The more you look at the picture, the more you will see.

In the official competition of the Magic City Gorgeous Competition, each contestant will be introduced in detail. According to the performance of the previous Gorgeous Competition, the official will combine some of the online fans' statements and titles to give some special titles.

"Insect Whisperer..." Ye Lin's eyelids twitched.

It feels so second-rate...

There are five judges on the judging desk, each of whom has the power to score 20 points. The sum of the five people's scores is the score of each person in the Gorgeous Performance Competition.

This is different from the regular Gorgeous Competition, and the scoring standards and rules of the Gorgeous Celebration are adopted.

"93 points! Chen Liu and his hunting swallowtail butterfly once again showed us the plasticity of mental power, becoming the first player to break through 90 points!"

"It's really good. The clever control of the airflow around the hunting swallowtail butterfly with mental power has given this elf a prospect of breaking through the upper limit of the race. Compared with the skills he used before, it is more advanced and mysterious. I can't imagine what the future achievements of this hunting swallowtail butterfly in mental power will be."

In the gorgeous exhibition match of the main competition, the judges' scoring has obviously become more cautious and conservative.

For the first time, a high score of more than 90 points appeared. After Constance couldn't help but give an appreciative comment, other judges also gave their own opinions.

The coordinators in the backstage looked at each other.

Sure enough, the players who can reach more than 95 points in the preliminaries are not show-offs.

In the official competition with fewer restrictions, they can show their style more strongly.

Chen Liu's 93 points directly crushed all the previous contestants.


For some mysterious fate, the only two top coordinators appeared one after the other.

One of them was paired with a dragon and the other with a Milotic, both of whom were water-attributed elves.

The first to appear, Ilaier, with the extreme violent aesthetics of surfing and waterfall climbing displayed by Milotic, coupled with a unique charming appearance, the eye-catching beauty and amazing coordination ability directly earned him a high score of 97 points.

When this result came out, all the audience on the field, including the coordinators in the backstage, fell into an uproar.

You know, under the strict scoring standard, let alone the level of more than 95 points, even more than 90 points, there are only two people.

But Ilaier got the same level of score as the preliminaries.

Is this the glory of the top coordinators in the French region...

All eyes were turned to Luo Shanyu who came on the next stage.

"Luo Shanyu should be under a lot of pressure now?" Ye Lin approached Shi Qiu and whispered.

Shi Qiu nodded silently.

Of course it would be big. In the first round of the preliminaries, she almost fell into public opinion because of a one-point difference. Now she is on stage right after Ilaier...

Shi Qiu focused his eyes on Luo Shanyu, who was calm on the screen.

Riding a dragon, he slowly appeared in the white mist.


After the beautiful performance, Luo Shanyu ranked first with 98 points, pushing the atmosphere of the scene to a climax again.

"The ice fountain created by taking advantage of the freezing wind and blizzard..." Constance whispered.

He gave a score of 19, the same score as Yubie Tianwang.

And the reason why it didn't get full marks...

"In terms of skills and coordination, it's already full marks, but..."

Yu Bie smiled and took over his unfinished words: "Not enough novelty."

Luo Shanyu's ice and snow were not completely coordinated by himself, and there were too many shadows of a certain boy and Vulpix in it.

"Enchanting voice, white mist, blizzard..."

Shi Qiu looked at the screen and smiled slowly.

I don't know what Jiuwei would think if he saw this scene.

It needs to be explained here that Luo Shanyu and Chenglong's performances are references, which are fundamentally different from plagiarism.

They took the performance of Vulpix as a guide and walked out of their own understanding of ice and snow, but because of their limitations, they were trapped in the template of that ice and snow performance.

But in terms of ice and snow coordination, Jiuwei may not be better than Chenglong.


After surpassing Ilaier with 98 points, Luo Shanyu breathed a sigh of relief.

She naturally knew where the two points of this perfect performance were deducted, and as the real little master of Bingxue, she was waiting to go on stage backstage.

Luo Shanyu walked off the stage, recalling Shi Qiu's previous performances, with great expectations in her heart.



As in the preliminaries, Shi Qiu's appearance was still in the second half of the schedule.

"Okay! Next, let's welcome the next contestant, Shi Qiu from Youye City in the Huaxia region!!!"

"At the age of 16, Shi Qiu has only participated in three gorgeous competitions but has won all of them. He is a very talented and talented new star coordinator!!!"

"He and the elves interpret beauty and danger vividly. The audience is often intoxicated by his performance, but also frightened by the strong murderous intent behind it."

"In addition, he is also the only one who tied for second place with 97 points with the top coordinator in the preliminaries..."

Tied for second place with the top coordinator?

Villian's introduction shocked many viewers who did not watch the contestants' preliminaries.

With Villian's introduction, Shi Qiu slowly stood in the center of the stage in the live broadcast of the gorgeous competition open to coordinators around the world.

"This boy who has been waiting for a long time is finally on the stage!" People who have been paying attention to Shi Qiu cheered up.

Shi Qiu raised his head and looked at the familiar judges, and his heart moved.

Yubie was looking at him with a faint smile on his face, and the others, including the president David who came from England, did not hide the expectation on their faces.

"Okay, then please start the show!!" Villian smiled and winked at Shi Qiu.

The first time is new, the second time is familiar.

Shi Qiu took a long breath and threw the Poké Ball.


At the moment when the handsome swordsman appeared, Shi Qiu flashed with light, and with the help of the simulator, he completed the one-button change of clothes again.

"This... what is this?"

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