were too many treasures and he was used to it.

Anyway, the purpose of the Alien Management Bureau has been achieved.

Let new employees have a strong interest in meditation and mental power tactics, and encourage them to devote themselves to the cause of completing the task.

Lin Huai, the new employee's interest, was successfully provoked by them.

"I've learned it all." Seeing that Lin Huai was no longer sluggish, Wu Wenguo carefully put the two old papers away and put them into the taken out bag.

"None of the spiritual power can be carried by ordinary paper. Special spiritual papers that have been deeply spiritualized must be used. Our Jiangbei Provincial Alien Management Bureau has only two special spiritual papers, which are really worn out. , You have to go all the way to the imperial capital to apply, that would be troublesome."

It's not just a matter of paper, but Lin Huai's sensitive mental power can feel it clearly.

After he activated the mental mark once, the mark on the old paper was obviously dimmed. Although it was not very obvious, the loss still existed.

Feel free to calculate.

Approximately 23 more times, this mark will disappear completely.

At that time, no matter how troublesome it was to apply after going to the imperial capital, Jiangbei Province Alien Management Bureau had to send someone there.

Lin Huai's jaw silently.

This method of controlling the powers of your subordinates is very witty. As long as you control the source of the exercises, even if the subordinates have different intentions, in order to continue to obtain the exercises, they must be obedient.

"Okay, everything that needs to be done has been done. Do whatever you want." Wu Wenguo packed up the old paper and waved his hand to indicate that he is fine.

"Captain, there is something I want to ask." Lin Huai quickly entered the role.

"what's up?"

"After joining the Alien Administration, what should I do with my class? If I skip class for tasks, whether it's the school or my parents, it's not easy to explain."

Wu Wenguo gave Lin Huai a weird look.

How come you ask it now? As a student, the most important question to ask. When Xiaoke was recruited a year ago, people asked such a question the first time. This is the morality that a good student should have. Well.

Although later, he abandoned his studies and spent most of his time on completing tasks.

"Personally, I suggest that you spend most of your time and energy in the Alien Management Bureau to improve your abilities and complete related tasks. In fact, you are making a big contribution to our society."

What Wu Wenguo said was completely contrary to what the school teacher said, and it sounded a bit deviant.

"You are all people with special abilities. If you study like ordinary people, you are wasting the talent that God has given you. Some steps can be saved while saving."

"Of course, these are just my personal thoughts. If you want to continue to go to school, we will also help you. The Alien Administration also has some influence in the education system. It is okay to let the school manage you more loosely."

"Then please trouble the captain to help me say hello to the school." Lin Huai said firmly, showing no sign of being affected by Wu Wenguo.

How can I go to the Imperial Capital Budo University or Imperial Capital Budo University without going to school, but I don't accept you who are unlearned and have no skills and have a recommended quota.

The prestigious schools that have a cooperative relationship with the Alien Management Bureau are actually not very good. A really good school will not want this group of students with weird abilities and mostly failing grades.

Wu Wenguo sighed and said nothing.

Ke Xinlong was the same as Lin Huai's choice at the time. In the end, he didn't become the way he was now devoted to the task. People would change.

"It's okay, captain, don't worry about these things. Lin Huai wants to study and let him continue."

Ran Caimei suddenly persuaded Wu Wenguo, and then she looked at Lin Huai and said, "Lin Huai, go, let's go to the training room and learn about each other's abilities. I also want to see if there is anything I can teach you."

After speaking, she left with Lin Huai.

Wu Wenguo's thoughts are clear to her, that is, she doesn't want a teenager with such talent in abilities to waste too much time in other fields.

But Wu Wenguo is too anxious. Every Chinese has a strong idea of ​​studying.

This kind of thought is very strong, and it has penetrated into everyone's mind in the old age. The resurrection of aura in the new era and the appearance of warriors did not dissipate this thought, but it became more intense.

Incorporating the entire martial arts system into reading.

How could Wu Wenguo be able to dispel such a strong idea with just a few words.

Of course, there is no other way. The most powerful enemy of this idea is time.

After a long time, Lin Huai will naturally like Xiao Ke and understand which field he should take seriously.

Ran Caimei admitted that she saw the two people's thoughts very clearly, so she would jump out at a critical moment and interrupt the conversation between the two, fearing that the two would speak badly.

If Lin Huai knew her thoughts, she would definitely sneer.

What kind of study, what kind of alien management bureau, all nonsense, he knew from the beginning, what is the most important thing.

Strength, and only strength, is the most important thing in this world.

He studied, he joined the Alien Management Bureau, all to improve his strength.

If he is not allowed to read ~www.ltnovel.com~, he can quickly become stronger, so he just quits without saying a word.

However, this assumption does not exist.

He now needs a school, a way through the college entrance examination, and a martial arts coach to explain him some knowledge of martial arts, so he did not immediately quit school.

The same is true for the Alien Management Bureau. In his mind, the status of the Alien Management Bureau and the school are actually similar.

Wu Wenguo was not as simple as Ran Caimei thought.

In fact, he was so formulaically persuaded that Lin Huai’s information stated how superior Lin Huai’s performance was in normal times. Coupled with the martial arts strength that he showed only a few days ago, it’s absolutely no problem to enter a top Chinese school .

People who are stupid will put their energy away from the administration.

They are all routines, and every student he would persuade them like this, in case they really don't want to study.

Who really knows this.

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