After the wedding, the couple went to the Kyoto Hotel.

At noon, after everyone arrived, the group went to the Kyoto Hotel.

In the room.

"Would you consider registering a household here?" Shi Qiu directly suggested, considering his identity and the mess of household registration information.

N nodded casually: "(Will there be any trouble?)"

The foam squirrel on the side relayed N's words helplessly.

"It's okay, just say you got lost in an orphanage and were raised by wild elves."

Then I'll hang up my guardian by the way, so I don't have to go to the school teacher for everything in the future.

"I will start the summer camp this afternoon. I may not allow you to bring unrelated people. You can just look around this world by yourself?"

"I will give you the Rotom phone. If you have anything to do, call the [Simulator] in the contacts."

Shi Qiu changed the settings of the Rotom phone and handed it to N, then shook the ordinary phone in his hand: "I will take you back to the forest when you come back in the evening."

Looking at N who nodded, he remembered the brutal scene before and was a little worried: "This area will be more strictly managed, so when you encounter some humans with bad intentions, try to be more cautious."

"......" N nodded.

"Even if you accidentally do something ruthless, you have to remember to deal with it cleanly when there are few people or no d..." No, what am I talking about, I am a three-good youth?

"......" N continued to smile and nod, but his eyes were obviously a little out of focus and began to wander.

"Forget it, how about leaving Riolu with you? I can't bear to leave him with you. Mr. N, how about I find Zoroark later? Balabala..."

"..." He continued to nod.

Finally, Shi Qiu turned Rotom's mobile phone back to child supervision protection mode, and then he felt relieved.


3 pm, Kyoto University Hall.

With the tacit consent of the team leader, he simply greeted Li Yuan Aike and Song Cheng, and then mixed into the level 6 team.

"This is my first time here, tell me about the general situation."

Song Zi came over enthusiastically and answered: "Then let me tell you about the main personnel of this event."

"Each qualified college will form a team of about 15 people, two-thirds of whom are here as spectators to gain experience and get impression points. Only one-third of the students are qualified to participate in specific activities. Our school has registered five people, four level 6 students plus you."

No wonder I didn't see Senior Li Li.

"The activity process is very simple. We privately nicknamed it 'First literature, then martial arts'."

"The 'literary competition' has two rounds. The first round is a closed-book exam, with one person per table. The exam covers a wide range of topics, including basic attributes, elf knowledge, etc., which are usually objective questions. There are also advanced cultivation and training techniques, which are subjective questions. Rotom will record your answers in real time and upload them for colleges to correct."

"The second round is a public scoring competition. All participants will sit in batches, with about 10-20 people in each batch, and the competition is the most intense. Everyone can enter the answer on Rotom and submit it. Pay attention here! The first person to answer correctly will score 30 points, and the rest of the people who answer correctly will score 10 points. No answer will score no points, but 20 points will be deducted for wrong answers, and negative points are allowed."

Lu Qing added on the side: "Only 20 questions are drawn from the question bank in each round, and the average score per person is about 80 points."

"Let me explain the rest." The team leader came over.

"Next comes the most important 'Martial Arts Contest', which consists of three rounds."

"The first round is a single-player defense contest. There are 10 arenas in total, and each arena will initially have an elite Pokémon. The duration is two days, and each is open for 6 hours each day. Each person has two and only two opportunities to go on stage. The trainers on the arena will score 100 points at the end, and Rotom will record your performance for the rest of the people and give a score below 40 points."

"The second round is the college team competition. It is the only round in which one college has the same score. Five people will go on stage to compete in a 5vs5 team challenge."

"The third round is the ancient boss battle. This year's new event."

The team leader also showed a look of expectation: "It is said that the legendary Pokémon Articuno, the guardian of Kyoto University, will fight with you in the wild."

Hearing this, everyone was greatly shocked.

The so-called wild battle is equivalent to an encounter with wild Pokémon, regardless of form, number of battles, or even means.


Naturally, it also includes the qualification to throw the ball to capture after victory.

"The assessment of the summer camp is really an all-round ability assessment..." Shi Qiu looked through the scoring rules sent by the teacher in the group.

Each activity link is arranged very tightly, except for the one-day relaxation period between the "civil" and "martial" and the last round of the boss battle.

The legendary Pokémon, Articuno, may even be a divine being with the origin.

As the organizer this year, Kyoto University directly invited Articuno as a movable signboard for enrollment, and even threw out the qualification to capture it as bait. This is secretly pitting several other universities with the same name.

"Why do I feel a little scared?" Lu Qing muttered softly, and explained to the eyes that looked over: "No, don't you think it's a bit hasty? How can a simple college summer camp give out the right to capture Articuno? Does the league know? Does Articuno know?"

"Just listen." Rong Yue said, "If the so-called capture qualification is given to the Four Heavenly Kings champion, there is still hope. It's no different to give it to us."

The few people talked, but they couldn't help but feel a burning heat in their hearts.

The Huaxia District has communicated with three legendary Pokémon in public and established a certain good relationship.

One is a super ancient elf, Rayquaza in the sky.

One is Sidorane, representing volcanoes and caves.

The last one is Articuno guarding Kyoto University, living on the top of the Tianguan Tower all year round.

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