The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

With Tutu joining the battle, the five strange clay giants were defeated, and the remaining two were quickly surrounded and lost their combat ability.

"Fortunately, our strength is no longer the same."

Shi Qiu hesitated for a while, and finally took out an ordinary Poké Ball and pressed the switch on one of the clay giants.

As expected, the Poké Ball had no reaction to them at all.

"Where is the bronze mirror monster?"

"(Here.)" Bubble Chinchilla casually threw the small mirror on its tail to the boy.

Bubble Chinchilla has learned the true teachings of the trainer. This is what he just took off the stage when the mountains were shaking.

Of course, the reason why the foam squirrel dared to do this was because it found that the energy reaction in it ended with the subtle sound of "click".

The appearance of this small mirror now is no different from the previous one on the rock wall. It is also in a sleeping state without eyes, like an ordinary small bronze mirror.

Shi Qiu took another advanced ball with better performance and pressed it lightly on the mirror.

There was no reaction of being subdued.

"It still contains a certain amount of life energy... Is it in a deep sleep?"

He thought about it and put it in the space grid of the backpack.

"(Hey, I don't really want to go down...)" The foam squirrel squatted at the hole that appeared and looked around.

He kept probing around the hole with the tip of his tail, muttering: "(It's really scary.)"

Shi Qiu's eyes twitched.

Suddenly, footsteps came again in the white fog.

This time it was heavier and more dense than before.

The shadows in the white mist are like mountains, stretching endlessly.

[Race: Clay Giant]

[Attributes: Ground, Ghost]

[Features: Clumsy]

[Level: 60 (??? Error!)]

[Known moves: Slap, Round, Scare, 100,000 Horsepower, Shadow Fist, Spell, Dark Shadow, Stomp, Iron Wall, Million Ton Punch, Shadow Ball, Heavy Impact, Spirit Surprise Attack, Arm Hammer...]

[Taught moves: Destruction Death Ray, Cannon Light Cannon, Flame Fist, Lightning Fist, Ice Fist...]

Peak Combat Power!?

The densely packed panels of this kind seem to have been pasted countless times.

Not only are they much stronger than the clay giants just now, but there are more.

Shi Qiu couldn't imagine whose ruins could be so luxurious that an army of peak combat power could be pulled out.

Shi Qiu looked at the cave entrance behind him, picked up Bubble Squirrel and Tutu Dog, and jumped directly into it with Lucario.

Darkness enveloped.

"Hurry up, the cave entrance is not safe!"

They quickly followed the narrow passage and explored deep inside. They walked for half an hour before gradually slowing down.

Tutu Dog drew a ball of fire around them, providing a weak light source.

In this not-so-spacious passage, it can be felt that it has been carefully polished. There are even special stone bricks paved under the feet, and there are decorative pillars around from time to time.

"In this case, basically all means of exploration are blocked to a large extent..."

As the passage goes deeper, the suffocating energy intensity expands more and more. Whether it is sonar or waveguide, it is surrounded by layers of unknown energy. Although it can still be used, it is severely restricted.

Shi Qiu and several elves are stationed on the spot, ready to rest for a while, recover physical strength and heal injuries while adjusting their status.


"It is unlikely that the group of clay giants just now were originally on the plateau."

Shi Qiu suddenly frowned.

After they reached the top by direct means, even if the white fog affected their perception, it was impossible to completely block it.

Dozens of peak combat power auras appeared silently and surrounded them. This was really terrible.

"Maybe they reached the top of the mountain from various places inside the mountain?"

Or maybe it was the trigger level after defeating the five gym clay giants.

Shi Qiu thought about it and put this matter aside for the time being.


"Tutu Dog, what happened just now?"

The boy pulled Tutu Dog's scratched arm and asked him while carefully outputting the power of Changpan.

This was completely impossible for Tutu Dog in the past.

"(I... am just worried, don't worry.)" Tutu Dog whispered.


(Ashi, how long have we been together?)"

Shi Qiu always felt that the child was not telling the truth, and stared at him closely.

Is this changing the subject?

Tutu Dog, who has no emotional perception, is absolutely rational, and naturally there will be no mistakes. Only when there are emotions and no longer absolutely rational, will it be swayed by emotions and become dazed.

He thought so.

So, maybe it's not a bad thing.

"It's been more than half a month." Shi Qiu answered the question just now.

We met on December 31st, and it's already January 17th.

"(17 days......)" Tutu Dog suddenly smiled slightly.

"(Shi Qiu, I will remember every day.)"



"January 17th, the weather was drizzling.

Today we started the exploration journey of the secret realm together.

This is a mountain range. We wandered around in it for a long time, and finally chose to fly directly to the top of the mountain range.


In a rock wall, Ashi took a fancy to a small bronze mirror embedded in the wall, and it turned out to be a Pokémon.

Ah, so ugly.


When we reached the top of the plateau, the thin air and decompression on the plateau made me feel a little uncomfortable for a moment, and my head was dizzy.

The ugly little mirror pulled me and I didn't fall behind.


A little dazed, I suddenly realized that I was blank before meeting Shi Qiu.

I don't know where I came from or what I have experienced.


Shi Qiu said that I was distracted again. When I saw his embarrassed appearance, a very strong emotion burst out in my heart.

I know, this is called anger.

To these big lumps in front of me, and to myself.


We fled to a passage and lit a bonfire.

The passage was decorated magnificently, but I couldn't see it. The only thing I could see clearly was Ashi's beautiful eyes in front of me.

He always said that my eyes were much more beautiful and lively than those of Tutu dogs, but I felt that I was not even one ten-thousandth as good as his.

He asked me what I was thinking about just now.

I wanted to say that I was thinking about the scenery before I met you.


I couldn't say it.

I could only think back to the first day we met...

This is the 17th diary, but there may be 16 pages in the large diary. ”

——"Tutu Dog's Large Diary"

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