Genius Demon Empress

Chapter 135: The waste is not waste, but the evil is demon

"You're not stealing money, it's so shameless, you have to steal other people's life-saving money," the beggar trembled with irritation on his shoulder, he snorted, and was shaken away by Yue Jinghua's holding hand, The palm of your hand is like a dragon, hitting Yue Jinghua's chest.

I saw that between his palms, three remnants appeared next to his palms, and he actually had a palm image.

"Someone in my month never took money easily. It was only natural for Dan Shi to go to the clinic for a consultation." Yue Jinghua laughed and saw Yan Yan stepping on her feet, avoiding the man's attack.

"Diagnosis, you mean that you are also a Dan teacher, right? I heard that there is only one Dan teacher called Mrs. Yao in Pero City," the boy was dubious.

"How can the old-fashioned goods be compared with my rising talented master Dan Shi, you must have seen Danlu's elixir gourd," Yue Jingfeng patted his waist, a white jade flawless Cuiyu gourd hung around her waist.

She said aloud, her voice went out far away, and she gave a secret glance at Qian Binlou's direction.

"It's really Dan Gourd," the young boy immediately dispelled his doubts. "Hi, you said that you were a Dan Master or you would end up there, who wouldn't say anything. Who knows where you came from. Also, you put that Fifty or six hundred copper coins were brought back, but that was ... hard work. "

The begging money can be said to have come from hard work, this person is really superb.

Yue Jinghua ignored her and went to check on the child's injury.

"Stop, who allowed you to see the doctor privately," from the restaurant, came out of a group of people, led by well-dressed young people in their early twenties.

The man had a pale face and had triple-three eyes, a narrow forehead, and a protruding chin. Behind him, he was surrounded by a few of the local family members.

When those people saw Yue Jinghua, they called out in a yin and yang strangely: "Well, this is not Yue Jinghua, a half-dead teacher Dan, who dares to grab the front of Shen Dan to save people, it's shameless. You know this Who is he? He is the world-famous Shen Jiangyin Shen Danshi. Even if your second liege in Liejiapu meets him, he must obediently step aside. "

Shen Jiangyin, after hearing about Feng Wanwan, Yue Jinghua also knew that the record about Feng Danwan's assessment was broken by a young Dan teacher named Shen Jiangyin.

Dan Shi, who is the same as Feng Wanwan, actually returned to the city of Poro. Is his arrival also related to the assessment of the royal Dan teacher in Shang State.

Thinking of this, Yue Jinghua couldn't help but look up at the sun. After noon, she was about to miss the assessment of Yu Yongdan.

"Get out of here, let Bendan see it," Shen Jiangyin frowned, walked to the boy, and looked at his tongue and eyes.

After groaning for a while, he said: "The poison of the wood snake is deep, and it is impossible to detoxify with elixir. For the present purpose, he can only cut his legs and save his life."

When she heard that the child was about to get rid of her legs, the woman was paralyzed, crying, but Yue Jinghua frowned, her fingers twisted together.

Shen Jiangyin ordered his men, took a knife, and saw that the knife was about to fall.

"Slow," he snarled, holding a knife in Shen Jiangyin's hand with one hand.

"Dare to ask Master Shen Dan what is written in Article 2723 of the Book of Sutras," Yue Jinghua did not get angry, but she had the same expression on her face, as she asked for advice sincerely.

"Twenty thousand dynasties of the sutra ... Get out of the way, who will allow Yun to obstruct the practice of Ben Dan's doctor," Shen Jiangyin blushed angrily, and she was about to push away Yue Yuehua.

How did he know that instead of pushing Yue Jinghua, he felt a dark strike coming and his feet softened.

"It seems that Shen Danshi is a noble person who forgets things. Article 2723 of the sutra states that the low-order poisonous beasts of the five elements can be solved with ambergris stalactites, regardless of their toxicity." Yue Jinghua smiled slightly as a kind reminder.

"Oh, it was Bendan that he forgot. The 2,273 articles did say that, but the ambergris and stalactites were so precious that they were used on this child. It was too violent," Shen Jiangyin thought. Justify.

"You aren't Shen Jiangyin at all," Yue Jinghua's smile instantly condensed on her face. She stared at the man who claimed to be "Shen Jiangyin". Thirteen articles on the effects of ambergris stalactites are recorded in the third line of the tenth chapter of the Sutra. "

Seeing that the lie was broken, the impersonated man became angry and angry.

"Presumptuous, Ben Dan is Shen Jiangyin, what I say is what you are, a fake Dan master who doesn't know how to live or die," the young Dan master became angry, and the bone knife in his hand screamed at Yue Jinghua.

"If you do not repent, you will almost ruin the child's life," Yue Jinghua's eyes lightened, and a pair of black pupils stared at the young Danshi. The young Danshi dared to swindle and deceive in the city of Poro, and knew some poisonous techniques, and knew the toxicity of the wood snake, and wanted to have a little relationship with Danlu.

Yue Jinghua has lost her skills recently. She didn't want to bother with this gossip.

Only then did he see that he was excited by the crowd and Yue Jinghua was about to let go. If he didn't know why, he would have to cut off the child's leg. Such a vicious Dan master will only save lives if kept.

The Nan Emperor's Ring in his hand flashed, and the extremely fascinating spiritual mystery "Spirit" was already secretly used.

After getting the Nan emperor's ring, the speed of calling Xuan Ji was improved greatly. Yue Jinghua's heart was dark, but her face was serious.

The young Danshi only felt that the forehead was pinched by two door panels. In the forehead, there were tens of thousands of worms biting, making a terrible cry, and his father was crying in pain on the ground, and he was rolling.

"Yue Jinghua, you dare to sing Shen Dan to Shen Jiang like this, if Danlu knows, you will never let go of you," said the several children who accompanied the sister-in-law and saw that she had epilepsy. Yes, it's screaming and rolling, and it's frightening.

"No, this girl wears a jade gourd on my waist. I heard that Danlu ’s Danshi, everyone has a jade gourd, she is Danlu ’s Danshi.” The earlier nosy boy The beggar stared sharply at the thief, and at one glance he saw the jade gourd on Yue Jinghua's waist.

"Girl, no, Master Danshi, just now you said that there is a way to save my child, I beg you to save him. As long as I can keep his legs, I am willing to form a grass ring next time and serve you all my life," that The celebrity's already dead face gave birth to hope again.

Her husband-in-law died early, leaving only such an only child. If the child became disabled again, she would not want to live.

"Save him and see how pathetic the mother and son are."

"Well, that child was almost going to be miserable by that counterfeit,"

The crowd of onlookers chattered, the two beggars aside, watching Yuehua's reaction.

There were two young pear beggars on the other side of the mouth. He begged, he hated the fake Danshi, but the behavior of the girl named Yue surnamed in front of her showed that she was by no means a fuel-efficient lamp.

Just by looking at her agility just now, and she robbed her for a meal without blushing and heartbeat, she could see that.

The beggar next to him is a face of Mu Ran. Ambergris stalactum is not a mainland product, let alone whether the young girl really has ambergris stalactite, even if there is, it is necessary to treat the name. The boy spent a few drops.

Even if there is only one drop, this mother and child can't afford it all their lives.

On the Canglong continent, the strong are the most respected, and the lives of ordinary people are not even as good as a low-level mysterious beast.

Will she choose to save or not?

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