The journey was long and the journey was long.

In the passage, seeing that there was no danger around and the mission countdown was still 2 days, Shi Qiu and his companions decided to rest before exploring.

So they found a place with relatively weak energy concentration and each used energy to create a protective shield to resist the radiation of high-risk energy groups.

"Are you writing a diary?" Shi Qiu asked curiously not far from Tutu Dog.

Although he was curious, he also maintained respect and demeanor and did not look over without permission.

Tutu Dog nodded, closed the large notebook and handed it to Shi Qiu.

[Tutu Dog's Large Diary], this thing has been carried by Tutu Dog as a carrying prop since Tutu Dog first appeared.

He has always been curious about this thing, and wanted to know if it contained any special energy.

It was called a "large diary", but in fact it was only a circle larger than Shi Qiu's palm, and Shi Qiu did not find any energy or feedback in it.

It should not be an amplification item like the unmelting ice and the mysterious water drop, but just an ordinary diary.

The diary only has about 16 or 17 pages, all filled.

So thin?

"(The paper is drawn.)" Tutu Dog took the initiative to explain.

That makes sense. Shi Qiu casually opened one of the pages and asked with his eyes again. After Tutu Dog nodded, he looked at the content.

It is the common language of the elf world, and the records are very simple, just daily experiences.

The first diary shows December 31, which is both Shi Qiu's birthday and the day they met.

"It's only been less than a month, but it feels like a long time has passed..." Shi Qiu's fingertips unconsciously rubbed the slightly rough paper surface, muttering softly.

Even the first page of paper was slightly yellowed, and the handwriting on it was also much dim and blurred after more than half a month.

He closed the diary and handed it back, and patted the tip of Tutu Dog's hat.

"Rest early, Lucario and Bubble Squirrel are already asleep."

After saying that, he found a comfortable position and closed his eyes.



Four hours later.

Shi Qiu moved his numb muscles with a grim look.

The three companions have all woken up, and it seems that they are trying to use means to explore the surroundings.

Unfortunately, just like yesterday, due to the high concentration of mysterious energy, the effect is very limited.

"Let's go directly."

They leaned against the side of the passage and continued forward.

The whole passage was too empty. According to Shi Qiu's idea, there were so many clay giants guarding the entrance, so why were there no elves guarding the ruins in the passage?

Even if the size of the clay giants did not support them to stay here, couldn't those clay dolls come in?

After walking for nearly two hours, Shi Qiu complained in his heart.

The same decorations and depressing environment meant that Shi Qiu and Lucario were mentally tough. Otherwise, it would be a problem whether they could maintain a healthy mentality.

Well, it was not that they had nothing. Shi Qiu had encountered two wild elves so far.

One was a soul-catching eye and the other was a cursed doll.

[Race: Haunted Eyes]

[Attributes: Evil, Ghost]

[Features: Sharp Eyes]

[Items Carried: Cloth of the Spirit World]

[Level: 51 (Beginner Level of the Gym)]

[Moves Learned: Claws, Staring, Scare, Shadow Sneak Attack, High Five Surprise Attack, Immobilization, See Through, Dark Shadow, Grab, Shoot Down, Delay, Shadow Claws, Black Eyes, Power Gem, Mind Hammer, Shadow Ball, Flower-Transfer...]

[Moves Taught: Misfortunes Never Come Alone, Poison Attack, Provocation, Seal, Evil Wave...]

[Race: Cursed Doll]

[Attribute: Ghost]

[Feature: Body of Spell]

[Items Carried: Cloth of the Spirit World]

[Level: 53 (Beginner Level of the Gym)]

[Moves Learned: Shoot Down, Shadow of Night, Harsh Sound, Hatred, Phosphorus, Shadow Sneak Attack, Misfortunes Never Come Alone, Spell, Shadow Ball, Acting, Surprise Attack, Trick, Hidden Spirit Assault...]

[Moves Taught: Horrible Face, Strange Light, Throw, Shadow Claw, Wave of Evil...]

They are all relatively rare Pokémons, and their levels are all unusually high. They are all ghost-type and very aggressive.

"Is their status not...?"

Too right?" Shi Qiu recalled.

I vaguely remember that there was a faint red light reaction in the pupils of the two elves.

This may be one of the reasons why they are not mentally normal.

Otherwise, it is not Shi Qiu's exaggeration, even the ghost-type elves with vicious nature will be gentle because of his affinity, and even stick to him because of the excessively strong life energy in Shi Qiu.

Unlike this soul-catching eye and the cursed doll, they look like they want to be crushed to ashes and die together.

After waiting for them to be defeated and lose their fighting ability, Shi Qiu thought about it, and as before, let the bubble squirrel hypnotize them deeply with the bell to ensure that they will not wake up within a certain period of time.



After walking for about an hour, the passage suddenly became clear and wide.

The moment when the light became more abundant, it also meant that they were not far from their destination.

"It's obviously brighter around, but it feels darker because of the suppression of energy..."

"Is it... a cave in front?"

Through the cave in front, they came to a closed space.

It was dotted with diamonds and the sky was open.

"Is there such a good natural open-air cave?" Shi Qiu wondered.

He couldn't help but think of Diancie and the Mining Kingdom, wondering when to let them go. Move here.

Isn't this much more perfect than a temporary shelter?

"Lucario, what's wrong?"

In his peripheral vision, Shi Qiu saw Lucario exploring in the distance and seemed to have discovered something.

He looked as if he was facing a great enemy, his entire Pokémon was standing on end, and a blue bone stick was unconsciously condensed in his hand.

Shi Qiu frowned, exchanged a glance with Bubble Squirrel and Tutu Dog, and walked towards Lucario.

After bypassing the naturally formed stalactites in the cave, they saw the protagonist in the open space in front of them, who made Lucario feel as if he was facing a great enemy.

This Pokémon looked extremely mysterious and oppressive, with a black body and only orange-yellow crystals at the end of the tail and the collarbone.

[Species Clan: Dark Mewtwo]

[Attributes: Evil, Psychic]

[Features: Sense of Pressure]

[Items Carried: ???]

[Level: ??? (The gap is too large to be displayed.)]

[Special Status: Dark Force Field (A new posture after resonance and fusion with a mysterious object, greatly improving individual capabilities.)]

[Moves Learned: Immobilization, Telekinesis, High-Speed ​​Star, Life Drop, Primal Power, Psychic Blade, Mystical Guardian, Instant Amnesia, Wave Missile, Psychic Power, Power Exchange, Defense Exchange, White Mist, Psychic Break, Self-Regeneration, Predicting the Future...]

[Moves Taught: Transplantation, Poison Attack, Provocation, Seal, Evil Wave...]

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