The sound of the water dragon roared, and all the doubts about the boy's poor performance and careless choice of partner were put back.

97 points.

It was an excellent result, tied for second place with the top coordinator Luo Shanyu.

Shi Qiu and Aledo bowed and walked off the stage.



"Is the preliminaries over?"

"It's over. We should be able to see the 64 official contestants announced tonight."

"I don't know who will advance."


As time passed, in the evening, the big screen of the open-air venue finally lit up in the eyes of everyone's expectations.

The preliminaries of the Magic City Grand Competition officially ended, and the avatars of the 64 advanced coordinators appeared on the Rotom screen and entered people's sight.

In addition to the top two coordinators who attracted everyone's attention, an overly young boy also ranked among the top two with 97 points.

Shi Qiu.

The outside world immediately launched a heated discussion around these three people. Although Shi Qiu's topic was not low, Luo Shanyu and Yilaier's attention was obviously higher.

"Now the outside world, including the audience outside the region, is speculating about who will win the final victory."

"Luo Shanyu scored one point lower than Ilaier in the preliminaries. Isn't it a bit... for a coordinator from another region to win the first place?"

"Sure enough, the level of coordinators in the Huaxia region is one level lower than that in Europe and the United States."

"I don't think so. This is just the preliminaries. Everyone is definitely hiding something. I think it's better to wait until the gorgeous show to make a guess."

On the Internet and in real life, many viewers are looking forward to the duel between the two top coordinators. There is no doubt that the winner of this gorgeous competition is basically one of these two people.


With the official competition about to start, the coordinators are adjusting the temporary status of the elves.

The official gorgeous show is different from the preliminaries. The full 64 coordinators are basically excellent players who have scored more than 85 points, and there is no newcomer. They are all coordinators with more than three gorgeous ribbons.

"Don't be nervous. Our hard power is not outstanding, but the show match is fully enough to get high scores according to our previous rehearsal..."

The young boy whispered to Aledo, but compared with Aledo's calmness, he kept nagging and it can be seen that he was the one who was really nervous.

Aledo looked at Shi Qiu quietly, and suddenly gently held his hand. In his surprised eyes, he knelt on one knee and put his forehead on the boy's hand devoutly.

"(Don't worry, I will bring you glory and victory.)"

Even if the opponent is extraordinarily powerful.

Although the boy didn't say it, in fact, the outside world and even the fans' lack of attention to him had a little impact on Shi Qiu.

Just like the first time he participated in the show match with Vulpix, he either didn't participate, but as long as he participated, Qiu's goal at that time was only the top champion or the winner.

Even if the two top coordinators were like two mountains, he would still choose to climb over them.

As for me, as long as it is what you want, I am willing to give everything, try my best, and devote myself to bring you the most desired results and honors.

Aledo thought silently.



In the open-air venue of the Magic City, on the main stage of the gorgeous competition, Villian walked onto the stage amid countless cheers, and raised the microphone in the eyes of countless online live broadcasts and offline audiences.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the most grand competition in the Magic City is finally about to begin! This competition has opened an overseas channel unprecedentedly. With the joint efforts of the official competition, the official Huaxia District Alliance and the World Elf Alliance, a super-large platform for outstanding coordinators from around the world to communicate with each other has been built!"

"The sixty-four contestants who successfully broke through the preliminaries will have a fierce and gorgeous competition performance on our main stage to compete for the final winning spot. Finally, the coordinator who wins the final will be able to get this specially designed gorgeous ribbon!"

Villian explained, and finally gestured to the beautiful and highly designed Magic City ribbon next to her, excited

said excitedly.

"And this gorgeous ribbon is a ribbon recognized by 38 regions in the world, and can be used as one of the credentials for participating in the gorgeous celebrations held in Huaxia, America, France, England and other regions!"

Then, Villian introduced the unique lineup of judges for this gorgeous competition.

A total of five.

Mr. Considine, Director of the Gorgeous Competition Affairs Bureau and Chief Examiner.

Mr. Sumu Zuo, President of the World Elf Club.

Ms. Qiao Ruo, the Elf Doctor of Magic City.

Mr. David Seder, Chairman of the Coordinator Training Committee of the England Region.

And finally, Ye Tianwang of Huaxia Region and Ms. Yubie, the coordination master.

"Now, let's enter the gorgeous competition that we can't wait for. Please invite our 64 contestants to come on stage one by one!"

Under Villian's instructions, the 64 coordinators began to take the stage one by one, and each of them performed a performance that they had rehearsed for a long time with one of their elves.

"Beautiful flower, petal dance to receive paralysis powder!"

One contestant made the elves perform a flower ritual dance in the rotating petals with the unique golden flash of paralysis powder.

It received unanimous praise from the judges and the audience.

"The next one to come on stage is the rising star from the Magic City - the insect speaker Chen Liu. He has won five gorgeous ribbons and has contributed many unforgettable performances with his partner Hunting Swallowtail Butterfly."

"Let us look forward to his performance!!"

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