Genius Demon Empress

Chapter 123: Sunra Hell--The Witch

Unlike Qiu Zizi and Shalman's mysterious power being emptied, Yue Jinghua was already exhausted when she was brought into the trial house by the dark wind, just as she encountered the dry stream of Ganlin in time, The water rose and the ship rose.

The five consciousnesses that had temporarily entered the state of death due to mental exhaustion gradually recovered.

First there was a boundless darkness, and then a new halo appeared in front of the body, and the body was sucked into that halo and then hit the ground.

Yue Jinghua moved her stiff limbs and got up.

The earliest recovery was olfactory. The tip of the nose first smelled a salty fishy smell. The smell of sea water can only be smelled by the sea.

Immediately after that is vision and hearing.

A vast expanse of anger, the black muddy water, the sea breeze is like a whistle.

She stood alone on a piece of sea rock protruding from the sea, and the muddy water had to hit the rock under her feet from time to time.

In front of it is a stone mountain pillar that looks like a giant sword, which is emptied from the sea of ​​anger and pierces the sky.

Around the stone mountain pillar, there is no land or ship. When you look at it, you can only see the boundless ocean.

At first glance, Yue Jinghua's first reaction was to think of a mountain in the mythology of the Huaxia Kingdom-the unsophisticated mountain.

It is rumored that in the age of ancient gods and demons, the world is chaotic, and mortals can ask God.

There is a demon mountain outside the world. It can reach the demon world in class. It can reach devil **** in the lower class. The upper part of the mountain is warm all year round and the flowers are constantly blooming. The lower part is frosty all year round. .

The one in front of you is a pillar that is not bottomed. Nearly half of it is inserted into the bottom of the sea, and the remaining half is not at the top.

To Yue Yuehua's surprise, when she raised her head, she saw the bottom of the steep mountain pillar, and a yoke-shaped stone frame shaped like a cross was set on it.

If the man's breath was absent, his long hair covered his face, and he could only discern the woman from the slightly undulating chest.

A woman's limbs, from the wrist to the ankle, were pierced with a dagger. The dagger and the mountain were filled with various obscure ancient runes.

The blood on the dagger had already dried up, and she was wearing a blood-red heavy battle armor on her body. I wonder whether it was born that color or was stained with blood.

The sea breeze blew, and the bellows of the armor issued a "bang" sound, and the woman's lower body was exposed.

There were only a few broken leg bones in her lower body, and there were still a few pieces of rotten meat swollen with blisters.

Just when Yue Jinghua wanted to ask the woman where it was.

The sea was raging, and a white line of tide rushed from a distance. A behemoth like a dragon and a snake tumbled out of the sea, and the bright skin appeared dazzling in the black sea.

The monster was weird, with a large head and a small body. It was five meters long and weighed about five hundred to six hundred kilograms. The skin was covered with a turquoise blue-and-blue electric flash, and its mouth covered the entire foot. Two-thirds of the head is a giant water beast that has never appeared in Huaxia and Canglong continents.

The water leaped violently, with a huge mouth, and the amazing jaw bite instantly broke a piece of stone protruding from the sea surface. It grabbed the woman's knee and slammed hard. The woman's lower body bones were uprooted.

What kind of heartbreaking pain was, the woman was awakened by the severe pain, and her upper body was shaking violently.

I don't know where he is now. If the woman died, wouldn't she have no questioner?

Yue Jinghua saw this, and the big sword in her hand was raised, and she made a javelin throw, and hurled out along the sea breeze.

As soon as the cloud came out, the sea breeze was torn instantly.

The black fish monster apparently didn't expect anyone else to be here, and Leng Buding was stabbed straight, the fish's tail fluttered, and he hid in the water.

Blood splattered, and a little red in the Black Sea.

Yue Jinghua recalled Convergent Clouds, and several feet under her feet fell from the height of the pillar to the vicinity of the stone shackles.

The red armor woman's lower body did not see blood dripping, and the black sea water seemed to have the ability to heal the wound. After the fish monster tore off her bone, the sea water immediately cured her wound.

The woman gasped heavily, soothing the pain that could not be tolerated in the body and consciousness.

"It's been ten years, and finally someone came in," the woman slowly raised her head.

Yue Jinghua took a few breaths.

That was a woman with beautiful facial features and fascination. Just a glance had the illusion of being choked by people.

"Devil," Yue Jinghua blurted out, demon, born with a charming charm. If there is a demon in the Canglong continent, the woman in front of him is undoubtedly the best synonym for demon.

"Oh, devil, no one has called me that for years," the woman laughed, a little husky.

Yue Jinghua took out a pouch of clear water in her heart, sent it to the woman's mouth, and fed her a few mouthfuls.

After drinking some water, the woman cleared her throat and looked at Yue Jinghua and the torn big sword in her hand.

"Who are you and where is this?" Yue Jinghua didn't know. She was sent to the trial room. She only remembered that after leaving the palace, she was exhausted due to mental exhaustion and fell into a state of death. Still, She is dead.

"My name is Jue, and here is Sen Luohai. This one in front of you is the Tianzhu pillar. You should be brought in by the Sen Luo Yinfeng who accidentally enters the world." After drinking the water, the woman was better, The hoarse voice no longer sounds harsh.

Sen Luohai is the boundless sea of ​​exiled sinners and demons. Tianzhuzhu is a powerful mysterious force that blocks the sinners in the Sen Luohai.

The seawater here has a magical healing function. It can delay human aging, but it also contains highly toxic substances. It can slowly erode the exile's mystic power through breathing and skin.

Yue Jinghua listened, and luck was secretly fortunate. Fortunately, the magical force of creation in her body had no influence on Sen Luohai.

It was only when she heard that in the Sun Luohai, no matter whether the Xuanzhe or the Demons were protoss, they could neither fly nor ferry, and suddenly became dumbfounded, then how did she leave here?

Yue Jinghua calmed down again. Facing such a situation, she had to find a way out again: "As you say, I want to leave here. I can no longer rely on manpower. I can only rely on the gust of wind that has drawn me in. How long is it from the next cloudy? "

There is no time in this black sea, only the eternal black anger sea. Here, there is no sun. Every month, the sky will rise a black moon.

When the sea moon rises, there will be a sun wind from the bottom of the sea.

Yue Jinghua was accidentally brought into the Sen Luohai by this hurricane. For one month, if she waits another month, she will miss the appraisal of the master Yongdan, which will disrupt her overall plan.

"Is there a way for me to leave here as soon as possible?" Yue Jinghua pursued.

"There is a sunken windmill array under the Senluo Sea, about 300 feet below the sea bottom. If you can break the restrictions on the windmill, you can stimulate the wind early, and you can return to the place where you came. "Said Jue, raising her hand, her skinny fingers pointing deep into the sea.

Three hundred feet Zhang, Yue Jinghua listened to it, calmly, the sea was vast at first, just diving 300 feet has exceeded the limit of human body function, even if she used mysterious body protection, she can only go down Dozens of feet.

Jianyue Jinghua frowned tightly, and there was a hint of imperceptible joy in the eyes of the sacred girl. She slightly pulled her hand, and the four sharp daggers firmly held her wrist.

After hearing the deep moan, Yue Jinghua retracted her gaze, and her gaze fell again on the dagger that held the wrists and ankles of the extinct.

"The so-called Sen Luo is hell. As the name implies, it must be the place where guilty people are exiled. Who are you exiled to here?" Yue Jinghua noticed the four daggers, and at first glance they were not ordinary, and the dagger flashed. Yingying's light seemed to bring the power of sealing magic.

In such a harsh environment, I do not know how many years of sleeplessness, she is sacred.

He never saw how Yue Jinghua asked how to dive, but instead asked about his background and secretly surprised.

She remembered that the young man who had entered here last time, after learning about the windmill array under the sea, couldn't wait to dive into the sea.

"The one who exiles me is God," the words of the uttermost utterance fell, and the raging waves of the sea were beating against the heavenly punishment pillar.

"God?" Yue Jinghua couldn't help wondering, "Where is the **** on the mainland?" Then she thought again, and there was no magic on the mainland.

A layer of mystery covering thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years slowly opened a corner.

"If there is faith, there will be God. Little girl, you are not old, looking at the costume, it should be from the mysterious continent. How much do you know about the real secrets of the continent?" Black pearl, with a faint light.

She whispered a little-known legend about creation on the mainland.

When the creation **** opened up the world, he divided the entire continent into several planes, namely the planes of the sun, the moon, the stars, and the stars.

The highest plane is the plane of the sun, which is the plane of the gods, followed by the plane of the moon, also known as the plane of the sanctuary, many ancient holy beasts, **** beasts, and the level-breaking promotion of the two planes of the stars and the stars will be Enter this plane.

The daily plane is called the upper plane, and the lower plane is the moon plane, while the star and celestial planes are called lower planes.

Because the number of continents covered by the lower plane is as large as stars, it is insignificant in the eyes of the gods and holy beasts and gods, so it is also called the floating continent.

In the lower plane, there are two types. One is like the Canglong continent, which is dominated by Xuan people, and is called the Xingxuan continent. The Canglong continent belongs to the Xingxuan continent.

In the other, there are a lot of demons, demons, semi-beasts, and seductive charms. Compared with the starry continent with rich air, the demons and demons of Chen's continent, the living environment of the ghosts is even worse. Called Xuansha continent.

Having said that, the story seems to come to an end temporarily.

Yue Jinghua revealed a thoughtful look, why these things never appeared in "Continental History".

"I know what you are thinking, you must be wondering why these things never appeared in the history books, because whether it is Xingxuan or Xuansha continent, as long as it is any kind of text, it is mentioned in the upper plane Things are automatically destroyed, which is called the taboo of God. And those who have the opportunity to contact the secrets of the upper and middle planes have mostly entered the new plane. Once they have entered the new plane, they have no chance to return to the lower plane. Face. "Jue has two eyes that can see through the heart.

"Then why are you exiled here?" Yue Jinghua couldn't help but glance at the sealed magic dagger again.

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