The impact of the Black Dragon paper has far exceeded Shi Qiu's expectations.

It not only has a terrifying influence in China and the United States, but the discussion in other regions is even higher.

"On the Ideal Black Dragon - Czech Rom", hereinafter referred to as "Black Dragon", this article has made extremely detailed and reliable discussions from the divinity and authority of the first-level gods to the characteristics and exclusive moves of Czech Rom.

With the wide recognition of the society and the endorsement of the top PKM journal, all subsequent research papers involving the legend of the Dragon God in the United States can no longer bypass this paper.

"It's a bit exaggerated."

Shi Qiu's face fell in front of N.

To be honest, there is nothing important in this paper?

It was just a brief explanation of the most basic intelligence and information, such as characteristics.

The deeper things such as the Three Dragons of Tao and the connection with Kyurem were not mentioned at all.

How bad are the official researchers in the United States that even such articles are called the standard.

[After the body check, your understanding of Zekrom is probably more detailed than the simulator].

Seeing Shi Qiu's complaints, a small screen appeared out of thin air.

[Others are studying relics that are not sure whether they are true or false and full of contradictions, but you got the original body directly. It is really bullying a child with the answer. ]

Emm... It seems so.

Anyway, all his courses are now online, and he has never been to Kyoto University and Ikuda University again.

Not to mention those students who are eager to move, a large number of professional professors and teachers in the research department and theology department are looking for him.

Either they want to discuss the dragon god in the American region, or they want to discuss changing majors with him.

The outside world is also extremely curious about this young man who spans multiple fields.

Shi Qiu: Don't be too curious, Articuno and Zeraora are still on the way.


Inside the wooden house, on the swing.

N lowered his eyes, holding the journal in his left hand, and gently rubbed the name of the second author with his index finger.

"This, is...?"

"Ahem... After all, it is also thanks to your and Zekrom's help..." Shi Qiu showed a guilty expression.

He looked at N wearing a peaked cap, the sunlight was blocked outside the brim of the hat, and a small layer of shadow was cast on the young man's face, and his expression could not be seen clearly.

Shi Qiu pouted, looking aggrieved: "If it is presumptuous, it can be cancelled..."

"It doesn't matter... I mean, I'm very happy."

N's previous coldness and alienation, after all faded away, only tenderness and tenderness remained, and there was some smile in his voice.

The green-haired young man looked at Shi Qiu, and the young boy became happy again because of his words.

N sighed.

Although Shi Qiu would consciously control his thoughts in front of him, after a period of time, he could still roughly guess the reason why the boy did this.

It was just to let N Harmonia leave a mark in this new world of Pokémon.

When his world and hometown were broken, the loneliness and despair of being displaced could not be ignored even by N.

He concealed it very well and cleverly, but was easily seen through by the boy who also knew him.

In this way, Shi Qiu pulled him into the world and helped him alleviate this desperate wandering.

Not only in the physical sense, but also in the spiritual sense.

"Welcome to this world." The boy said.



The latest issue of the world's top magazine "Saying".

Host angle: Today, we are lucky to invite the current hot topic: Shi Qiu! Welcome everyone!


Host angle: (Laughing enthusiastically) Oh, he is such a beautiful boy, isn't he?

(Applause and whistles came from the audience.)

Shi Qiu: (Coughing twice) Thank you everyone...

Host angle: (Gestures) Okay, okay, everyone be quiet. Let's start our interview session today.

Host angle: How old are you this year?

Shi Qiu: 15 years old, and will celebrate my 16th birthday at the end of this year.

Host angle: (Surprised) I thought you just looked young... I heard that you are already in college?

Shi Qiu: Yes, I am currently studying at the Department of Combat and

=Studying in the Cultivation Department of Yuda.

Host angle: (jokingly) I thought you would enter the Coordination Department University in the Huaxia area...Okay, it's time to shift our topic to the most important Dragon God.

Host angle: Zekrom, the first-level god in the American region, what method did you use to study?

Shi Qiu: (strangely paused for a long time): Well... I once visited the Dragon God Ruins, although it was not a good experience. I mean, I found a lot of basic information that time.

Shi Qiu: The rest is integration and dialectics.

Host angle: But the part of the Dragon God Ruins that is open to the public, according to the American official, are all very superficial aspects and legends.

Shi Qiu: (calmly) Information only exists more or less, it can also be said to be correct or wrong, but there is no superficial or in-depth.

Host angle: (tentatively) It seems that you don't have a good impression of the American region?

Shi Qiu: (smile) You misunderstood, it's not a bad impression, it's no impression. I always thought this area was called the Catholic Region, isn't it?

(The atmosphere froze slightly)

Shi Qiu: (chuckled) I just told you a simple joke, I shouldn't be arrested for this, right?

(Calling America the Catholic Region is a hell joke that belongs only to the American region.)

(The atmosphere suddenly eased.)

Host angle: Of course not, we all know the Catholic Region, oh no, it's the American Region, I mean, this region is a region that advocates freedom of speech, isn't it?

(A relaxed laugh came from the audience.)



Host angle: Okay, thank you for coming, we have a very pleasant conversation.

Host angle: At the end, I want to ask you a small question. You have visible talents and achievements in combat, coordination, cultivation, and even the current research path. So what role do you think you are? A coordinator or a scholar?

Host angle: (pause) Or a traditional trainer?

Shi Qiu: (thinking) I am just me, not just any one. If I must say, then I am just a partner and family member of my elves.

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