After the wedding, the two of them had a good time.

"Good evening, Mr. N."

Back at the hotel, Shi Qiu found that N was already in the room, his eyes were out of focus, and he looked absent-minded, not knowing what he was thinking.

Shi Qiu put his backpack on the seat: "What's wrong, Mr. N, did anything happen on the way?"

After saying that, he turned his eyes to the floating Rotom phone on the side.

"(Nothing.)" N came back to his senses and realized that Shi Qiu didn't understand what he said, and pointed to the backpack: "(Let's talk about it when we get back to the secret realm.)"


A-1 forest area

N's expression was obviously a little tired: "After a general understanding of the environment here, I found that life here is not much different from the elf world."

He subconsciously showed a faint smile: "Both are worlds where humans and elves can live in harmony."

"Then I went with Gengar to track down the humans who attacked you."

"You went alone?! Didn't you bring any elves with you?!"

"Well... I'm not the same as you who are powerless..." N blinked, and this always mysterious and calm cold young man showed some youthful spirit and cunning, and his tone rose slightly, "My language has a little mental hypnosis ability, which can force the elves to get closer to their hearts... I thought you should know?"

After all, he was like this when he faced Gengar alone at the beginning. Confident that as long as there are elves, whether they are strangers or enemies, they will eventually be his friends.

Shi Qiu: No, I don't know. I let you out when fighting the villain because you lied to me that the gear set was with me, otherwise I would never stand in front of a gym-level enemy with a human who has no fighting ability.

"I told you that I am not incapable of fighting... No, it's not important."

N brought back the topic that had deviated from the topic: "The one who attacked you is considered to be a... villain organization in this world? They call themselves Team Celestial."

"Moreover, Team Celestial's goal is not your life, but seems to be to welcome you." N paused, thinking of himself during the Plasma Group period, "Their leader wants to invite you to become their king, their spiritual symbol."


N did not give a definite answer: "I have felt the real Reshiram's gaze on you. And they may be here for this."


On the big bed in the hotel, Shi Qiu lay on it boredly watching TV, letting Bubble Chinchilla and Ice Vulpix roll around on the sofa.

He was not very worried about Team Celestial, after all, a King-level or even Champion-level trainer was right next to him.

Maybe Team Celestial really pissed N off, causing N to have a vision of Team Plasma and directly awaken Black Dragon to wash the floor with staggered lightning.

"At 12:35 noon today, there was a loud noise in the suburbs of xx, Kyoto City. When the relevant personnel arrived, a fire had already occurred. The police are currently investigating. Please see the detailed report below."

On TV, the flames were gradually extinguished with the help of firefighters and Pokémon, revealing debris all over the ground.

Shi Qiu looked at this scene almost indifferently: "Or, he is already angry."


The next day.

Shi Qiu's Pokémon don't like to be in the Poké Ball, so he entrusted the three little ones to the leader: "Let's make it clear first, don't make trouble. Riolu, help me keep an eye on them."

The venue for the score grabbing competition is in the Great Hall of Kyoto University. Unlike the exam, the atmosphere will not be very serious, and it is on the platform in front of the hall.

Two large screens, one screen displays the current question, and the other screen displays the current scores of everyone.

"The questions have obviously become much more difficult."

Students from various colleges were whispering in the seats off the field, especially many level 5 students, who were doing mock quizzes for themselves.

"For the 15th round, students with serial numbers 39, 461, 88, 1002..."

Shi Qiu took the slip of paper with the number 88 printed on it and sat down under the guidance of Rotom.

"Please note that the questions will be broadcast in two minutes. Please check whether the activities in front of you can be used normally."

"Start answering the questions now!"

[1. Kirinki is a Pokémon with _____ and _____ attributes, and has _____ attribute weaknesses. ]

The moment he appeared, Shi Qiu [General, Psychic

, 2], and the score column belonging to Shi Qiu on the screen rose by one section.

3 seconds later [2. Summarize the characteristics of Flower Gift in one sentence. ]

The speed of the questions is so fast? Shi Qiu was stunned for a moment, and then laughed silently.

Hidden rules, when the first correct answer is submitted, the next question will appear in 3 seconds.

[3. Which of the following moves or characteristics is invalid for the Magic Guardian characteristic?

A. Transformation (move)

B. Characteristic exchange (move)

C. Copy (characteristic)

D. Breaking the rules (characteristic)]

Shi Qiu submitted [B] expressionlessly.

There was a little commotion both on and off the court.

Lu Qing, who was number 39, had just finished answering the first question and looked up. It was already the second question. He was still a little confused and didn't dare to think too much and read the question quickly. However, this time, just as he started to think, he watched the question jump to the third question.

I'm dying, is this a bug?

Where are the organizers, where is Rotom, can you fix it?!

[7. Name three characteristics that will increase your speed in certain weather conditions.]

[Chlorophyll, Free and Easy, Snow-Shoveling]

"Notice: There are no errors in the current device operation."

Not far away, a Rotom answered the questions of the examinees.

The commotion in the audience was not entirely due to the twitching questions. It was more because of the increasingly exaggerated score columns on another large screen.

Except for a few 10-point questions, most of them had no points, and even began to have a lot of negative points.

[13. In which of the following situations can the HP loss not be prevented by the magic defense characteristic?

A. HP loss from using a substitute]

Shi Qiu submitted [A].

[B. Counterattack from self-sacrifice collision

C. HP loss from attacking the opponent with a life orb

D. HP loss from the opponent with the knockdown detonation characteristic]

So, the style of the whole audience began to become a little bit wrong.

Except for one person, the students on the field never lowered their heads after raising them, staring blankly at the text scrolling on the screen.

The audience in the field looked at the numerical column on another screen that was about to break the top and fell into silence.

[20. Gardevoir, who learned the immobilization technique through inheritance, should be from the Night Watcher family, the Crying Mask family or the _____ family. ]

"This question is a bit abstract." Shi Qiu handed in the answer to the last question [Stinky Mud].

When the screen showed that the answering was over, everyone was still in place, letting their reflex arc turn twice more.

What is this?

What! is! doing!

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