The next day, hundreds of participating students were divided into classes for a closed-book exam, which was monitored in real time by Rotom.

At the same time, other students who came to visit Youye Academy also got the test papers, but they were not eligible to submit them.

"The first question is to fill in the blanks."

"01. Molten Ant is a Pokémon with () attributes, and it is classified as a () Pokémon. The three characteristics it may have are (), (), ()"

Aike: Old man on the subway looking at his phone.jpg

"07. Pot is a Pokémon with (), () attributes, and its characteristics are (), (), ()."

In the examination room, Lu Qing scratched his head at the question.

"Considering the characteristics, list a Pokémon that theoretically cannot be restrained by any attribute skill."

Shi Qiu rubbed his temples and hesitantly wrote [Ma Ma Eel King - Floating Characteristics].

This written test is indeed interesting. The questions are not biased but they test the students' comprehensive abilities.

For example, the question about Lulili's attributes, many people would probably write water attribute or water plus fairy, but in fact, she is a Pokémon with general and fairy attributes.

"Additional question, please talk about the possibility of developing the basic move of calling."

Shi Qiu raised his eyebrows. This question was to examine the comprehensive ability of students from the perspective of a trainer, but it happened to hit his professional counterpart.

For all sound-based moves, he and Bubble Squirrel, including the later joined Vulpix, have already studied to the limit of what they can explore now.

Shi Qiu saw that there was a lot of time left, so he simply wrote a few ideas for Bubble Squirrel's skill construction.

Two hours passed quickly.

"I'm going to die. Why doesn't Lulili, a blue elf that lives in water, have water attributes?" Lu Qing covered his face with his hands and wailed in pain.

The leader teacher saw this, sneered twice, and hit his head with the board in his hand mercilessly: "Lulili is a test site for the college entrance examination. It is tested every year, and nearly half of the people make mistakes every year. But I didn't expect you to make a mistake."

He turned to look at the model paper made by the teacher, and Shi Qiu, who had an unclear expression, comforted him: "This kind of test may be disadvantageous to you, but you are only level 2 now, and many in-depth knowledge points have not been covered. Don't be too discouraged."

Like the last additional question, there are actually templates and clichés. This type of move development type of test questions will only be taught in level 5.

Shi Qiu nodded, smiled at the teacher, and then turned to Lu Qing and said, "To some extent, because Lulili is too young, she cannot store water-related energy. Therefore, an extremely weak young elf can only use ordinary energy and fairy energy as the source of life energy to form its body to ensure its existence."

Lu Qing, who was howling "This is not elf learning", stopped abruptly.


Objective questions accounted for 99% of the test paper, and Rotom's electronic grading speed was very fast.

In the afternoon, each person's results were announced on three large screens.

Song Zi and Lu Qing found their names on the middle screen and breathed a sigh of relief: "That's great, I like it neither up nor down."

Rong Yue and Shi Qiu stood in front of the first screen.

"17th." Rongyue's face fell: "Oh no, I'm going to be caught and taught a lesson. I said I'm not good at the written test!"

She saw the calm boy next to her and approached him: "Junior brother, you came to see me? How did you do in the exam?"

Who is looking for you? Shiqiu pointed to the name on the left side of the screen.

[1-Shiqiu-Youye Academy-150+28-1]

[2-Subei-Guanxue Academy-128+19-2]

[3-Zhengxiao-Shangling Academy-130+16-3]


[17-Rongyue-Youye Academy-104+19-17]


Ah? There are really people who can answer all the objective questions correctly.

Rongyue: I'm sorry I'm a loser. Is there a cellar?

It was the first time she saw a big guy who was only two points away from a full score in the supplementary questions. Today was also a day when she was shocked by the talent of the junior brother.

In fact, several college teachers have discussed the additional questions with each other.

"I think this student's idea is definitely worth a full score."

"I agree, and the training path he gave is also very feasible."

"Are you kidding? I don't deny that his idea is good, but

It is obvious that it does not have a practical basis and feasibility. "

"Look at the fourth line of the fifth point he wrote. Take singing as an example. The vibration of sound waves affects the frequency of the brain..."


Finally, the examiners deducted two points from Shi Qiu for two reasons: the feasibility is still to be discussed and the answer format is completely wrong.

More and more people gathered around the big screen. After seeing their own rankings, many people would also glance at the first few out of curiosity.

So, the exaggerated score difference and the handsome boy who was still young in the photo next to him instantly ignited the topic.

Shi Qiu and Rong Yue were very foresighted and sneaked back to Youye's group early.

"How did you take the test? Why did you know all the questions?" Lu Qing wondered, "Are there so many things taught in the second level?"

Shi Qiu showed him the electronic admission ticket on his mobile phone: "Believe me, if you thoroughly understand the book "Primary Breeder", you can also get full marks. "

Lu Qing recalled the thick book in Shi Qiu's hand that was bigger than his face, and made a gesture of respect towards him.

Just then, the team leader came over with a slightly embarrassed look on his face. Shi Qiu picked up the model paper with one hand and pointed his slender fingertips at one of the questions.

"Sorry, teacher, the hidden characteristic of the miraculous skin of the cat with a tail should have the effect of halving the hit rate of the opponent's transformation moves against him. What you wrote here is not quite right."

"Oh, there is also this question, I see you left it blank. In the newly unearthed dragon god ruins in the United States, the real characteristics of the white dragon in the myth published by scholars have been determined to be: turbine flame. "

Team leader:......

Many seniors and juniors gathered: Wow.

Shi Qiu was distracted, thinking about N's Black Dragon. Maybe he could study it closely in the future, write a few papers, and get the status of a researcher.

The team leader's embarrassment was gone, and he couldn't help laughing. He grabbed the sample paper he wrote: "Got it, brat, remember to give your all in tomorrow's public scoring competition."

"......Won't it be embarrassing to be too conspicuous?"

The team leader wondered: "You are a coordinator who can be said to have debuted in a sense, what are you afraid of being conspicuous?"

Can acting and pretending be the same?

"Don't worry, the literary competition does not account for a large proportion of the individual's score, it is mostly used for screening, how conspicuous can it be?" The team leader didn't care much, "Perform well, the school will reward."

Shi Qiu nodded.

It's not that he can't help the college to perform pretending again.

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