Genetic Specialist in Spiritual Qi Era

Chapter 169: White Horse High School

Whether everyone is anxious or confident, time is still passing by.

Not long after, more than fifty participating schools across the province were assembled, and the seats around the bleachers in the martial arts field were gradually filled with people.

Every high school league matches, it can always attract the attention of the whole province.

The martial arts college entrance examination process will not be exposed to the public, so this kind of provincial martial arts league that everyone can see is no less popular than the college entrance examination.

People from all walks of life have participated, and the memories of various TV stations have already come to the bottom of the ring to make preparations before shooting.

At that time, the game will be broadcast live through them in real time, so that everyone in the province who is following the league can witness the whole process of the game with their own eyes.

When the leaders of the Ministry of Education appeared, the stands were already full. The whole martial arts venue was full of people. The team members standing on the stage were relatively quiet. The spectators sitting on the seats were excitedly discussing the participants and Strength issues.

After the rejuvenation of the spiritual energy, the acceptance of martial arts in the society is getting higher and higher. The hot butter niche of the old age, no one pays attention to it here, but the martial arts practitioners who are full of muscles and have high martial arts values ​​and become sought after by everyone. Object.

A small internal trial at Guangyi High School can attract most liberal arts students who study and prepare for exams. This kind of provincial league is not to mention how popular it is.

At this time, the sound of horns spread throughout the audience.

"Hey hey hey... OK, please be quiet, please. Our provincial high school league opening ceremony will begin soon."

A kind-faced leader of the Ministry of Education adjusted the microphone and said loudly.

Then the main leaders gave speeches. Fortunately, they were measured and knew that the people didn't like to listen to them talking nonsense, so they just made a few polite words and passed.

Opening ceremony performance, each school team showed...

Lin Huai didn't play, sitting in a high rest area, watching them do these fancy things boredly.

Step by step process, familiar and unfamiliar.

It seemed to be this kind of scene during the First High Games, but the scene is more grand.

Lin Huai also noticed that the first high school and several other key high schools in Taishan City received more cheers than other schools combined. It seems that there is still a lot of home court advantage.

It was the first time to be exposed in front of so many people, except for Lin Huai who was not on the court, the other four were a little excited.

As students, they have never experienced such feelings.

This also includes Qin Zixin, with a cold expression on her face, and she can't stand her excitement.

All processes were completed within two hours and the game officially started.

The Jiangbei High School League is conducted in the form of a team competition. Each school sends five people to fight one-on-one. The loser ends, and the winner stays in the ring to meet the next opponent.

The game pays attention to balance and strategy. If it is arranged randomly, no matter how strong the player is, it may be consumed.

This was the case for the game last year. Schools with official warriors were negligent and leaked the order of play, but they were targeted.

The vitality of the official martial artist was completely exhausted in the first two rounds. Without vitality, he was directly eliminated in the third round. The strength of the remaining players was very weak, so the entire team was unfortunately eliminated.

This is actually what Yuan Hongchun said, the method of weeding out formal warriors.


Determine the order of the game.

For each school team, the contestants will draw lots to determine their opponents.

The four members of the Yigao contest looked at Lin Huai subconsciously. Lin Huai's harsh methods left a deep impression on them. They subconsciously seemed to regard Lin Huai as the leader of the five.

Lin Huai sat quietly in the corner, flipping his mobile phone quickly with his index finger. When everyone looked at him, he did not lift his head, as if he knew everyone was looking at him, and waved his hand:

"Don't look at me, Zixin, go and smoke."

Anyway, it doesn't matter which team is drawn to him.

Qin Zixin nodded obediently, then got up and walked towards the lottery, looking very well-behaved.


Looking at this kind of scene, Luo Gaoli felt admiration in his heart.

Qin Zixin is such a proud person who is so obedient in front of Lin Huai, what a master!

He usually works so hard to exercise his muscles, for what, not to hook up a beautiful girl, he didn't expect that Lin Huai, who looks thin and weak, would get ahead of him.

Is it that now everyone is no longer obsessed with muscular guys, and start to like butter niche again?

No one knows the inner activities of Luo Gaoli. Of course, if Lin Huai knows that this guy with muscles in his head dares to arrange himself in his heart, he must know why the flowers are so red!

After a while, Qin Zixin came back with a smile on her face.

"On the 13th, our opponent in the first round was White Horse High School in Shimizu City."

When I heard that it was White Horse High School, everyone's faces were relaxed.

"The monitor is lucky!"

"Hahaha, Qingshui City is one of the most impoverished areas in our Jiangbei Province, what do they compare to me?"

" They can't even afford the body refining fluid used in their usual practice. Every league matches is counted down. The squad leader is really lucky!"


The only martial arts apprentice in the martial arts squad, followed several others, and shouted the squad leader to Qin Zixin.

There is no way, he is one by one, and he won't be able to integrate into this circle without shouting.

The four of them are now in a very relaxed mood, and the logistics staff and the principal have a relaxed look on their faces.

They do have easy capital.

It’s been a while since the trials. Although for the sake of the future, I didn’t directly take the elixir for accelerating body refining, the body refining fluids used by the five people are all in unlimited supply. In addition, Coach He and Coach Hong have made small stoves. Their strength has also improved to varying degrees,

The five-person team, the lowest strength has become a fifth-level martial artist.

The two post-level 4 martial arts apprentices have been successfully promoted to level 5 in the past few days. Luo Gaoli, who was originally at level 5, has also transformed into the realm of level 6 under his unremitting efforts.

As for Qin Zixin, it is even more terrifying. It may be the first time. After taking the pill that Lin Huai picked for her, her strength soared, which was very different from the past.

In a few days, he changed from the original fifth-level martial artist to the current seventh-level late martial artist.

This speed shocked the well-informed Xie Lan.

Two pills can have such a big improvement, how strong the medicinal properties of those two pills are.

After this incident, Xie Lan's trust in Lin Huai took another step.

Although Qin Zixin had already touched the bottleneck of the official martial artist at this time, she certainly couldn't just advance like this.

Without lack of resources and guidance, she will not consider promotion if she does not improve her body to the point where she can no longer improve.

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