Genetic Specialist in Spiritual Qi Era

Chapter 168: School warrior

Obviously he was the leader of the alliance, and he paid so much for the alliance. Unexpectedly, when the owner came, these guys almost forgot him.

It seems that I really need to manage it well in the future.

"Listen to me. Just as you think, I have learned most of the skills of the master just now, and I will teach you slowly in the future."

As soon as I said this, the scene suddenly turned up and down.



"I can truly become an alchemist!"

"Hahaha, the master is really a master!"



Zhong Qigao said: "There is no free dinner in the world. It is impossible to give you these technologies for free..."

The churning sound just turned into abusive sound again.


Lin Huai didn't care about Zhong Qigao's specific operations. He explained so clearly that if Zhong Qigao could mess it up, he would be blinded.

Go straight back to the laboratory and continue to do research.


Martial Arts Field in Jiangbei Province.

The venue for the province’s high school leagues.

The genius is bright, and dozens of square teams have gathered in the center of the open field.

Each team consists of many students and three or four teachers.

In the center of the square team, there are five aura and magnificent students standing all over the moon, who are different from the others at first glance.

These five people are the participants carefully selected by each school, and the remaining students are people who volunteered to sign up for logistics work.

They said they were engaged in logistics, but they actually came to watch the game.

Every year the high school league is a grand event, and everyone is very interested in the new generation of martial arts training. Therefore, on this day, tickets to the martial arts venue are usually hard to find.

Do a little work, you can directly participate in this huge event, it is simply a profit.

The Taishan No. 1 team is in front of most of the square teams, and the square team's position is also particular. The results of the previous year determine today's position.

The first one stands at the front and the last one stands at the end. Yi Gao had a good result last year, so the standing position is very high.

In a high team, everyone is excited and nervous. While they are looking forward to a good result this year, they are also worried about what if the result is worse than last year if the horse loses the front.


Lin Huai yawned boredly.

Had Coach He called him, he would have almost forgotten about the high school league.

It feels like there is still a long time left. I didn't expect it to be so soon, the time will come.

It's really shameful that I, an adult, should participate in children's fights.

Lin Huai felt a little shy.

As soon as his strength came up, he remembered the scene of watching elementary school students playing in the interstellar world.

"Not good!" At this time, a hurried voice came.

A chubby teacher with a suit and leather collar walked out of the other teams and ran towards them quickly.

Running too fast, when he arrived in front of Lin Huai, the teacher Wei Fat was already panting: "It's not good... many schools... many schools, there are students who are officially martial artists!"

"What!" As soon as the principal Yuan Hongchun, who was standing in the middle of the team heard the news, his first reaction was not to believe: "How is it possible, how can there be so many official warriors at this age? You won't be fooled by others."

Teacher Wei Fat was anxious: "Principal, it's impossible. When I first heard the news, I had exactly the same reaction as you, but these are all true. I personally asked about it. Those students did not hide anything. They showed me their vitality if they were confident. How could there be vitality in the body if I didn't reach the official martial artist!"

The principal frowned: "In the past few years in the high school league, an official martial artist appeared last year. In the rest of the time, the peak of the martial artist is already at the limit. How can there be so many this year? By the way, you have found a total of several official martial artists. ."

"Except for the first place with us, each of the top seven schools last year had an official martial artist."

"There are at least five official warriors!" A teacher who was also in the team stared wide, and said in shock.

"How can you fight this?" An ordinary student who had managed to grab a logistical spot directly lost his confidence in his team.

There are negative emotions, and naturally there are positive emotions.

"Hehe, how to fight, fight to death! Isn't it an official warrior? I want him to taste the power of my sandbag big fist."

Luo Gaoli, who was showing his body muscles, stopped his movements, still looking strong before.

The tall figure, full of a strong sense of oppression, made everyone's emotions that could not be suppressed just now improved a bit.

"You are too overestimating the official warriors. Some official warriors are a bit better than the average martial artist, and they are not completely invincible."

Qin Zixin also stood up, her hair lightly, with firmness and reassuring arrogance on her face.

An official martial artist who is not very common to most people can only be a small steward in her Most of the people she comes into contact with are in the realm of martial arts. Naturally, she doesn't think that a formal martial artist is so difficult to defeat.

After the two talked, Yuan Hongchun laughed and said:

"Hahaha, I am very happy that everyone has this kind of confidence. Yes, what a formal warrior is, I believe our classmates will definitely be able to beat them up."

Although he was a little worried, he certainly couldn't show it at this time.

Besides, they are not without official warriors at one level...

Yuan Hongchun looked at Lin Huai who was still yawning with his light. After hearing the news, everyone was more or less nervous and anxious. Only this guy, from start to finish, was like a okay person.

Sure enough, it was hidden deep enough, he was already an official martial artist, but he never said it, Lin Huai, you are really cautious.

Yuan Hongchun, as the principal of the first high school, was of course very aware of the shooting incident at the school gate on Friday.

After the incident, he was very angrily to fight for Lin Huai's injustice to the education department and demanded a thorough investigation of the matter. The education department also attached great importance to this, and joined other official organizations to launch a thorough investigation into the matter as quickly as possible.

However, they never expected that they had just determined that the killer was instigated by the Dong family on the front foot, and the Dong family on the back foot was destroyed by someone. The clues were completely interrupted, and the whole thing would be gone.

Although the matter had no results, as the principal, he still knew that Lin Huai was an official warrior.

It doesn't seem to be an ordinary official warrior, but a powerful official warrior who can dodge several sniper bullets.

With such a hole card in hand, Yuan Hongchun thought that winning the high school league was a ten-year tie. He didn't expect that every school would have official military hole cards.

Now it depends on the official martial artist of those schools and Lin Huai, who is strong and weak.

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