The water was still flowing, but the water was still flowing.

The Bubble Squirrel next to him saw this scene and his expression was a bit hard to describe.

The little gray mouse disliked the salty and wet sea water. Their tribe was somewhat obsessed with cleanliness. For the sake of their own cleanliness, even if there were ocean singers to provide thin films, they were not willing to go into the deep sea.

He looked at Zeraora, although he still looked the same as before, but he always felt that something was wrong.

He was still very simple and straightforward, but his presence had increased a lot.

The Bubble Squirrel was thinking about when to quietly instigate Aledo to test it out.

After all, palace fighting... no, it was to maintain a good friendship with the trainer. It would be very tiring to personally go down every time, and the results would be limited.

You have to learn to divert the trouble.

Unfortunately, Aledo is also a high-ranking player, so it's not easy to deal with.

He has to think carefully.



In the sea below the island paradise.

Shi Qiu and N, lying on the back of the ribbed turtle through the thin membrane, slowly dived.

As the depth of the dive became deeper and deeper, the visible light became lower and lower. Shi Qiu began to use the power of waveguide to serve as his second vision.

"Something is wrong. We have reached this depth. Why is the distribution density of Pokémon not reduced at all?"

In the deep sea of ​​about 2,000 meters, in the waveguide vision, there are still countless water Pokémon, such as the ball flying fish and the heart fish.

"The ribbed turtle told me that the pressure at this depth is not right." N carefully stretched his hand through the film and into the sea water.

He felt it carefully: "Except for the light, there is no difference from two or three hundred meters."

"If nothing unexpected happens, we should have entered a brand new secret realm."

[You have entered the underwater temple area. 】

As N's voice fell, in front of Shi Qiu's sight, there was the blue mechanical words of the simulator.

This is a new area different from the sea area of ​​​​B-1 area.

Many wild elves were curiously looking at the three of them.

Shi Qiu and N, both of them are representatives who are naturally loved and loved by Pokémon.

At first, the wild elves were still intimidated by the super oppressive feeling of the peak combat power rib turtle, and hesitated to move forward, but just wandered far away on the periphery.

It seemed to follow them inadvertently.

But as time went on, the naughty and conspicuous ones who couldn't help it approached them cautiously.

Most of these elves approached unconsciously out of curiosity and inner closeness. The rib turtle saw that they had no ill intentions, so it kept diving slowly at a steady speed and did not drive them away.

Seeing that the annoying big guy just glanced at them lightly without any other reaction, the lantern fish came closer.

The glimmering light on their tentacles, dotted in the deep sea, unexpectedly had a different kind of beauty.

In the deep and quiet deep sea, there were only two ethereal whale calls occasionally.

Looking around, with no ground under my feet, I felt the kind of boundless palpitations as if my whole body and mind were dedicated.

Small and vast.

This is the tenderness of the vastness.

"Ah Shi!"

N's voice woke the boy from his unconsciousness.

It was a different kind of dizzy abyss, and people, it is best not to look directly into the abyss.

Shi Qiu immediately narrowed his sight from the big to the small, ignoring the vastness of the deep sea, and only shifted his attention to the wild elves in front of him.

So, the dizziness turned into a little warmth and softness under the glimmer and film.

What kind of feeling is this?

It was as if I returned to my warm little home of only a few dozen square meters in the empty big city in winter.

The film is the curtain, and the glimmer of the lantern fish is the light at home.

The curtain blocks all the loneliness of the night outside, and the warm light dispels the coldness in your heart.

Even the restless heart is strangely calmed down.

The boy saw several lantern fish, gently shaking their tentacles that glowed yellow, and curiously approached the spherical film.

There was a naughty and brave one who directly crossed this layer of obstruction that seemed to be there and not there.


As the water was blocked, the buoyancy disappeared, and the sudden gravity made the lantern fish panic for a moment, and its body fell down unsteadily.

She subconsciously closed her eyes, and the light of the tentacles flickered.

However, the pain she imagined did not come... She was gently caught by the boy.

"Be careful."

In a trance, she heard the boy say this.



At this time, several water-type elves broke through the thin film.

They were all very smart, and with the previous experience, they landed steadily beside Shi Qiu when they left the water.

Soon, the boy was surrounded by many small wild elves.

He held two in his arms, two on his shoulders, and one on his head... The rib turtle felt the weight slowly increasing on his back, and silently accelerated the speed of diving without saying a word.

The elves chattered, and the small world surrounded by the film suddenly became very lively.

Shi Qiu comforted them skillfully, hugged all the elves who came forward equally, and then watched them blushing and immersed in the dizziness of happiness.

"(Hug me, hug me!)"

"(And me! I want it too!)"

"(...I like it so much.)"


"(Where are you going?)"

In the midst of the words of vying for favor, suddenly, an elf asked them curiously.

As soon as this question was asked, the other elves who were still noisy quieted down and waited for his answer.

Shi Qiu glanced at the virtual screen in the corner.

"We are going to the underwater temple." His voice was very gentle, "Do you know where it is?"

"(Underwater Temple?)"

"(...You are going there!)"

"(It's so far away...)"

The lantern fish that had been so careless before stood up, and the tentacles on its head flashed, attracting everyone's attention.

"(I, I, I! I know where it is! I can take you there!)"

The underwater temple is naturally protected and hidden by all elves subconsciously, but if they are looking for the two humans in front of them, there is no problem.

Sure enough, the other elves did not say anything to stop the lantern fish when they heard it.

"Okay, thank you very much."

Shi Qiu gently put his hand on her head, and the scattered life energy slowly improved her physical fitness.

"(No... It's okay! I'll take you there right now!)"

She returned to the sea water from the film in a daze, walked into the tribe and said something unknown.

"Since you learned the language of the elf world, the influence of your affinity seems to have increased a lot."

N, who had been watching silently beside him, couldn't help but sigh.

Compared to Shi Qiu, although he also has a physique that is extremely popular with elves, under subconscious control, his temperament is very restrained.

However, even so, this is the first time that he has been completely ignored by wild elves.

"It seems a little..." Shi Qiu thought about it and asked him with a smile, "Are you jealous?"

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