Genius Demon Empress

Chapter 136: Empire Visitor

The sun, unknowingly passed the upright sky, moved westward, around noon.

Yue Jinghua ordered the woman to hold the child in a cool and quiet place, took out a small jade bottle from her arms, took out a few drops of milky slurry, and fed it to the little boy's mouth.

Immediately, she took out a peculiar sac and fed the boy a few sips.

The little boy's already calf has gradually regained his elasticity, and his complexion has become rosy. After another half an hour, the child has stood up and can already call "Mother" in his mouth.

When the woman saw her, she was so happy that she was going to give Yueyuehua a hoe, but she didn't know it until she found that the girl Danshi had long disappeared from the crowd.

"This kind-hearted uncle, the Dan teacher just now, she has a very last name. The little woman will bring a little dog to thank him someday," the woman wept with joy, holding a resident of Poro.

"The girl's surname is month and her name is shocking. She is the daughter of Lie Rou, the eldest daughter of Lie Jiabao, and lives in Lie Jiabao in the city."

"It turned out that Moon Girl was so bad, she said that she was a waste because of the old people."

"That is, although the appearance of the girl in that month is worse, the character is first-rate,"

The onlookers watched Yue Jinghua but raised her hand to save her life. They heard that she was the master of Danlu and immediately praised her.

Seeing that the child was rescued, the crowd of onlookers also dispersed. The woman also took the boy away. Looking at the other side of the Qianbin Building, the fake Danshi who fell to the ground was not sure when he was carried away.

The bustling streets were deserted again, leaving only the two beggars on the streets.

Lixu little beggar, with a disdainful face, hum, he can remember clearly that the man choked his begging money, right, not only the begging money, but also the rice bowls for begging.

"Ah, Teng Wu, I went out and took a few golden bowls. Without them, I wouldn't be fragrant," Li Zou shouted as if stamped with his tail.

"Miss," the beggar next to him sighed after being glared by Li Lijuan. "Master, haven't you noticed that the girl's name was Yue Jinghua."

"You heard me, somebody in Liejiapu," Li Lijun turned out to be a woman.

"Master, the main point is that the girl with a surname of the month is also a student of the Royal Academy of Royal Xuanzang College," the young beggar reminded.

"Students of the outer courtyard of the Royal Xuanzang College, aren't they? I heard that Dean Qiuzi taught you well. The students below him are all honest and upright. Why does she look upright? "It turned out that this woman, a man dressed as a man, was a woman.

"Miss, do we still want to catch up, the subordinates just watched her go to the direction of the Xiaoshang Palace," the accompanying male security guard, his eyes were fully reflected. If it wasn't for Yue Jinghua just busy saving people and neglecting her surroundings, she would surely find that this humble black-faced beggar is actually a master of Tian Xuan.

"Chasing, of course we have to chase, we are here to find people in the outer courtyard." The little beggar wiped his face and exposed his tender chin. "Forget it, you can fly by me. . "

The black-faced beggar's face was wrinkled, like a black nest, and two iron fingers touched the young beggar's neck, and flew up with her.

Soon, the houses along the streets of Poro City turned into an endless green ridge, but after chasing for miles, the two did not find Yue Jinghua's whereabouts. Not to mention the streets and alleys, even the sky is empty.

The situation disappeared as if Yue Jinghua had used the horoscope.

"I can't see the students in the outer courtyard. They are so tall that they can escape from under your eyelids." Young beggars are rare, but she heard Grandfather himself say that Fujimura ’s stature is in the empire. Ranked in the top one hundred.

The mystery of the Shang State has always been inconspicuous on the Canglong continent. I thought that the students of the Royal Academy here could never get higher.

"Miss, you can't look at everything. I don't see the girl in that month. It's not easy." Tengwu saw the fake "Shen Jiangyin" suddenly fell to the ground, knowing that he might have hit someone else's conspiracy, and Yue Jinghua was very big. Suspect.

"Can't catch up, it's too boring. We will go to the small business palace in Shangguo before. Let's go and see it. I heard that Xiaoshangguo is holding a Dan division selection. Why don't we go there?" At the age of sixteen, according to the rules of the family, young men and women who have reached the age of sixteen need to go out and practice.

Only when the successful experience comes back and the family tasks are completed can they have the opportunity to gain management of family affairs.

"Miss, the master has told you that you must not cause any trouble when you come out. Although the Shang country is a small country, it can be built for hundreds of years and has accumulated enough information. The small business palace must also be a crouching tiger and a hidden dragon. "Tengwu pulled down his face again, and had a headache for the unexpected thought of her own lady.

"Xu Xing, Teng Wu, how can you be like a dad at a young age and do things with a scrutiny. Where can I go without going to the Shang Palace?" The young girl kept the points, and the pear vortex at her mouth followed the points.

"Miss ..." The face of the black-faced man was almost as bitter as the bitter gourd. "Did you forget that we came for that black egg? This batch of black eggs commissioned by the mercenary regiment has disappeared. It's been three days. "

"No, it ’s just a few fifth- and sixth-order black eggs. It ’s as if our Yunmeng Chamber of Commerce can't afford it. Forget it, since my mother said that I would find it, then I will get it back. I am Just go to the outer courtyard of Xuanzang College. "The young beggar doesn't hide it, but the kind of character that says wind is wind and rain is rain."

But seeing that Tengwu was with him, he couldn't do anything. He was so angry that he hurt himself, and stomped, so he turned to the street and ran.

The two had just left, and not far behind them, Yue Jinghua showed her whereabouts.

Looking at the direction in which the two disappeared, she groaned for a moment: "What are the origins of the two, let alone, after the trial, I will go to the outer courtyard to see."

After a while, Yue Jinghua had already reached the gate of the Xiaoshang Palace, but I was stopped before I entered the palace.

"Who is coming, in the name of General Tianwei, the assessment of the Royal Dan division has begun, and latecomers are not allowed to enter," Yue Jinghua has delayed a lot of hours on the road just to rescue the mother and son. At noon, it was said that Yu Yongdan ’s medicine had just begun, and when she entered the house, she was told that the medicine test had ended.

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