The two of them were very close, and the two of them were very close.

December 31st was Shi Qiu's birthday and the first day he met Tutu Dog.

This day was beautiful, so even Shi Qiu, who didn't remember much, could clearly remember everything that happened on that day.

So when he realized what Tutu Dog was talking about, he realized that Tutu Dog's situation was not just a simple emotional fading.

He first smiled and put aside the photo without leaving a trace, and tentatively asked about Aledo and his own God of Fire Kagura, the sacrificial dance of life.

Sure enough, Tutu Dog had no impression, but was silent and confused.


The speed of the Bubble Squirrel was very fast, and soon, many elf companions followed him here.

Tutu Dog glanced at them lightly and returned his sight to the diary in his hand.

"Oh, right, the diary..."

Shi Qiu remembered this important item that had been slightly wrong before but had been ignored by him.

"Tutu Dog, can you show me what you have in your hand?"

Tutu Dog subconsciously took the book to his arms.

Then he thought about it again and handed the book over.

The moment Shi Qiu saw the specific appearance of the diary, his heart sank to the bottom.

In the diary, the paper condensed by energy as a carrier was left with only a lonely yellowed sheet.

The handwriting was blurred, and the words [December 31, sunny weather.] could be vaguely seen on the first line.

Is it because only the diary page of December 31 was kept, so that he could have the memory of this day?

In fact, it was not.

Shi Qiu keenly noticed from Tutu Dog's eyes that he actually did not even have the memory of this day.

The reason why I know is that I copied it down countless times according to the handwriting at the beginning of a new day.

But without memory, it is like watching a movie, knowing but not feeling it.

And Tutu Dog will not even think about why he has no memory of this day.

This page of energy paper was pulled out of the vortex called forgetfulness by the previous Tutu Dog.

Just like when the simulator was just delivered, Tutu Dog at this time is completely blank.

Many pictures flashed before Shi Qiu's eyes.

When taking a photo on the day of their first meeting, Tutu Dog's barely perceptible smile;

After performing the life sacrifice dance on the stage, Tutu Dog's tears in the corners of his eyes;

Exploring the mountains of c-8 area, Tutu Dog's god-like brush;


The scene in front of him gradually became hazy.

"(Shi Qiu.)"

Tutu Dog's voice was very far away. Shi Qiu saw through the mist that a familiar puzzlement flashed in Tutu Dog's beautiful eyes.

"(Why... are you crying?)"

He involuntarily wiped away the boy's tears with a brush, his movements were familiar, as if he had done it countless times.

After finishing, both the man and the elf were slightly stunned.


The memory was incomplete, and the emotions were not present.

Everything before, it seemed that only this diary was left.

Shi Qiu thanked the strange little painter softly.

Looking at the page in his hand, countless times of tracing made the paper no longer neat, but full of mess.

He sorted out his mind and recognized the handwriting of the language of the elf world from the blur.



"December 31, sunny.

I met a companion.

It is said that today is his birthday, so he treated me to a delicious meal.


The new companion had many questions.

He asked me what I was drawing.

I was confused. What else could I draw besides drawing a "painting"?

He asked me if the platoon was against fighting.

I don't know, I don't feel it.

Then it should be "not against".

..... .......

It's so strange. It's my instinct to pick up the paintbrush, but when I paint, I can't seem to paint anything.


The new companion is there.

The boy is leisurely kicking the water on the beach barefoot under the setting sun.

The paintbrush will be soaked by the humid water vapor on the beach, and the soft sand will be left with deep and shallow marks.

I vaguely saw the boy smiling in the evening breeze.

Unconsciously, there is a water mark on the blank drawing paper.

Curved, like the mark on the beach.

Is that called a footprint?




At night, the new companion enjoyed a party with many elves.

Bonfire and bright moon, the tranquility was broken by the bustle.

Shi Qiu said that this feeling is called the "Summer Festival".

It's really strange. Today is December 31st, how can it be the "Summer" Festival?

And why is there such a "feeling" that is given such a nonsensical name.

I don't understand.


In the distance, there was noise and joy. I stood aside and saw the boy was surrounded in the center, smiling at Rotom's camera.

Innocent and willful, I remembered it so clearly even with just one look.

The new companion is very popular.

Seeing this scene, something strange appeared in my heart.

What is it, I don't know.

I thought hard, so I stopped thinking.

When I subconsciously picked up the paintbrush, the boy named Shi Qiu grabbed my arm.

The sense of presence is so strong.

I have never felt so clearly what the word "Shi Qiu" means to me at this moment.


I looked at Rotom's funny winks and fancy shots, and felt the boy's dishonest hands on my head, and I couldn't help but laugh.

Shi Qiu, I think I will remember this name forever. ”

--"Tutu Dog's Big Diary"

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