The death of a person is a very precious experience.

"Death is terrible, it represents the end of all connections."

"Is there anything more terrible than death?"

"Yes, there is something more terrible than the severance of connections, that is the dissolution of one's own existence."

"What is it?"

"It is forgetfulness."



It is a very precious experience to reproduce the scene of that day from another perspective.

Words are a very strange thing.

In such a diary, the narration from the beginning to the end, as the words flow from the pen tip, can clearly feel the considerable changes of Tutu Dog in just one day.

But since only Shi Qiu remembers and retains the memory, the weight of this text feels more than a thousand pounds.

This was the first time that the young boy felt so directly how important he was to his fellow elves.

Shi Qiu returned the diary in his hand to Tutu Dog.

He didn't want to forget it, and tried to describe the memory again and again, but in the end, he gradually forgot it.

The boy couldn't laugh, and couldn't cry, and sat there, with a gray scene in front of him.

He raised his head, and Tutu Dog was standing silently in front of him, and didn't take the diary in his hand.

The memory fell to the ground without support.

Shi Qiu reached out to pick up the small notebook helplessly, but tears fell out in an instant.

Shi Qiu looked at him holding the brush with both hands, picked up the diary on the ground, gently brushed off the non-existent dust, and handed it over again with a smile:

"Why don't you take it?"

Tutu Dog took it, and the hand that had been holding its tail gently loosened, stretched forward and gently touched the boy's cheek, and asked again in a low and serious voice:

"(Why are you crying?)"

He knew the scientific name of crying, but forgot the meaning behind it.

Shi Qiu smiled: "Because of sadness, I will cry."

Sadness, an emotion that you have forgotten.

Tutu Dog tilted his head and looked at him expressionlessly, with a blank look in his eyes.

He didn't understand.

"It doesn't matter, it's normal to feel confused. The meaning of tears, even I can't fully explain it."

Why did he cry?

For Tutu Dog's forgetfulness, for the Tutu Dog who once wrote this diary, or for his own inner melancholy?

All of them, and more than that.

Shi Qiu's eyes curved slightly, and he reached out to pat the painter's small painting cap, which was very nice.

Tutu Dog's beautiful eyes looked back at him quietly, his pupils were black and bright, clean and innocent, and he had no emotions, but there seemed to be a flash of confusion.

Shi Qiu saw his own reflection in it.

He endured it, smiled, and the boy's face, which was so ugly that he had never seen before, was reflected in those eyes. Tears fell slowly, drop by drop, surging and sad.

Then, the boy was surprised to find that from the beautiful eyes of the little painter, with a slight blink, crystal tears fell gently.

"(This is...?)"

Tutu Dog raised his hand in confusion and felt something rolling over his face. When he touched it, it was cold and wet.

"(Shi Qiu... Shi Qiu...)"

Tutu Dog murmured in a low voice. The two-word phrase was repeated several times, but even the elf who was repeating it did not understand the meaning of doing so.

It was just a subconscious action.

After murmuring for a while, the little painter suddenly realized and babbled with bright eyes:

"(Shi Qiu, I seem to be sad too.)"

Or rather, his body has reacted to his sadness.

The absurd sense of separation rendered a different kind of misery.

Tutu Dog naturally equated tears with sadness because of Shi Qiu's previous explanation.

Shi Qiu gently wiped away his tears and held him in his arms.

"You promised me that you would remember every day."

The boy whispered in his ear.

"Tutu Dog, I beg you to keep your promise."



In the game series "X/Y", outside the Pokémon Center in Baike City, and in the game series "Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire", outside the Pokémon Center in Shuijing City, there is a relatively special game NPC.

Memory Girl.

Unlike the NPC who recalls Pokémon moves, the Memory Girl does not have the ability to recall moves. She can only read the Pokémon's moves that are irrelevant to the game.

A "memory".

In the past, Shi Qiu encountered a very special triggering situation.

The Pokémon being read had no memory data.

The memory girl would bow slightly after a period of silence.

"This Pokémon seems to have very good memories, but it can't remember them..."

Shi Qiu always felt that he was using a Tutu dog at that time.



Foam Chinchilla finally came back with the elves.

Tutu dog had turned around and continued to stare at the blank drawing paper.

Shi Qiu organized the words and roughly described Tutu dog's situation.

All the companions listened quietly, including the Green Ivy Snake, and all the elves couldn't help but silently glance at the painter who was immersed in his own world.

Unlike Shi Qiu, who still left some marks, they were finally recognized as companions, but at this moment they were rejected again by Tutu dog's world.

"(Forgotten?)" Bubble Chinchilla's face turned slightly pale, "(Is there something wrong with the memory?)"

Hearing what Little Gray Mouse said, all the elves, including Shi Qiu, turned their attention to him.

Shi Qiu: "......You mean, Tutu Dog had some signs before, right?"

Bubble Chinchilla nodded, and recalled the scene when he and Zoroya gave Tutu Dog smoothies, while frowning and telling the story.


"(......So at that time, I thought I was influenced by Qiu, too sensitive......)"

After listening, Shi Qiu and the Pokémon fell into silence.

After a long while, Shi Qiu shook his head: "The point is not that the emotion melted, it is the consequence. And what caused all this is the disappearance of memory."

Tutu Dog seemed to have felt it a long time ago, and had been trying to resist forgetting.

Then there was a reason for this seemingly impulsive portrait drawing of the companions.

It's a pity that even if I draw, carve, and trace the diary countless times in an attempt to deepen my memory and repeat your name countless times, I will eventually forget it. Shi Qiu didn't dare to think about how desperate Tutu Dog would be when he was "retreating" to maintain the last scattered precious memories and the lonely and mentally disturbed Tutu Dog. [Throwing it all away may also be a relief, and I don't have to bear the inner depression and the guilt of forgetting. ] This idea only existed for a moment and was discarded by Shi Qiu. Anyone can persuade Tutu Dog to give up the last memory to be free, but only they can't. Only they, the protagonists of the memory that Tutu Dog cherishes as a treasure, can't and don't have the qualifications to let the painter give up.

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