The two elves fought hard, but the battle was not over.

The bubble squirrel didn't practice ninjutsu well enough, and although he knew that if the Nine-Tail saw him breaking the defense, he would only get more aggressive, he still broke the defense.

One of the two elves used the Song of Destruction technique, and the other used the Charming Voice technique, fighting in secret until the pigs' brains came out. Fortunately, they both had a bottom line and excellent coordination, and they confined the aftermath of the battle to each other.

So on the surface, the bubble squirrel and the Nine-Tail were very calm and were smiling in a friendly manner.

Zoroark was tied up by the vine snake, but he was obedient and didn't make a fuss, and he was calm and stable.

Riolu was still coaxing Manaphy in a low voice.

Diancie Elf sat in his seat, but his eyes looked around curiously, attracted by all kinds of things beyond cognition.

Zoroark sat in his seat diagonally, with a fan-shaped smile on his lips, which was a classic poem about "three parts unruly, three parts rogue, and four parts evil".


They have a good relationship.

Such a sentence suddenly popped up in Tutu Dog's mind.

Maybe he stared at his companions for too long, Riolu turned around vigilantly, and when he saw Tutu Dog, he asked gently:

"(What's wrong?)"

Tutu Dog was stunned by his question, and then shook his head.

He may not have noticed it himself, but the look in Riolu's eyes when he looked at Shi Qiu, Bubble Squirrel and Ice Vulpix before joining the team is also the same as he is now.

Tutu Dog didn't answer, so he remained calm and nodded with a smile: "(Wait a little longer, Ashi should be on stage soon.)"

Foam Squirrel, Ninetail and other elves also noticed the scene here, and they were very smart and immediately understood the reason.

Ninetail put down the charming voice and nodded to Tutu Dog: "(Watch it carefully later, maybe you will perform with Aqiu in the future, painting... is really quite ornamental.)"


The elves tacitly tilted their focus towards the new partner, and made the same choice as their own boy to reach out and pull him into the world.



In the open-air venue, the big screen lit up with a "bang", and the audience in the seats cheered immediately.

"Master Yubie will perform on stage soon, right?" A cute-looking girl standing in the crowd said excitedly.

"Yes, yes, according to the official information released before the game, Master Yubie will most likely use the monarch snake for the opening performance this time!"

A young boy with brown hair next to her took up the girl's words.

The girl also took the opportunity to chat with him directly. Neither of them was socially anxious, and they had quickly become familiar with each other before the opening performance.

"Are you a college student who just graduated? Do you want to be a coordinator?" the boy asked.

"Yes, but I'm still a newcomer. I only participated in the Xijing City Gorgeous Competition once, but the results were not ideal, so I thought of coming here to learn from it."

The girl obviously looked ignorant, and she had a broad but not in-depth understanding of the information related to the Gorgeous Competition.

"There are many star players in this gorgeous competition, so it should be very interesting to watch, right?"

The boy thought for a while: "This gorgeous competition should be much more interesting than other competitions, mainly because there are many excellent coordinators from other regions, and the two top coordinators are competing on the same stage... the fighting may be more intense than before."

"In addition to Luo Shanyu and Mus Ilaier, the two hottest favorites to win the championship, other excellent coordinators like Chen Liu, Ye Lin, and You Zhi..." The boy carefully counted the seeded players who were currently being discussed.

"Youmian, Yi Ze..." The boy paused, "Oh, by the way, there is also a boy named Shi Qiu."

"His chance to win the championship is only lower than the two top coordinators, but higher than most other coordinators."


In the center of the stage of the open-air venue of the gorgeous competition.

As Villian walked to the front of the stage with a microphone, all the seated audiences quieted down at her signal and waited for the host's explanation.

"Dear audience, ladies and gentlemen!"

"Today, in the pearl region of the world, Magic City, where the world's best coordinators gather, the first grand competition named "Exchange" has finally officially begun!"

"After strict screening based on the public verification standards on the Internet, all

The high-level coordinators who have passed the screening will first stand on the charming stage of the preliminaries. The momentary brilliance of a move on the charming stage will become the key to victory. "

"From the appearance of the Pokémon partner to the selection and use of moves, and how to give the performance a perfect ending, even the tacit understanding between the Pokémon partner and the coordinator will be included in the scope of the judges' scores for comprehensive evaluation..."

"After this round, only the top 64 players who stand out from a total of 214 coordinators can advance to the main stage for the official competition performance. ”

“Who are the outstanding players who can successfully enter the grand performance competition? Who are the coordinators you are familiar with? Let us look forward to it!”

“But before that, please allow me to introduce the important guest of this grand competition. The current undisputed first coordinator in the Huaxia region, the top coordinator, and one of the four "leaf" in the Huaxia region, Master Yubie!!!”

“She will show us how to use a move to show the charm of the elves in the preliminaries. Please applaud and welcome Master Yubie to the stage--”

As soon as Villian finished speaking, all the audience present, including some players in the backstage, began to cheer. Many coordinators from outside the region, such as the French region and the American region, sat up straight involuntarily.

“Monarch Snake... Which move will Master Yubie choose, and to what extent will he do it? "

Shi Qiu sat silently on the sofa in the candidate room, looking up at the Ye Tianwang on the screen.

Gentle and quiet, with beautiful mountains and rivers, Yu Bie just stood there, even if her eyebrows and eyes were just generally pretty, but her temperament was in line with the unique quiet and restrained beauty of the women in the Huaxia area.



In the open-air venue, in the center of the stage, just when everyone was concentrating and looking at this place, accompanied by a soft hum, the green of the scattered leaves was like jasper, accompanied by the falling flowers of flying snow, and the rapidly growing saplings, instantly all the people in the venue, From the city to the forest.

In the breeze of fallen leaves, the audience finally saw the elf that created this forest - the Monarch Snake.

Its body has eye-catching golden patterns, like the noble lines of the royal family. The two rolled leaves near the neck are like the collar and cuffs of a formal dress, and the gold inside is more low-key and noble. His eyes are scarlet, and he reveals a hint of disdain in his soul-stirring, giving people a noble and arrogant feeling.

Just by appearing, the Monarch Snake reveals amazing charm, even compared with the most beautiful Milotica, it is not inferior at all.

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