The two of them were so close that they had to face each other.

"So, you know Cattleya?"

Shi Qiu was equally curious about this superpower king, or rather, he was curious about all the famous characters in Pokémon.

"Well, I think I know her." N chose his words carefully, "I once fought against her briefly as an enemy."

Oh, an unexpected plot appeared.

In the previous life, except for the special episodes that were released like fan fiction, the presence of the Unova Four Heavenly Kings champions was extremely weak in both the game and the animation plot.

Anyway, in Shi Qiu's impression, he had rarely seen them fighting against Plasma Group.

It makes sense that the villain organization's lair is underground in the headquarters of the Unova Alliance, but it has not been discovered for more than ten years.

However, according to N's disclosure, it seems that there is still a big deviation between reality and the game.

"Can I know?"

Shi Qiu looked up, his eyes were bright, and his face was full of curiosity.

Since the topic has come to this point, and the atmosphere has been set here, it's okay to simply say a few words about some things in the past, right?

N laughed: "My story may take much longer than yours before."

Although I don't know why Shi Qiu knows him very well, he is still so curious about his past...

"But if you want to hear it, I'll make it short."



N himself divided the more than 20 years of his life into three parts, one is childhood, one is puppet, and the last is travel.

The longest time was the puppet period, the most relaxed and enjoyable was the travel period, and the most unforgettable was the childhood period.

"No matter which period, there are several special people who accompany me." N said.

The first one is Kui Qisi.

He is one of the seven wise men of Team Plasma and the real boss behind Team Plasma.

"My attitude towards this person... is the most complicated."

Quiqisi is extremely cold and ambitious. Although he talks and behaves like a gentleman on the surface, he treats N, whom he raises as a child, as a monster.

He always thought that he had concealed it very well, but he didn't know that N was very smart and sensitive. Even though he was young, he could still see that this kindness was just a mask.

Shi Qiu said: "But you said that your feelings for him are very complicated, not just hatred."

"Yes, at the same time, I also respect him." N's narration was light and very fast.

Quiqisi concealed it too well, and he played the role of a kind father for more than ten years.

Occasionally, this disgusting ambitious man would get into the role.

"I saw his sincere smile when he bought me a toy basketball, just like all fathers."

"But the next second he turned ferocious, and quickly returned to calm, wearing a false mask."

And N, the child who once closed his heart, was greedy for the occasional sincere emotions of Quichis, and became a puppet under his brainwashing for decades.

"What made you change?" Shi Qiu asked.

According to N, he had a relaxing and happy journey in the later period, which means that someone did defeat N who was traveling with Zekrom.

But if he remembered correctly, N also said that the real Leshiram was still a legend before the destruction of the world and never appeared.

"After N's ​​castle appeared, the Four Heavenly Kings Champion and the Seven Sages were in a bitter battle... In the end, Zekrom and I were defeated."

"Is it Douzi or Douye?" Shi Qiu couldn't help but speak out.

"Touzi, Touya?"

N seemed to frown and think for a while, then answered him thoughtfully: "Are you talking about the excellent trainers who appeared in the final battle..."

"You think they defeated me? Why?"

N was also a little curious.

He admitted that the two young trainers who appeared when the Plasma Group and the Unova Alliance tore each other apart were very talented, but it should be difficult to defeat a god like Zekrom, right?

Why did Shi Qiu have such confidence in them?

It's over, it seems that the plot is completely different.

Shi Qiu paused twice, and after a long while, he said to N: "Well... Your question will be very troublesome to explain, wait for you to finish and then I will explain it."

N didn't care, just continued.

"Let's not talk about the two boys and girls who defeated me for the time being. The two boys and girls you are talking about are actually two people who traveled with me for a while.


"They love Pokémon equally, and at the same time, their Pokémon also responded to their feelings."

Touzi and Douye, one holding the Entei, and the other partnering with the Great Sword Ghost, are very powerful.

It is said that they once pursued the figure of the Shuidu brothers and sisters, but unfortunately they were defeated and failed to conquer them. They were just one step away from being recognized by the infinite Pokémon.

"Traveling with them is a very relaxing time."

"It was also during this trip that I personally realized that although many Pokémon were abandoned and tortured, more Pokémon and trainers love each other infinitely."

So N began to reflect on his ideals, revised his ideals, and turned to seek the possibility of harmonious coexistence between all humans and Pokémon.

"It still sounds like a fantasy." Shi Qiu and N are already close, so he calmly and directly stated the problem.

"But I like this ideal very much. ”

The scope of everything is too boundless. There are always some people who hate elves by nature, and there are always some elves who are born evil.

Both groups have shadows that cannot be eliminated.

But ideals are not real. He is the Garden of Eden that exists in the spiritual world.

Listening to Shi Qiu's evaluation, N smiled and nodded.

"What about the last one? Your childhood."

"... Childhood, let's just say it's before the age of 7 after I can remember."

Quiche almost imprisoned N, deliberately separated him from humans, and let him grow up with Pokémon who were betrayed, abused, and hurt by malicious humans.

Even so, for some reason, he left N with a relatively stable childhood.

"But I kept a little secret well." N blinked cunningly, revealing a rare bit of youthful spirit.

"Quiche didn't allow me to live with humans, including Barbena and Helena. However, I accidentally met a very good partner one day. "

Shi Qiu frowned. N's childhood friend?

He searched for information about his previous life in his mind, but there was no relevant information.

This is also normal. After all, from the current known information, the plots of games and animations are just plots. You can refer to them but don't bring them in. The real world has its own unique and complete main line and scenery.

"He just passed through a circle and suddenly entered my world, smiling and introducing himself to me."

"Qiandong. This is the name of the child. "

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