The two of them were so happy.

As he spoke, Shi Qiu stuffed a Vaporeon into N's arms.

"Jealous...? Does it mean jealous?" N took the Vaporeon and thought for a while.

"No, it's just that this feeling is very novel."

It's good to have another human who is loved by the elves. He will not be jealous of the boy at all.

When the Vaporeon was stuffed into another young man by Shi Qiu, he was a little reluctant and restless, but when he felt the same comfortable breath on the young man holding him, he calmed down.

N gently stroked the Vaporeon and felt the coolness coming from it.

Vaporeon snored comfortably and enjoyed it under the proper comfort of the young man.

At the same time, the lantern fish outside seemed to have finished communicating with their companions in the tribe.

Countless lantern fish and electric monsters began to swim, and even the sea was brought up with small undercurrents.

Although they were numerous, they were very orderly. Under the command and guidance of the electric monster, they followed the direction of the rib turtle and spread out in two sides.

In an instant, in the dark and silent abyss, a path with warm light was built by wild elves.

Warmth as a reason, light as a guide.

As the most innocent and kind wild elves, they held their full joy in front of the boy.

The rib turtle looked at the trainer and Shi Qiu hesitantly.

N smiled and nodded.

"Just follow their instructions."

The young man could sense the silent joy in the hearts of the elves.

Hearing this, the rib turtle no longer needed to divide his mind to explore and search, and began to accelerate with all his strength.

The road that the lantern fish and electric light monsters laid out was not straight, but winding.

They followed the instructions and came to the natural underwater tunnel. Here, the starfish and gem starfish with red gems on their chests took over the baton from the lantern fish and became the next guide and road guide.

"Fortunately, there are these elves." Shi Qiu thought secretly.

The underwater tunnel here is extremely large, and the roads inside are also intricate.

Without the natives, even the path-finding skill of wave power would be very weak.

At that time, he would have to spend all his wealth to buy the rope to leave the cave, which was temporarily maliciously raised by the simulator.

[Rope to leave the cave]

[Price: 15,000 gold coins]

[Category: props]

[Basic information: Using the rope to leave the cave in places such as caves can immediately return to the entrance when entering the cave, regardless of whether the cave you entered is the same place as the current location. 】

【Simulator cute reminder: This is not a malicious price increase! This is not a malicious price increase! Our technology has equipped the cave rope with a pathfinding function and transformed it into a pathfinding artifact! It's only 15,000, you won't lose money, you won't be fooled! What are you waiting for, hurry up and buy it!】

Shi Qiu: Hehe:)

Since the Bubble Squirrel and Ice Vulpix inexplicably increased Shi Qiu's gold coin inventory by 50,000 some time ago, Xiao Mo has fallen into madness.

Although the price of ordinary goods is still normal, when they need something urgently, the simulator will start to raise the price crazily.

It looks like Vulpix and the others don't even have pants left.

Wait a little longer, when the Bubble Squirrel and the others figure out the principle of the store, some of this child will cry.



One hour later.

"It's here."

Shi Qiu opened his closed eyes and retracted the waveguide he had released forward.

There was nothing in front of him, but in Bodao's vision, there stood a huge underwater temple.

According to the information in the previous life, the conditions for entering the underwater temple were quite harsh.

It was necessary to enter during the lunar eclipse under the leadership of the descendants of the water people and Manaphy.

It was like the island paradise in the ocean, moving at any time, but judging from the attitude of the water elves before, the underwater temple had been silent here for a long time.

Shi Qiu slowly approached the energy membrane surrounding the outer periphery of the underwater temple in Bodao's vision.

"Successfully entered?......" N frowned, seeing the boy's hand pass through two layers of protective membranes and then retracted.

Shi Qiu shook his head hesitantly: "No, the answer of the underwater temple is very ambiguous."

"He seemed to agree at first, but then he gently and slowly pushed me away."

N had briefly heard of this being controlled by the water in the elf world.

The place has been guarded by the people for generations, but not much is known about it.

"Does the temple have a will?"

As Shi Qiu was about to answer, a familiar voice sounded.

"(Shi Qiu!)"

Fiona, who had not seen it for a long time, shouted excitedly and rushed into Shi Qiu's arms like a small cannonball.

"(You are not trustworthy! You haven't come to play with me for a long time...)" It was aggrieved.

"I'm sorry >people<, I was too busy some time ago... I will definitely not do it in the future!"

Shi Qiu was a little embarrassed under N's ​​gaze, and put his hands together to apologize sincerely.

"(Hmph~)" Fiona crossed his arms like a little adult, "(If you do this again, I will tell N about it again!)"

N coughed twice.

Shi Qiu:...

Okay, the case is solved.

"By the way, why are you here?" Shi Qiu quickly changed the subject.

Fiona pointed forward: "(He asked me to come here.)"

"(Do you want to come in with me too?)"

After that, she pulled them into the underwater temple.

Sure enough, they were not pushed out again this time.

The membrane of the temple is similar to the membrane of Shi Qiu's Ocean Singer, and its internal space isolates the seawater from the outside.

They and Fiona, who joined temporarily, followed the road and walked towards the depths of the temple.

Without the pirates and villains in the theater to stop them, they soon reached the end.

It is the location of the temple's secret treasure, the "Crown of the Sea".

The gorgeous and huge crown is shrouded in a special water flow, and on the crown is an exquisite elf egg.

It is dark blue all over, with a red sphere in the center and a coil of yellow light spots above.

It looks translucent and crystal.

"Is this... Manaphy's elf egg!?"

The extremely beautiful and unique pattern and appearance, Shi Qiu basically recognized it at the first time.

As Shi Qiu whispered in shock, the temple seemed to come alive and a buzzing sound came from inside.

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