The mountain was shaking for a short time.

After a slight sound like a mechanism was activated, the world shook in an instant.

Lucario pulled the boy away from the altar, supported the trainer with one hand to help him stabilize his body, and condensed a bone stick with the other hand and inserted it directly into the ground.

And Shi Qiu took the opportunity to pull the Bubble Squirrel and Tutu Dog and hugged them into his arms.

The shaking of the mountain did not last long, and it stopped after a while.

"Thanks to you, Lucario... Is everything okay, everyone?" he asked in a low voice.

Shi Qiu checked the situation of his companions and found that there was no problem, then frowned and looked at the altar.

The white bricks on the ground in front of the platform had disappeared, leaving only a deep hole two people high.

Shi Qiu and Lucario looked at each other, and one person and one Pokémon carefully stepped forward to conduct a simple survey.

As they approached, the energy impact that seemed to be a real wave made Shi Qiu and Lucario change their faces.

"Such a suffocating energy intensity!"

Almost instantly, they realized that they might have accidentally found the location of the so-called "high-risk energy group"!

"Let's go."

You can't get a tiger cub without going into the tiger's den.

Shi Qiu greeted his companions and prepared to go in and start exploring.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a great sense of crisis coming from behind.

Unfortunately, the previous stinging warning came to his mind again.


Shi Qiu gritted his teeth at the last moment and rolled to the side.


The thick radiation beam hit the open space fiercely, raising a piece of sand and dust.

The move just now was the destruction of the death beam.

Even Shi Qiu couldn't help but sweat because of the danger just now.

"#@——:&!" Under the meaningless and strange garbled language, heavy footsteps sounded, and five huge figures appeared in the white mist.

"Clay giants." Shi Qiu narrowed his eyes and recognized their true identities the moment he saw the shadows clearly.

[Race: Clay Giant]

[Attributes: Ground, Ghost]

[Features: Clumsy]

[Level: 50 (??? Error!)]

[Known moves: Slap, Round, Scare, 100,000 Horsepower, Shadow Fist, Spell, Dark Shadow, Stomp, Iron Wall, Million Ton Punch, Shadow Ball, Heavy Impact, Hidden Spirit Surprise Attack, Arm Hammer...]

[Taught moves: Destruction Beam, Cannon Beam, Flame Fist, Lightning Fist, Ice Fist...]

Clay Giant, its appearance is similar to a huge clay giant, with many spiral patterns of unknown meaning on its body. The pattern in the middle of its body looks like a crack in a clay sculpture, with a button-like part pinned on it.

Shi Qiu has some knowledge of them. It is said that this is a kind of artificial Pokémon, created by humans in ancient times to protect Pokémon and humans.

They use some mysterious energy to move, which is said to be a special technology from ancient times. Of course, this special technology has been lost, and the manufacturing technology of the clay giants has also been lost.

Therefore, in later generations, they often hide in unknown dark corners as guardians of ruins and tombs. In the surface world, this kind of elves is actually very rare and rare.


Shi Qiu stared at the nearly three-meter-long special elves in front of him. There are so many of them, and their bodies are huge, which gives people a strong sense of oppression.

The five elves have the same panel, the same level, and the same moves, just like pasting and copying.

"Trouble." Shi Qiu whispered.

He skillfully dragged open his backpack and changed into the forest ranger's clothes with one click.

At the moment when the strange white and red clothes appeared, the boy's whole figure became slightly blurred, and his sense of existence was infinitely reduced.

With high attack and low defense, it is better not to cause trouble for his own partners.


The clay giants made an ambiguous sound, as if wondering why the number of enemies suddenly decreased by one.

The unknown spiral patterns on their bodies flickered a few times, and then they raised their arms in unison.

Destruction Death Ray *5!

Lucario reacted the fastest, condensing five wave missiles out of thin air, aiming at them with the bone stick, and whipping them one by one.

Bone stick random attack·wave missile.

The bubble squirrel followed closely, and the music venue·giant voice faced several destruction death rays with a sonic boom.

The two sides successfully stalemate.

Hmm? No, where is Tutu Dog? !

Shi Qiu in the dark quickly captured

Tutu Dog's figure.

Suddenly, I saw Tutu Dog holding his tail in a trance not far away, wandering in his mind openly, and right in front of him, there was a skill beam of light containing the breath of destruction.

Being absent-minded in this situation!?

"Tutu Dog!"

Shi Qiu had a waveguide in his left hand and superpowers in his right hand. The ice-white manic telekinetic energy and wave missiles barely stalemated with this destructive death beam.

He jumped out, pulled Tutu Dog over and ran away.

Behind him, a series of cannons followed closely behind.

"Tutu Dog, pay attention to the specific situation before being absent-minded..." There was a hint of collapse in the boy's calm voice.

From the very beginning, it was discovered that Tutu Dog would be stunned for two seconds from time to time since he landed on this plateau, like a machine that had crashed.

Tutu Dog was dragged by the boy to run for a while before he came back to his senses. As soon as he looked up, he saw the silver-white beam of light attacking their landing point accurately.

The hand holding the tail tightened, and his eyes instantly became sharp.

Sketching·Sacred Flame.

The flame of life devoured all attacks, and the remaining power made one of the clay giants stagger.

"Huh... You are finally awake." Shi Qiu breathed a sigh of relief.

Bubble Squirrel and Lucario each involved two clay giants, and the remaining one kept chasing him and Tutu Dog.

After running for only two minutes with a dazed Pokémon, the boy's arms and waist had already suffered varying degrees of minor injuries.

Tutu Dog pursed his lips, and the tip of the paintbrush was smudged with water color, gently tapping the boy's wound.

"It's okay, don't worry." Shi Qiu comforted him, "It just looks scary."

"Don't forget that I still have the power of Changpan."

Although Tutu Dog's situation just now was obviously not right, now is not the time to discuss this issue.

He held the paintbrush against the slowly rising clay giant, feeling the obscure emotions rising in his heart.

I vaguely remember that this emotion is called anger.

Sketch·Cannon Light Cannon!

Sketch·Destruction Death Light!

Sketch·Sacred Flame!

Three heavy strokes of painting were completed at almost the same time. Three energy beams of different colors and thicknesses directly submerged the clay giant.

The clay giant fell heavily to the ground, and the runes and patterns on its body dimmed, and the special effect of losing combat ability appeared in its eyes.

At the same time, Bubble Squirrel and Lucario also achieved considerable results, defeating two clay giants. One was knocked unconscious by the endless wave missiles, and the other was burned black and scrapped by the exploding sound waves and hot winds.

In the blink of an eye, there were only two clay giants left.

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