Genius Demon Empress

Chapter 124: Girl with unlimited performances

"I violated the law of planes and deliberately broke into the upper plane with a demonic body and was attacked by the defending army for rebellious crimes, imprisoned in the Sen Luohai, and endlessly punished by the sky," said Jueyi casually, she said I have been imprisoned for many years, physically and mentally disabled, but can bring up the old thing, but just show a smile, quite chic.

Yue Jinghua looked at it, but she felt that she was very open-minded and had a good feeling in her heart.

Sun Luohai, boundless, it does not exist in any plane, and no one knows where it is.

In the sea, there are all kinds of ancient marine mysterious animals. The ranks of these mysterious animals are in the sixth and seventh stages. They are ferocious by nature and torture the prisoners in the waters many times.

Each of the sinners imprisoned in Sen Luohai suffered different punishments according to their own sins. Some were imprisoned for thousands of years and some were imprisoned for hundreds of years.

Before being thrown into Sen Luohai, Jue was removed from the fetus, his leg was cut off, his limbs were locked with a demon dagger, and then he was imprisoned in the Tianzhu column and thrown into Sen Luohai.

Even more frightening is that the ancient mysterious creature at the bottom of the sea will devour her broken leg once every other month, and then the seawater will gradually heal her leg wounds, waiting for a second devour.

Year after year, day after day, until the sinners in Sun Luohai, the spirit collapsed and the Yuan God was destroyed.

Compared with the day punishment, Yue Jinghua's experience in both modern and ancient punishment is beyond mention.

It is said that the gods are kind, but they are cruel in the face of the rebels of the law of rebellion.

Jianyue Jinghua fell into silence, and she lifted her eyes and smiled, "Little girl, are you scared? Rest assured, I will try to help you dive into the bottom of the sea of ​​more than 300 feet and let you leave here, but, in Before that, you had to exchange something with you. "

The devil is the devil. Even after being imprisoned for thousands of years, she never annihilated the magical nature on her, and she never gave grace.

"What is it?" Yue Jinghua had already been prepared to deal with the demon. She didn't have a long mind. She didn't know how she really died, but she had no other method at the moment, she could only ask for help.

"Don't worry, I won't kill your life," Jue chuckled softly, "I have been imprisoned for thousands of years. It's boring. The scenes and things in Sen Luohai are already tired and can be found. For some pastimes, you leave your cherished things for my enjoyment. I will teach you a kind of mystery and teach you how to practice mystery with evil spirits. In this way, when you return to your continent, you will become The existence of the highest peak, "The sound of utter extinction, like a harp sing in the wind, gently stirs people's heartstrings.

Cultivating with evil spirits, Yue Jinghua was shocked, and there was such a cultivation method. On the Canglong continent, there has never been any record of using qi to practice mystery.

"There is yin and yang in the heavens and the earth, the mysterious person uses the mysterious spirit to practice, the evil spirit uses the evil spirit, but the effect is the same, the day to refine the mysterious energy, and the night to refine the evil spirit, you think about it, double the effect, how much can you cultivate . Ten years ago, a boy named Ao Bei Zhan was involved here when he was hunted down. He chose to agree to my conditions, so he left here smoothly. There is another boy He stubbornly wanted to leave here on his own, and as a result he became the belly of an eel on the sea floor. "The sound of the terrible and terrifying sound is so sweet that people can't help but feel happy, and can't help but agree to her condition.

Yue Jinghua seemed to be in the way, Sakuraguchi could hear it openly, and couldn't wait to ask: "What do you want?"

"The rare thing is fine. Let me take a look. You have what I want," Jue ’s seductive eyes turned around Yue Yuehua's body.

Waiting for her to finish, Yue Jinghua said "Oh", and she groped from her arms, and suddenly there was a fleshy worm in her hand. "A rare thing, look at this one." What about insects, there is only one in the world. "

"Well, the soil is ugly, what do you do?" The flesh worm slept soundly, and Hara shed a mouthful, and suddenly a sharp spirit, smelling the wicked sea breeze, "Well, it is terrible, it is the smell of the devil, the demon race It ’s so human, it ’s going to be fried, fried and braised ... ”

She must have no mouth, whoever wants to eat worms, she is a high-end magic.

Induction is still unsuccessful and efforts are needed.

Definitely not discouraged, she continued to induce Yue Jinghua, "You will be wrong. What I want to say is that the precious things that are closely related to you do not have to be treasures or mysteries. For example, ten years ago That young man, he chose to use his conscience to exchange with me the practice of Xuansha, you can also ... "

"Conscience? This is a bit of a hassle. My mother told me that you must have a conscience as a person, and that stuff must not be sent out," Yue Jinghua suddenly realized, and threw the meat worm back into her arms, her face embarrassed.

"You don't have to use conscience. You can also use talent. There used to be an amazingly talented young man who used talent to exchange things. You can also choose to use your mystic talent to exchange things." Inducing.

"I'm a waste material. There is no mystery in the whole body. Are you sure you want my talent?" Yue Jinghua blinked.

"This, since there is no talent, the moral character of the people, I heard that the black people on the black people's continent are mostly kind, fraternity, tolerant, or ..." There are no endless torrents, and several examples are given in succession.

"The virtues you said, when my mother gave birth to me, I forgot to bring them," Yue Jinghua shrugged.

"Then what else is on your body, the treasures of the treasures and mysteries, I don't look at them," she said, with a little anger, these basic virtues are not, she can still be called a person.

She has never seen such a person, and she has begun to wonder if the ugly girl in front of her is as harmless as she looks.

"I think about it, it seems like I do n’t have any of the virtues you said. I have no advantages, but there are many disadvantages. If all kinds of defects can be exchanged, it ’s good." , I really want to kick Yue Jinghua into Sen Luohai.

This kind of person who has no virtue is even more demon than demon.

For the demons, a **** person realizes the potential evil in her body and inspires the demon to truly control the person's mind.

For so many years in Sen Luohai, this is the first time she has encountered such a person who made her vomit blood to death.

"Ah, I thought about it, I'll exchange it with you with the martial arts," Yue Jinghua patted her head with a smile on her face.

Martial arts, what the **** is that? Never understand.

"The martial arts are much more precious than all virtues and talents combined. It first appeared in a place called the Internet in the 21st century. Everyone already has martial arts as a glory. Quoting the true God of Almighty Du Niang Encyclopedia makes a popular explanation. The ethics is the test of life and the touchstone of the soul. "Yue Jinghua is extremely religious, and her eyes are full of longing.

"Listening to you, if you do n’t have a martial arts, isn't it the same as a person without a soul and a demon without a demon?" I never imagined that Yue Jinghuaken would use such precious things in exchange. Girls' thoughts are complicated.

"Okay, then you will give me your martial arts. In exchange, I will teach you ..." Before the words were finished, Yue Jinghua stopped again.

"No, without the martial arts, I will be difficult to survive in my hometown in the future. One kind of trick is absolutely not enough. My mother said that everything must be prepared with two hands, so that you can be foolproof," Yue Jinghua said sternly.

As important as the magic fetus, it is indeed precious.

In order to achieve his own purpose, Juezhen gritted his teeth. "Success, I will teach you the basics of Shashu first, and give you an extra trick, is this done?"

"It sounds pretty good, that's it," Yue Jinghua nodded with satisfaction.

"I have a ring on your hand, you take it off first," she said, relieved, and finally fooled the stupid woman, she signaled Yue Yue to come forward.

Yue Jinghua noticed that she had a quaint ring on her hand, inlaid with a dark black pearl.

Just after taking off the ring, Yue Jinghua's fingertips only touched the ring, and the ring was moved. Before Yue Jinghua could see clearly, a black shadow of blood pierced her fingertips on the ring.

Shrinking in the arms of Yue Jinghua, she was suddenly alert when she pinned herself to see the unscrupulous pinworm. The chrysanthemum-shaped birthmark on its surface lit up.

Yue Jinghua noticed that the black pearl on the ring that looked like a setting was emitting a burst of black light, and the black light entered her body.

As the light entered, Yue Jinghua only felt that deep in her soul, with something, she was being quickly drawn away.

A light black silk flew out of Yue Jinghua's body, and something seemed to be missing from the soul.

A few years later, when the martial arts became a term well-known to the gods, humans, and demons, some people asked the **** who had the least martial arts in the history of the gods. As a god, how could she have no martial arts?

The answer from a **** is, "The feast of the nest is sent away."

At the same time that the black worm was sucking, he must have read a series of mantras. The size of several dozen skulls did not illuminate the light **** of different shapes. The floating light turned in front of Yue Jinghua's eyes.

These light spheres are all condensed by spiritual power.

Yue Jinghua's heart added a little doubt to the origin of Juehua, but she still did not show her face.

"There are several shame repair methods in front of you, each of which has its own advantages, you choose one," the light ball from time to time morphed into different shapes, prompting the chooser, their respective attributes.

There are attacking axe-shaped, shield-shaped defensive, and there is a light ball of meditating into a fixed villain, and so on, from attack to defense, to mental formulas, and even some forbidden secrets.

"I already have a conquering style of attacking mystery. For the defensive type, I have Xiaoyun's footsteps and Pu Yinyin. In the worst case, I can hide into the starry sea of ​​Moxian in an instant. The opportunity to learn the tricks is used here, you have to choose one that is not common on the road, but it is edible. "

Yue Jinghua narrowed her eyes and quickly chose among several tricks.

Suddenly, a touch of red as the morning glow, only a fist-sized light ball, flashed into her eyes.

Compared with other trick light balls, this light ball is brighter in color and smaller in size. It seems to be very interested in Yue Jinghua and probes around her from time to time. From time to time, she was still holding the back of Yue Jinghua's hands, as if to show her intentions.

As soon as Yue Jinghua raised her hand, the fist ball, which was only the size of a fist, automatically fell on the palm of Yue Jinghua.

"That's it," Yue Jinghua grabbed the light ball. "What kind of trick is this?"

Seeing this, he froze slightly. How could she learn such a trick?

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