The old man was very happy.

Ye Lin said, "My partner is Longtail Fire Fox, Chen Liu is Hunting Swallowtail. Like us, we have been playing with one Pokémon since our debut."

"Like other contestants, Ms. Luo Shanyu's Dragonite, Ilaier's Milotic, although their other Pokémons have also appeared, they all have distinct representative Pokémon partners."

"Only you used three different Pokémons in three gorgeous competitions, and they are all very powerful and unique, so there are many versions of your small card peripherals."

Chen Liu stood aside and added silently, "And your support group also According to the three elves, they are divided into four categories, and each faction has its own elves to support. "

"Now that the news of your participation in the Magic City Gorgeous Competition has been confirmed, they should have been arguing about who is your representative elf."

"Four categories?"

Ye Lin smiled: "Oh, the fourth category, pure fun people watching the show, they think you will always send new elves. In their words, your steps will not stop for any elves, but will only keep stepping into the arms of new partners."

Wow, it's obviously a very crazy fan group, but he feels guilty for no reason.

After digesting it for a while, Shi Qiu looked up and asked them in confusion: "My fan support group, how do you know so much?"

Chen Liu was drinking water while walking. After being asked this question out of the blue, his hands obviously shook, and he choked violently, and almost sprayed out the water.

Ye Lin heard this, but he was heartless and took it for granted, and smiled brightly: "Oh, of course it's because we added your fan group."

Shi Qiu: "..."

He was choked and silent a lot today.



The next day.

At dawn, many elves in the city have already started to move, and the streets and alleys are gradually filled with people.

Due to a small public opinion outburst on the Internet some time ago, the officials of the gorgeous competition were forced to relax the verification standards and also released many shortlisted places again.

Therefore, the time of this preliminaries is relatively long, and it is expected to take a long time to end, but before the contestants entered the venue, the audience seats in the open-air venue were already crowded.


Of course it's because of the well-known opening ceremony!

The top coordinator, Yubie, who is even recognized as a master coordinator outside the district, Ye Tianwang, who stands at the top of the coordinators in the Huaxia district and is also the top trainer, will perform in person at the opening ceremony. This is enough to make everyone wait here early.

Shi Qiu, Ye Lin, and Chen Liu formed a small circle in the backstage and stared at the screen to chat.

Ye Lin whispered: "So I still can't understand, Master Yubie said that the reason why she didn't show up at the out-of-district gorgeous competition was that she didn't pass the audition... Will anyone really believe this?"

Before he finished speaking, Chen Liu changed his usual gentle appearance and glared at him: "Are you saying that Master Yubie would lie?!"

Ye Lin rolled his eyes slightly.

Okay, excuse me, it turns out that there are really brain-dead fans who grit their teeth and believe it.

Shi Qiu saw Chen Liu's look and hesitated to speak.

Tsk tsk, this woman who looks like a clear and pure landscape is of course a liar. Have you forgotten her one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight pen names?

And at this time in the audience.

"Master Yubie's performance will be coming soon, right? I'm so looking forward to it!"

"Habie has not performed publicly for a long time, right?"

Under the stage, Shi Qiu still bought tickets for all the elves. Zoroark transformed into N's appearance and sat in the seats with many elves.

Among them were Diancie and Manaphy.

"(Ah Shina? Qiuqiuna? Where are you?)" Manaphy leaned forward and looked around the stage with little Zoroark.

"(Little ancestor, don't move around.)" Seeing Manaphy's restless appearance in Diancie's arms, Zoroark hurriedly said.

If one is not careful, the illusion does not cover Manaphy and Diancie, and the camera in the audience captures their figures, then it will be a big deal.

Fortunately, Diancie was very well behaved. Although no one could see her, she still picked up the etiquette of the princess of the Mineral Country and sat in her seat properly. As the saying goes, she had a high profile when she went out.

Riolu held down Manaphy, and the Vine Snake tied up Zoroark. The two elves comforted the two little guys at the same time.

Seeing this scene, Kyuubi approached the foam squirrel next to him and lowered his head.

"(As I recall, Zoroark joined the team quite early, before Aledo... No, strictly speaking, earlier than Riolu.)"

"(Why did Vine Snake, who joined the team the latest, seem like an old team member taking care of a new partner.)"

Foam Squirrel looked over when he heard this.

Vine Snake didn't look very impatient, but the vine whip was firmly tied to Zoroark, which neither let him mess up nor protected him well.

He remembered the scene when Vine Snake helped Zoroark not fall off the table during dinner.

"(The little snake's personality is more considerate, he looks difficult to get along with but he is just a tsundere. Although Zoroark is strong, he is still young.)"

Foam Squirrel yawned, fiddled with the bell on his neck, and helped Zoroark strengthen the illusion.

Ninetail frowned and shook his head: "(Not too young, he loves to eat and sleep so much every day, what will happen if he leaves Shiqiu and us in the future.)"

Foam Squirrel thought about it and felt that it was true.

Zoroar's talent is still one of the best in this team where all his companions are monsters.

But not only did Aledo catch up, but even Snake has recently caught up with him.

"(Then go back and discuss with Riolu and Snake, and tighten the strings for Zoroar.)"

He doesn't pay attention to training at all, and he can't just live like this forever.

After the two elves finished discussing the serious matters, Ninetail started to be unruly again, and patted the head of the foam squirrel with his tail provocatively.

Bubble Chinchilla didn't even raise his eyes: "(Take it back, don't force me to slap you when I'm happy.)"

Ninetails: Heh:)

Tutu Dog sat in his seat, watching them quietly, not knowing what he was thinking, but his pupils seemed to no longer be without any fluctuations, but a vast expanse of white.

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