The old man was very happy.


But Aledo, have you...suddenly changed?

Shi Qiu's normal judgment ability finally returned, and he was so scared to see Aledo's super evolution that he faded on the spot.

I didn't bring the key stone either? ??

At the same time, the audiences in various regions who were watching the live broadcast on the Internet finally came back to their senses from the performance just now. At this time, they saw Aledo, who had changed a lot on the field and became taller and more handsome, and they were all shocked.

Can Aledo evolve again?

The only Pokémon with three evolutions?

The surprise of Aledo's new look, coupled with the shocking performance just now, when added together, the audience both online and on the spot were boiling with madness.

The enthusiasm of the gorgeous competition was pushed to the peak with one click.


"That was the light of evolution just now, right? Aledo actually has an evolutionary form!!?"

"What a beautiful dance, there is only the sound of bells, but I seem to be able to hear the ancient sacrificial dance music faintly."

"Oh, my God, is this the coordination meeting of the Chinese area? Why does it feel that the level is much higher than that of our area?!"

"Isn't he a top coordinator? Oh, what an excellent boy, I want to book him!"

"Upstairs, this is not America! Are you thinking about Your Monther na:)?"



Aledo's skill library is taken from another world. With the simulator as a catalyst, it has undergone a pleasing chemical change after being integrated with the elf world.

"Sword dance - the use of the Flame Fist technique... not only that, there are also some shadows of special sword skills in it." Yu Bie recalled the Flame Dance just now, frowned and disassembled it bit by bit.

"Or, rather than saying it is a technique, it is better to say it is a brand new move."

Constine took over and said: "In his preliminary match, Aledo's Water Wave Blade was also like this... exaggerated."

The difference between them is as big as the difference between a water gun and a root wave.

President David, one of the judges, slowly applauded.

Then, the audience in the audience applauded for a long time.

When Shi Qiu and Aledo bowed again to thank him, Aledo finally withdrew from the super evolution form.

In this case, the judges who were preparing to comment also took the time to organize their words before slowly speaking.

"I've never seen such a brilliant sacrificial sword dance, fire fist, feint, sword dance, close combat... You have mastered so many moves and techniques that this can be called a new move." Yubie said with a smile.

"And in the preliminaries, the water wave blade that was equally integrated with the sword skills, plus the mysterious re-evolution of Aledo just now..."

She almost exclaimed: "I can't think of a final result other than full marks."

With her comments, the dance just now was taken out again and replayed on the big screen.

The clipped segment was exactly the image of the Fire God Kagura, the Fourth Form, the Sun Phantom Rainbow.

The specialized dance brought about by high-speed rotation and rotation can still only capture a clear afterimage under the ultra-clear playback of the screen.

Obviously, in the eyes of most viewers, this is the performance of the culmination of feint skills.

On another screen, the scene that only the audience at the preliminaries can see also intercepted the clip of Aledo's water dragon flying, and then replayed it.

On one screen, a dragon was swimming in the blazing sun, and on another screen, waves were surging. The cool scenes that seemed to be out of the same channel as the real world once again shocked everyone's hearts.

Water Wave Blade?

Flame Fist?

The audience, even a few coordinators, who saw such a scene for the first time, could not understand what kind of performance and skills could make these two ordinary moves shine to a completely unfamiliar state.

"What a handsome water dragon... Water Otter, can you use such a water wave blade in the future?"

In the audience, there were children who came to watch the gorgeous competition with their families, and they lowered their heads to ask their partners.

Upon hearing this, Water Otter instantly retracted his admiring gaze and shook his head vigorously.

Child: "So you can do it, then let's work hard together!"



On the stage, since Yubie had roughly analyzed the performance skills, Considine focused on the mysterious evolution that everyone was very curious about.

"Just now, Aledo evolved during your performance, but now it seems to have degenerated again?"

Even though Considine carefully considered the wording, he still couldn't hide his curiosity:

"Perhaps, you would be willing to explain what happened just now?"

Here it comes, finally here.

Shi Qiu roughly guessed about this situation.

The God of Fire Kagura is a sword skill that communicates with natural energy. After Aledo had stripes on his body and entered the transparent world with him, his own cells underwent an atavistic transition. With the injection of life energy, he performed [Primitive Reversion] like Kyogre and Groudon.

Among them, perhaps there is also the shadow of bond evolution like Xiaozhi and Koga Greninja? After all, when they danced the Kagura dance, the frequency of their movements was so high that it was terrifying...

Then, all the above speculations, of course, cannot be said out loud:)

Get out of the way, I'm going to start talking nonsense... Bah, I'm going to start a tactful explanation.

The world is focused on this.

Shi Qiu looked at the surprise of the audience below and smiled slightly.

"Everyone should know that as a coordinator, I actually have another identity - researcher."

"During the last well-known trip to the Tianxia Secret Realm, I also followed the team and discovered and excavated many small round beads with special energy."

"After a period of research and observation, I decided to name it, the Super Evolution Stone."

"The situation just now is one of the results of experimental research."



As soon as these words came out, even the gentle and calm Yubie sat up straight, his eyes became deep and oppressive.

In just two sentences, the amount of information was surprisingly large.

Mega Evolution Stone, prompting Pokémon to evolve again, and it sounds like... there are more than one such possibility.

The whole audience was shocked.

When Aledo Mega Evolved, the leap in life level and the huge leap in energy were obvious to everyone.

Villian raised the microphone to control the situation, but unexpectedly found that she couldn't raise her hand. Even her breathing, which she had always controlled well as a host, became completely disordered at this moment.

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