The old man was very angry, but he was very angry.


In Shiqiu's impression, there is no such person.

In addition, there is the so-called "ring".

Hoopa... Is the probability of this super demon god appearing too high?

The Celebi incident, the Zeraora incident, and the Catholic team... have all appeared, and their presence is not ordinary.

Shiqiu asked: "What is the identity of this person?"

N nodded: "According to him, he comes from the inheritance of Arceus, the Valley of Creation."

The Valley of Creation?!

"If you are curious, I can let Zoroark transform you."

When Qiandong appeared in his life, the current Zoroark, the then Zoroark, had been with him for a long time.

Hearing N's call, Zoroark quickly appeared.

"Remember Qiandong? Ashi is curious about him." N explained.

Zoroark nodded.

As the space fluctuated slightly, the figure of the black and red fox suddenly disappeared, replaced by a quirky and handsome boy.

He was handsome, with short white hair that made his face even whiter, and his eyes were smart and cunning. There was a wonderful pendant around his neck, shaped like Arceus's golden wheel.

Shi Qiu could now be sure that Qiandong had never appeared in his previous life. Otherwise, just based on this white hair, he would not have no impression of him at all.

After all, everyone in China is obsessed with white hair.

But judging from the pendant he had, he was indeed the inheritor of the Valley of Creation.

Therefore, it was not surprising that he appeared with the Hoopa Ring.

"He and an elf named Hoopa often come to play with me, and sometimes he will bring his childhood sweetheart who lives with him in the Valley of Creation."

"If I remember correctly, they are called Balza and Meiyali."

Zoroark transformed synchronously with N's narration, but Shi Qiu had a certain impression of these two people.

N had also been to the Valley of Creation as a guest. Although the time was very short, only two or three hours, he still remembered the life in the Valley of Creation.

So, after that, although N was still brainwashed by Quichis, he still maintained his hope for the harmonious coexistence of humans and elves in an inconspicuous corner of his heart.

"At the last moment, it was this boy named Qiandong who defeated Zekrom and me."

Qiandong, with the gentleness after the demise of everything in winter.



That afternoon, Shi Qiu was told that N could also enter City B.

N and Nancy seemed to have had a conversation, but Shi Qiu didn't know the details.

He didn't ask, and N didn't mention it.

After that, Shi Qiu started to develop his own superpowers without delay.

"Before the development, I will first guide the activity of your mental power and conduct a mental burst. This will lay the foundation for you and test your talent in superpowers." Nancy said lightly.

"This is dangerous. You can't be too tense, which is not conducive to guidance; you can't let your mental power go directly, which will cause it to run away."

"Get ready, let's start again."

Shi Qiu nodded.

Nancy released an Alakazam and a Sun Eevee.

She looked at the boy's inevitably nervous expression, and after a while, she showed a subtle smile:

"Don't worry too much. No matter what, I am also a top superpower user."

The spoon in Alakazam's hand and the red gem on the forehead of the Sun Eevee both emitted a breathtaking light.

Nazi had conducted too many super powers enlightenments, and even used her doll substitute to indirectly guide the mental power of the gym apprentices in the Golden Gym.

The reason why she took it more seriously this time than before was because of two reasons.

First, she had a good impression of this boy. After a few days of getting along, she seemed to have a close neighbor brother.

Second, Shi Qiu had multiple special abilities in his body. She had to prevent the energy contained in Shi Qiu from falling into an unbalanced state after the addition of super powers.

Fortunately, there was no error in the process of super power guidance.

The violent mental energy radiated from Shi Qiu's center.

Countless beads prepared in advance rose up under the action of mental power.

[You have obtained a new special ability through special channels: super power!]

"What a vast mental energy total

"Nazi looked at the fully raised beads, somewhat incredulously, "There is still this level of activity..."

Although she guessed that Shi Qiu's talent for superpowers would not be low, she prepared enough beads to test the initial strength.

But based on the current situation, Shi Qiu's talent in this area can even be comparable to hers.

This is completely contrary to the common sense that Nazi knows.

Superpowers are different from waveguides. They are a kind of violent spiritual energy.

Therefore, people who are guided by superpowers to develop such abilities, even if they have certain talents, will have a fixed upper limit.

But in Shi Qiu's case, With this kind of talent, he should not need anyone to guide him, but will show it early in childhood.

Just like her and Cattleya.

Before being guided, Shi Qiu's powerful and active energy was like a pool of stagnant water, stable and calm.

However, Nazi's surprise and disbelief lasted for a short time, and this emotion disappeared after a while.

After all, superpowers themselves represent unscientific and unbridled freedom.

It's normal to go against convention.



"Concentrate your spiritual power, wrap the rosary and lift it up. "

Nazhi instructed.

Shi Qiu's brows twisted into a ball, and there was even some sweat in his black hair.

A faint ice-white light enveloped a rosary, but it dissipated before it could work.


She really didn't expect that one day she would be surprised by the talent of the same person twice.

Just like the light green light in Nazhi's hand, the ice white is the light color feedback of Shi Qiu's spiritual power.

According to this scale, it is still huge.

But the number of rosary beads has dropped from hundreds to dozens, and then from dozens to a few.

But why can't he even lift a small rosary?

Shi Qiu lowered his head in guilt and dared not speak.

Nazhi was silent for a while, and found a spoon from the corner of the gym warehouse.

"......Try it first, bend it. "

This time, under the influence of Bingbai's telekinesis, the spoon quickly twisted and bent.

She was thoughtful.

It seems that Shi Qiu's telekinesis is too violent and destructive, making it difficult to maintain control.

But he is very good at twisting and destroying.

"In that case, then you should practice more."

Nazi sighed. It was also the first time she saw a superpower with more violent tendencies than her own.

Shi Qiu wanted to cry but had no tears.

I don't lack means of attack. I want superpowers. What I crave is not its destructiveness, but its ability to control and move objects. Woohoo...

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