The forest was covered with snow, and the trees were covered with snow.

With the arrogant look of the monarch snake, he moved his body slightly, and his tail, which was like a thorn and revealed a strange and hideous beauty, moved in front of him. He patted the green grass field lightly, and the small forest came alive again.

The seeds with crystal light were buried in the grass, the fallen leaves were flying, the flowers and plants were singing, and in the waves caused by the substantial life energy, the breeze was warm, and the rustling hum was the whisper from the forest.

In the midst of the flying leaves and falling flowers, the snake shadows danced, and the mysterious and charming dance postures matched with the beautiful and clear natural scenery, which seemed like a natural sacrifice in a primeval forest, making the whole performance more impactful.

All the coordinators couldn't help but sigh in a low voice, including those coordinators from other regions who came here for the reputation.

Looking at the center of the stage, Yubie, who was dressed in a gorgeous dress in this small primeval forest, looked at you quietly in this forest with calm eyes like clear water and distant mountains, and you already know that there are differences among top coordinators.

As some of the official names of the gorgeous competitions in some foreign regions call it, the title of coordination master is also worthy of the name at this moment.

After that, no coordinator paid attention to the opening words that Villian said next, nor did they pay attention to the other judges who came on stage one by one during the introduction. They were still immersed in the performance just now.

One move, just now this forest, these flying flowers and falling leaves, these warm sun and breeze, were all created by one move.

【Green Grass Field】.

"This is one of the names of the so-called 'leaf'."

Shi Qiu lowered his head and smiled. Green Grass Field, whether it was seeds or saplings, whether it was flying flowers or falling leaves, was created by this field skill, which was integrated with the skills of life energy.


"Just relying on the hardware quality of the body, through the coordination of life energy in the field, it set off scenes like the flying leaf storm, the oath of grass and the colorful falling flowers?"

The skills and the use of life energy and the development of the Green Grass Field move are unparalleled and have reached the top level.

With just one move, he performed a performance that other top coordinators need several combined moves to complete...

It is not an exaggeration to call it the peak.

Shi Qiu remembered that Rong Dao had talked to him about the terrible tactics of King Ye's army before. Even with the dragon elf army of Champion Long Luo, it could compete for a short time, and its strength was the best among the kings.

One of the things he relied on should be this superb green grass field.


The performance of Yubie was very short, and then the preliminaries began.

Hundreds of excellent coordinators competed on the same stage, taking turns to perform on stage in a very short time, and then scoring directly without commenting, and selecting 64 candidates who could successfully enter the main competition.

"Sure enough, Master Yubie will join the original judges as a special judge and score with them."

"In other words, as long as you can advance, you can get comments and guidance from Master Yubie!"

Many people can see that this gorgeous competition is obviously different from others and the meaning behind it.

However, most people are more concerned about which 64 excellent coordinators can break through the siege and successfully advance from the equally excellent people.



Hundreds of high-level coordinators walked to the stage one by one under the introduction of Villian and sent their partners to perform.

Of course, this introduction is just a simple origin and name. If you want to be introduced in detail and enter the public's field of vision, you have to do it during the gorgeous performance.

"Next, it's Lei from Nicklang County in France. Let's take a look at the performance of the Lei contestant..."

After many contestants performed, a blond young man dressed in an exotic style walked onto the stage. He had deep eyebrows and three-dimensional facial features, as if every gesture was full of affection.

The elf Lei sent was a dream demon. When they performed, the five judges on the stage, Yubie, Considine, Sumuzu, the elf doctor Miss Qiao Ruo, and Mr. David from England nodded and smiled thoughtfully.

The moves displayed by the dream demon were not the kind with gorgeous special effects, but a skill called "Lucky Spell".

"The use of a simple buff move, but the mysterious temperament of the dream demon

It seems more profound, and at the same time it incorporates the illusion ability caused by spell induction..."

Even the mysterious text was materialized by the dream demon, and it was running around his body, making him seem more unfathomable like a magician.

The judges gave the final score.

96 points.

This is the first time that a score of more than 95 points has appeared.

"What a strange move..."

"What a terrifying coordination ability, is this a specially developed skill? It fully reflects the ghost of his ghost system."



"Next is Xiaoliang from Longlou City, Huaxia District."

84 points.

"......Zuo Yi from Jingning City, Huaxia District."

81 points.

"......Talina from Manrui County, America. ”

90 points.

In fact, after more than half of the coordinators in the preliminaries finished their performances, it was rare to see players with scores above 90 points. They were generally concentrated in the 80-90 segment. Players below 80 points were as rare as those above 90 points.

As for those above 95 points, apart from Lei Yi at the beginning, there is only one more Luo Shanyu with 97 points.

Then, Chen Liu and Hunting Swallowtail appeared. They broke through themselves again. They did not use insect silk or silver whirlwind, but used insect chirps that represent the life of insect elves.

They scored 95 points and ranked third for the time being.

"I almost thought that this was not a gorgeous competition, but the last gorgeous celebration..." Considine smiled and praised in a low voice.

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