The old man was very happy.

"Wow! What a rare visitor!" Li Qi arrived at school early in the morning and saw that someone finally sat in the seat next to him.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time. Three minutes, take your things out of my desk." Shi Qiu didn't even raise his eyes, and turned his pen boredly.

"I heard that you, a second-level student, were invincible in the exchange competition a few days ago."

"Oh? Really?"

"And you beat all those graduating students without a word?" Li Qi quickly stuffed the miscellaneous books into the already full desk cabinet, his eyes shining: "Are you heading for the Battle Department of Kyoto University this summer camp?"

"Maybe..." Facing his obviously excited deskmate, Shi Qiu perfunctorily said.

He has not decided which school to go to, but he probably won't go to either the Battle Department or the Coordination Department.

The first choice is the Cultivation Department, and the second choice is the Archaeology Department.

The technology in this world is very advanced, but there is very little information about the legendary Pokémon, most of which only have superficial information such as appearance and attributes. The members of the Archaeology Department are responsible for unveiling the mystery of these elves.

On the podium, the teacher is teaching the World Alliance Common Language, which is actually English in the previous life.

Below the third-level students of Youye Academy, human knowledge education is the main focus, and elf information learning is supplementary.

"Shi Qiu! Stand up and listen."

"Oh." Shi Qiu responded weakly, standing aside obediently to avoid blocking the view of the students behind him.

Forgive him, as a top student in his previous life, with a TOEFL score of 100+ and an IELTS score of 7.5, he would really feel sleepy if he listened to the conversation being explained now.

A sound suddenly came from the empty desk and cabinet, and the foam squirrel stretched out a furry little paw from the nest inside, and slapped a note on the desktop with a snap.

A blue virtual small screen was attached to it: [If you have nothing to do, I suggest you use sleepiness to exercise your mental strength. ]

After reading it, another note and a small screen snapped out: [Do you want me to help you with singing? I guarantee that only you can hear it. ]

The foam squirrel's little paws are not good at writing, but he has played the simulator very well.

He clicked on the note, and a blue virtual keyboard appeared in the air.

Shi Qiu: ? Did he accidentally enter some future technology copy?

[No thanks:)]

If he remembered correctly, there was a telepathic Gardevoir in the ecological park, which was much more reliable than the Bubble Squirrel.

[Hey~? But I'm bored and I don't dare to go into the simulator. ]

[So why did you come with me? Staying in the ecological park with Vulpix Riolu...]

"Shi Qiu, tell me the answer to this question."


He looked around speechlessly.

Li Qi shrank back into his seat, looking like you don't lean on me.

[Choose c]

"Choose c."

The tolerance of the Mediterranean teacher on the podium was obviously higher. He tapped a fill-in-the-blank question on the multimedia: "Say it again, what is it?"


"Correct." The teacher looked at him sharply: "You are energetic after standing up? So many small movements with your hands!"

Shi Qiu lowered his head and listened to the lecture obediently, without saying much.

After the teacher's attention was diverted, he grabbed a pile of white papers on the table and threw them into the hole in the table.


"(Isn't this Xiao Qiu?)"

In the park, a Gardevoir put down the Howler spray bottle in his hand.

Unlike other Gardevoirs, the one in front of him is more like an old lady who has experienced enough wind and rain and vicissitudes, and even her eyes are kind and wise.

She was once the ace Pokémon of a certain king trainer, but due to her old age, her strength has declined, and she is only at the elite high level.

The trainer who was once close to her has passed away, and she has been sitting here for several years, guarding his best memories for him.

"Long time no see, hello, Grandma Gardevoir."

"(Come here and sit here.)"

"(You are not a child who can stay idle.)" She slowly sat down on the rattan chair on the other side: "(What problem did you encounter today when you came to see an old man like me?)"

Shi Qiu told everything without reservation: "Junior met a rather strange human who can listen to the voice of the elves."

"In this case, if the object of mind reading is not an elf but a human, is there any way to resist this ability?"

Hearing this, Gardevoir looked at him gently: "(It may be difficult, child.)"

"(Listening to the hearts of the elves is a very unique and gentle ability, just like you can understand our words and have a strange affinity.)"

"(Having this ability itself means that the elves are willing to open their hearts to this human.)"

"(Do you know what this means?)"

Shi Qiu was choked by saliva and couldn't help coughing twice.

A bit of teasing gradually emerged in Gardevoir's eyes: "(This means that you have accepted that human in your subconscious mind.)"

Looking at Shi Qiu's expression, she considerately gave two other ways: "(If you really don't want to, either control your thoughts or change your subconscious mind.)"

Shi Qiu nodded, and asked some questions about his training elves, then accompanied Gardevoir to water the flowers for a while, and said goodbye after spending a lot of time.

Watching the boy's figure gradually going away, Gardevoir's eyes were gentle and profound, as if recalling something.


From a biological point of view, a child's brain cannot carry a memory of more than 20 years.

Shi Qiu's memory of his previous life was slowly revived.

And the time when he first began to wake up was the most difficult time.

A brain that was in constant pain, a confused mind, and unstable emotions.

An orphan who was too good-looking and lonely would only be excluded by his peers in the orphanage, not to mention that this child could communicate with Pokémon without obstacles.

The word "monster" ran through his entire childhood.

The ones who accompanied him through this period were those wandering elves. Although they were also down and out and had a hard life, they would bring orange and peach fruits to hungry human cubs.

Even if these elves left for various reasons, that time was still Shi Qiu's most precious memory.

He loved Pokémon.

In fact, at first, when he crossed the forest path and quickly recognized the young man on the swing who was bandaging the elf's wound, he was stunned for a moment.

How similar.

N, full name Natura Harmonia Gropius.

We are the same kind of people when we meet here.

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