After a long time, people finally quieted down and focused their attention on the boy again, hoping that he could explain it more clearly.

Shi Qiu smiled slightly and said: "For the details of the follow-up, please pay attention to my research institute and the next game..."

Let me explain to you: I haven't edited the following, I will edit it when I go back.

Originally, I wanted to finish the research paper on Diancie, a legendary elf, and then throw out the results of super evolution.

Now, with Aledo's sudden autonomous primitive return, the plan has to be advanced.



At this moment, Villian finally calmed down and regained the level of a top host.

"Okay, thank you for Shi Qiu's thoughtful explanation."

"Now, it seems that all of our judges have already scored."

"Let's see what Shi Qiu's final score is!"

With Villian's words, everyone who was attracted by the super evolution recalled the performance that shocked their hearts not long ago.

There was no way, after a performance, there were too many key points, and their minds were filled with things.

And super evolution is just beginning to show its signs. As Shi Qiu said, it won't be too late to discuss it until the day it is actually announced.

Everyone's eyes were drawn to the big screen by Villian's words. The audience, contestants, judges, online audiences, audiences in other areas, people of different identities, all had different moods.

But no matter what kind of mood, everyone now wants to see how many points Shi Qiu's wonderful and perfect performance can get in the end.

On the big screen, the artistic font 100 was displayed with the special effects of flowers and cheers.

Total score, 100 points!

Even though it was expected, even though it was known that this was the only possibility, many people were still slightly distracted when this score came out.

With an absolute gap, he strongly suppressed all the coordination players, including the rising star talents in the district, including various well-known coordinators in foreign districts, and even including two top coordinators standing at the top.

In the backstage, Luo Shanyu finally let out a sigh of relief when this score appeared.

Unexpectedly... No, he really lost.

Luo Shanyu lowered her head and smiled lightly, recalling the immature appearance of this boy when he debuted.

At that time, she was still a special judge on the judges' seat. In less than a year, when they competed on the same stage, they undoubtedly lost to this evil monster and incomprehensible rookie.

Although this was just a gorgeous exhibition match, the difference of two points in Luo Shanyu's eyes was a defeat in the personal coordination competition.

Will the civil war between the two top coordinators, which was once thought, lead to a situation of three-way confrontation and hegemony?

Luo Shanyu didn't know the tactical value of the Fire God's Kagura, and didn't know how it would perform in actual combat.

Like Luo Shanyu, Ilaier from France was also caught up in complex thoughts.

He was originally the first in the preliminaries, but in the gorgeous performance of the main competition, he was not only successfully surpassed by Luo Shanyu, but also surpassed by a newcomer in the research circle.

If Luo Shanyu's one-point difference can be explained by bad luck, but under the pressure of full marks, it can only be said that there is a gap in the performance of the two.

And the performances of Luo Shanyu and Shi Qiu, in his personal opinion, are indeed better than his own in some places.

"Shi Qiu..." He whispered the name.

He is not unfamiliar with these two words. Not to mention Genesis, a music group with a certain reputation in France, the more popular "Black Dragon" some time ago.

Combined with the mysterious evolution that just exceeded his cognition... Therefore, in his impression, Shi Qiu's identity as a researcher will be much more eye-catching than that of a coordinator.

"It's a pity that the growth time should not be long, otherwise the French official's winning requirements will have another uncertainty factor, causing twists and turns."

Luo Shanyu, the top coordinator is still the biggest obstacle to winning the ribbon.



After Shi Qiu, the other coordinators took the stage one after another, but under the dominance of a full score, a 98-point performance and a 97-point performance, most of them seemed to lose their motivation and brilliance, and the brilliance and highlights of the performance were obscured.

In the subsequent appearances, Ye Lin was also in poor condition and only won

86 points unexpectedly.

This was a surprise for him who was very impressive in the preliminaries, and even the qualification for the gorgeous match was questioned.

After returning to the backstage, Ye Lin lost his energetic little sun for the first time, and his red hair was even dull.

He sat down between Shi Qiu and Chen Liu, looking depressed.


Shi Qiu and Chen Liu didn't know what to say for a while.

Fortunately, Ye Lin adjusted his mentality quickly. After a while, he sighed and saw that the two people on his left and right were hesitant to speak, so he stretched out his hand to scratch his red hair.

"It's okay, it's okay. I didn't hold my mentality just now, and I didn't perform well."

Before the two of them could say anything, he lay on Shi Qiu like a boneless person.

"Ashi, the flame dance performance just now stunned me. My mentality was a little unbalanced at that moment."

"It feels like the flame mental power skills I worked hard to hone are not as good as the flame performance you showed in a month or two. The huge talent gap makes me feel that what I insist on is meaningless."

Ye Lin is a straightforward person, so he does not hide the darkness in his heart.

"But when I think of the title that host Villian called me just now, I feel that I really have nothing to do."

Shi Qiu was slightly stunned.

Ye Lin's title... Flame Magician? The name that is as second-rate as Chen Liu?

"I naturally have my own style, and this name recognized by fans is proof of it."

Use strange tricks to show the cleverness and mystery of flames.

"Tsk, or I have suffered too few setbacks."

Ye Lin ridiculed himself, but his spirit seemed much better than before.

Shi Qiu was willing to be with this straightforward partner, so he didn't push Ye Lin away, and listened to his self-consolation like Chen Liu.

"Come on."

The boy thought for a while, and whispered to the two friends next to him who were on the road of coordination.



A total of 32 players advanced in the first round of the official competition, and the quota was cut in half. Most of these 32 players have a certain reputation and performed well in the preliminaries and gorgeous exhibitions.

Ye Lin scored 86 points, and was lucky to qualify in the second to last place.

Among all the other advanced players, the most dazzling ones were the top few players who scored more than 95 points.

In addition to Luo Shanyu, Yilaier and Shi Qiu, there was also a blond boy named Yize who scored an excellent score of 95 points.

In the open-air venue of the Magic City Gorgeous Competition, the center has been changed to a standard coordination battle venue.

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