The two of them were very busy, but they were still busy.

"Good morning, Mr. N."

Zorroark, who was standing by, did not transform into a figure, but was holding a pickpocket cat in his hand.

N noticed Shi Qiu's gaze and explained simply: "I met this child this morning, so I brought him here for a general checkup."

Shi Qiu: He said he forgot something yesterday.

He said frankly: "It should be me who did it. I was attacked as soon as I entered the forest yesterday."

"Including the cauliflower monkey in your arms... They all seem to have a strong hostility towards me?"

N nodded, and his men comforted the slightly manic cauliflower monkey.

"The secret realm where I live is a remnant of the forest in the Unova region. The elves here have either been abandoned, abused, or hunted by poachers, so they hate strange humans."

He asked casually, "So what other secret realm is connected to this town?"

"You don't seem to be from the Unova region."

"Yes, I'm from the Alola region." He pointed to the Vulpix beside him and said half-truthfully, "Before the world was destroyed, I happened to be in the forest. When I woke up, I was only in the secret realm formed by that forest."

"I met these two children, Bubble Squirrel and Riolu in the Alola Forest."

N After a moment of silence, he continued, "Many ancient legendary Pokémon ran away collectively, disasters occurred frequently in various regions, and the Alola region was the most severely damaged by the attacks of the Ultra Beasts, and five small islands sank one after another."

"The God of Creation Arceus fell into a deep sleep, and neither the guardians of the ruins in the Sinnoh region nor the descendants of the Creation Valley in Kalos could wake him up."

"After fierce resistance and efforts, the world was destroyed."

"With the help of the elves such as the World Tree Mew, Zygarde, and Necrozma, Giratina shattered the back of the world, allowing the world to survive in the form of scattered secret realms."

N spoke in a cold tone, as if reciting this history.

"I said, you are special. It's because I seem to know the voice in your heart like listening to the heartbeat of an elf."

Shi Qiu's face changed slightly.

"Are you... a visitor from outside the elf world?"


Shi Qiu followed N silently, his brain working rapidly.

After being exposed, he said a dry "no" and couldn't say anything else.

When N asked this question, he should have known the answer.

Mind reading is really scary.

"You don't seem to doubt my words?"

The secret of the collapse of the elf world is not something that anyone can know.

N asked without turning his head, then frowned and whispered to himself: "You already know? No... You know me? Not accurate, you know me? Know my personality, life experience, etc., and even know that I have been recognized by Zekrom?..."

He talked to himself, his steps did not stop, and he raised his head slightly as if he was experiencing something: "This feeling is not very comfortable."

Shi Qiu had a blank expression.

Whether it is a secret, privacy or inner heart, it will certainly feel uncomfortable to be exposed in front of a stranger.

N suddenly realized: "So that's why?!"



[You have entered the a-2 forest area]

Arriving at the wooden house where N lives, Shi Qiu found a chair and sat down without any hesitation.

"What are you looking at..."

"Wait a minute, Mr. N!" Shi Qiu interrupted his question: "Stop this kind of prying behavior, okay? Everyone should have their own secrets that they keep to themselves."

N was silent for a while and then chuckled, but his tone was inorganic cold and indifferent:

"After you know all about me? Maybe you know these things without the intention of actively snooping, but I think it is ideally fair for me to get equal information."

Shi Qiu emptied his mind.

N's tone changed, returning to the gentle and distant tone before: "But I don't care much about the shadows and secrets of individual humans. Since you are very resistant, I will leave room for it."

"The last question, even if it is only a theoretical possibility, is there a turning point and hope in this world?"

"Maybe, I don't know."

It may be that Shi Qiu is narcissistic, but from the previous Pokémon such as Ivory Pig and Washing Green Zoroark, plus this slightly problematic simulator, this turning point and

Hope that maybe it was him.

N nodded: "Okay, I get it."

"I'm not keen on Pokémon battles, but I respect the wishes of Pokémon."

Yes, I don't know who used Zoroark to blow up the fish pond without saying a word. Shi Qiu couldn't help but complain in his heart.

"... In return, Zoroark can help you train the Pokémon's fighting ability. As for the Pokémon in the forest, I will also tell them not to attack you."

Shi Qiu had no reason to refuse the free high-level sparring partner.

The Big Boss's range of activities has expanded from the forest to the town of A, and even the A-1 forest area may be open to him now, so hiding has become the worst option.


Zekrom! The legendary handsome black dragon!

N is not a person who likes to put Pokémon into Poké Balls. He will always have the opportunity to see the legendary Pokémon.

They talked about Pokémon cultivation for a while. This time it was quite pleasant. Shi Qiu gained a lot and gained a lot of experience in Pokémon cultivation.

"Thank you for your help. It's getting late. I'll come visit you next time."


"It's so scary and exciting. Is there something wrong with this simulator?! How come there are still natives of the real elf world?!"

Shi Qiu stuffed the [Ticket to the Forest] into the bottom of his bag.

"Don't enter the simulation world in person before you have the ability to control your own mental activities."

"Besides! Why is the [A-2 Forest Area] open at the elite level?! At least wait until I reach the champion level before this barrier disappears, you bastard simulator!"

Just as Shi Qiu was rolling around on the floor at home, the phone on the table vibrated.

He half-deadly supported half of his body and answered the phone: "What's the matter? If you have something to say, say it quickly. If you have something to say, play it quickly."

"......Child, did you just wake up?" A gentle middle-aged woman's voice.

Shi Qiu glanced at the screen in horror, which showed Liu Tai.

Damn it, why is it the class teacher? He thought it was his deskmate or Lu Qing.

"Hello, teacher! I had a severe fever two days ago and I'm still a little tired. I was a little confused just now."

Hearing this, Liu Ling frowned: "Are you still not well? Have you been to the hospital? The reason I called you this time is because your attendance rate this semester is too low."

"I wanted you to come back tomorrow, so I can give you two more days off. But you can't be absent from school until the summer camp."

"At least you have to stay in school."

Shi Qiu was in high spirits: "It's okay! No need to ask for leave! I just woke up and sweated, and I should be well enough to report to school tomorrow!"

Liu Ling's face relaxed: "That's good."

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