The first time, the last time, the last time.

In a luxurious manor in Yorkshire, America.

"Welcome back, Ye Zi."

As soon as Feng Shuo jumped off the desert dragonfly, he heard a frivolous male voice.


He kept silent with a cold face and walked directly into the house without paying attention.

When the door of the villa was opened, the lights in the living room with strange decorations lit up instantly.

"Oh~ You really don't know how to be interesting."

The owner of the voice was wearing a white dress and a medieval high-brimmed hat. He was sitting in the middle of the living room with interest, holding a magazine and reading it.

He wore a monocle on his right eye, and the white cloak behind him spread out casually.

Under the cover of the hat brim and monocle, the young man's specific appearance could not be seen, but he was very young, only about 20 years old.

"Joker, the situation of Tel Lauren." Feng Shuo's words were concise.

Hearing his words, the young man smiled, and his slender index finger in white gloves gently touched his lips.

"You called the wrong name again, Aye."

The young man's voice was gorgeous and elegant.

"It's Kid the phantom thief, 'the phantom of God's abandoned child'."

"Call me KID or Phantom Thief~"

Feng Shuo:......

Expected indifference and silence. The Phantom Thief shrugged, and his hand was pressed somewhere, and the bed carrying Tel Lauren was pushed out of a secret door.

He threw the issue of "Saying" magazine in his hand over.

"After Tel Lauren's actions, His Highness' attitude towards us has finally dropped to the freezing point."

Feng Shuo did not respond, looking at Tel Lauren, who was pale and bloodless on the bed, with an ambiguous look.

The Phantom Thief was not angry either, and tapped the cover of the magazine with his fingertips.

"Look at His Highness, who is so pitiful, and has suffered so much injustice in the American police department."

"Have they dealt with the people? What are their names?... Officer Charles and..."

"...died before they were dealt with." Feng Shuo did not even raise his eyes.

The Phantom Thief raised his eyebrows.

Wow, it turned out to be a rose, the kind that can pierce people.

With a clang.

"Not yet~"

The Phantom Thief used a silver-white pistol to quickly shoot cards, accurately deflecting the fierce blade that Feng Shuo stabbed at Tel's neck.

"Now that Tel Lauren is dead, we really don't know what cards His Highness has in his hand."

The blade's accuracy was unbalanced by the effect of the cards and stabbed into the bed.

Feng Shuo remained silent. If you ignore the dagger that was only a few centimeters away from his neck, you can't even see his slightest killing intention towards Tel Lauren.

"My Lord doesn't like him." Feng Shuo was concise.

So Tel Lauren must die.

"I'm having a headache too." The Phantom Thief sighed.

"The Huaxia District was originally extremely tight, and it was not easy to send Thurman and his party in, but there was no news."

"Then, all the bases in the Huaxia District disappeared in just one month."

"Finally, the mysterious young man who was suspected to be recognized by Ideal..."

"Your Highness, you really gave me a big problem."

Ideal recognized another master.

The prophecy stolen from Jirachi was deviated.

It's really strange.

Feng Shuo's cold eyes suddenly stared at the white-clothed thief: "Is Thurman your subordinate?"

The thief waved his hand: "Well... of course not~"

"It's another senior cadre's man."

The Catholic Team is a chaotic organization in the American region, and it is also one of the most prestigious organizations in the world.

It is said that there is no final leader, only four major cadres, each with their own duties.

The first cadre, Tel Lauren, the current head of the Lauren family, one of the largest factions in the United States. In the name of "Tear", he is basically responsible for all logistical support in the Catholic Team.

The second cadre, Feng Shuo, has a very simple identity and background. It is said that he comes from the most powerful Huaxia District. He is taciturn and has a strong ability to fight to the death. He is mainly responsible for the combat of the Catholic Team.

The third cadre, ZERO, also known as District Zero. It is a young girl who is good at various treatments and life-saving methods. Tel Lauren was pierced through the heart by the dragon scale of Zekrom, but still hanging on to his life is her masterpiece. Mainly responsible for the medical treatment within the Catholic Church.

The fourth most important cadre, Mr. Kaito. This is a very mysterious person within the Catholic Church.

Cadre. No one knows his true identity. He is proficient in various "Phantom Thief" abilities such as false voice and changing clothes. Responsible for the internal intelligence of the Catholic team.

"But you also know that Qu Ling doesn't pay attention to anything except His Highness and medical care."

The Phantom Thief saw through Feng Shuo's malice at a glance and began to have a headache.

"So Thurman is just a product of the team's loss of control."

Don't try to assassinate Qu Ling again. The internal situation of the Catholic team is already bad enough.

If you must kill him, please don't show it in front of him.

What is this?

Tel is a sickly and fanatical person, Feng Shuo is silent and vicious, and Qu Ling is cold and pious.

The one with the most normal attitude towards Shi Qiu among the four cadres is actually a Phantom Thief.

"Your Highness." The Phantom Thief sighed in a low voice, "Is there a possibility that I recognized the wrong person?"

"The prophecy of the wishing star... and Hoopa's ring will not be wrong."

According to the prophecy, the special person who brings back Pokémon from a corner of the destroyed world is the child favored by the world.

One of Hoopa's rings used to be connected to a black cave, where a foam squirrel like a rock was waiting.

The moment Shi Qiu took the foam squirrel away, the ring had already given feedback.

"The foam squirrel, Alola Vulpix, Riolu and Zorroa from the destroyed world."

"And the wave power on your Highness, the power of the Evergreen symbol of the forest's love."

"Indeed, it can only be your Highness~"

The Phantom Thief's white gloves gently touched the boy who was smiling brightly on the screen.

Such a symbol of abstinence and elegance, but because of the lingering and caressing action, it brought out a bit of forbearance and restraint.


Two brief knocks on the door.

It was a pretty young girl.

Qu Ling came out of the underground darkroom with no expression.

"The Hoopa Ring has something wrong."

After saying that, he nodded to the two and walked back to the underground darkroom.

Feng Shuo also followed her into the darkroom in silence, adhering to the style of talking less and doing more.

"Really~ two big ice cubes! I really feel sorry for Mr. Kaito who works with you!"

The Kaito followed the two with a low complaint.

They entered the underground darkroom, where a group of people in blue and white clothes were operating a large screen and several computers.

The girl pointed to the Hoopa Ring suspended in the protective cover.

"Is this... the advent of the secret realm?" Feng Shuo looked at the scene inside the ring and thought about it.

Qu Ling walked away and concentrated on mixing the potion in his hand.

The thief looked at it carefully: "It is the special secret space filled with special energy..."

"From the looks of it, it is not far from descending into the world."

"Have you concluded the coordinates of the area?" He casually asked one of his subordinates.

"The coordinates were initially determined to be (-11, 69, 322, -57, ...), with an error of no more than 7 precision, and it is definitely in the Huaxia area."

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