Genius Demon Empress

Chapter 137: Free trial through train

The drug test is over?

Yue Jinghua forgot about it. She just used Pu Zhishun and Xiaoyun to walk along the way. She should have been late for the drug test.

"Master Fa asked someone to calculate the hour, and said that it was noon and it was auspicious hours, and he advanced the medicine test by a quarter of an hour." I know that the people who came to the selection of the Royal Danshi today are the princes of the imperial dynasty, the prince of the kingdom, Qin Gang, and the lady in the market.

Yue Jinghua scolded pit father, who was the one who chose to have a relationship with her. This Danshi assessment was obviously bad for her.

Even before the start of the competition, Renhe had already lost. Even if it was calm and shocking, it was a headache.

But Yue Jinghua is Yue Jinghua after all. She has seen it in a thousand times of crisis. She sneered and said, "Although I'm late, there is a reason for that, my concubine sent me to death yesterday. Alchemy, I was late if I was not careful. See if you can make it happen. "

The soldier and guard eased a little when he heard it.

"The mother-in-law of Sha Fei entrusts me to refine the elixir, which can calm down and raise the fetus. It is very good for Her Royal Highness in her womb. If Her Highness is good, it is equal to the entire merchant country. The soldiers would follow suit, "Yue Jinghua seduced Xun Xuan.

When the soldiers heard that, they were right. Someone had seen Gong'e, the concubine of the concubine, and sent Yue Yuehua out.

The soldiers are still hesitant.

"Yuedan Division," a beautifully dressed Gong'e came from the inner palace.

The soldiers met Gong'e and called respectfully: "Aunt Xiu."

Lizhuang Gong'e was the sandy concubine who sent Yu Hulu to Yue Jinghua earlier.

After Yue Jinghua got the gift from the sand princess, it must be retreat. Seeing today, Yue Jinghua's eyes were brighter, her looks were better than before, and her speech was full of vitality. It seemed that the effect of the retreat was very good.

Aunt Xiu didn't know it was a few female officials, and her status was obviously not low. Several of the guards met, all nodded and bowed.

Aunt Xiu ignored the soldiers and guards, but nodded at Yue Jinghua. "The Concubine Lady asked earlier, why haven't you been in the palace, it was stopped by these slaves."

The soldiers and guards snorted together, how dare to stop Yue Jinghua again, Aunt Xiu took the opportunity to pull Yue Jinghua to the inner palace.

"Yue Danshi is a smart person who knows how to borrow the name of His Royal Highness. So, you support the concubine," Aunt Xiu also ordered her, and went to see the selection of Yudan. How could I know that among the crowd, but I did not see Yue Jinghua's trace, then I found the palace and just happened to release the siege for Yue Jinghua.

However, Fang Caiyue was shocked and threatened secretly, and the radish cannons used the tricks to make Xiu aunt all look into it.

"As a child of the Shang State, it is also worth supporting the concubine," Yue Jinghua slipped. Now the situation in the Shang State is unknown, and it is impossible for her to express her position directly. What's more, what kind of power is behind Sha Fei Niang Niang is currently unknown. She's not in a hurry to stand in line.

Aunt Xiu no longer spoke to Yue Jinghua's position. The two walked to the inner hall and heard a low bell, indicating that the earlier drug test had ended.

Today's contest was held in the Izumo Hall of the Xiaoshang Palace. Participants in the selection include senior Dan divisions selected from various parts of the Shang country, as well as rising stars in the Dan division in China in recent years, and even some Dan divisions from other countries.

Roughly count, there are more than a hundred people.

At this moment, the first round of the drug test has ended, and more than a hundred Dan teachers have submitted their papers, waiting for the start of the next round of the Dan test.

Among all the Dan divisions, men accounted for 80%. Of the remaining 20% ​​of female divisions, Liesi fluttered in white and went out to pick.

There were also several young Danshi standing next to her, complimenting her.

The examiner's law suit, Qin Gang, and Madam Yao all sat on the teacher's chair in the middle of the palace.

Fa Yiyi saw Yue Jinghua, and his forehead immediately drew a blue tendon, and stared at Yue Jinghua with two eyes.

"Girl, Yue, you are late. This is already the second round of assessment. If you participated in this way, wouldn't it be unfair to the other masters," Mrs. Yao knew Aunt Xiu and knew that she was a concubine. People, she had a long-standing disagreement with Yue Jinghua, and it is even more impossible to be accommodating at this moment. "What do you say, Lord Faye, General Qin?"

She was deliberately trying to make Yue Yue shock, and she didn't smile on her face, but she deliberately said aloud. The voice fell into the ears of more than a hundred Danshi, causing a buzzing discussion.

"My lord and girl Yue are old acquaintances. In order to avoid suspicion, it is better not to comment. General Qin should also follow the law to do it," said Fa Yiyi in a strange manner.

Qin Gang understood it, was about to get up, but could hear outside the hall. The eunuchs reported: "The emperor arrived --- the mother-in-law of the concubine arrived ----"

I saw Fa Yunyun and the concubine stepping in. The concubine saw the situation in the palace and said softly, "Well, it's not that the medicine test started at noon. Why is it better than the test?"

Fa Ying Yunlang laughed and said, "Love concubine, what's so good about the medicine test?

When the ministers heard it, they all understood the meaning of Sha Fei. What she said was to support someone.

There is a backstage, just different.

Master Dan looked at Yue Jinghua's eyes with jealousy and envy.

Fortunately, Yue Jinghua has never been a thin-skinned species. Instead of being embarrassed, her spine suddenly stood a bit.

Qin Gang, who would have condemned Yue Jinghua together, immediately said: "The emperor and the concubine were right, Fang Yueyue Jing Huayue was late for trivial matters, and the ministers were discussing it. Later, she thought that Already a junior Dan teacher in Danlu, what drug test is needed, just waive the test. "

Mrs. Yao's face was stiff, Fa Yiyi's face dropped into the shade, and Qin Gang saw the wind secretly in her heart.

"My sister is really, it ’s too late for such an important matter. I ca n’t choose Dan Ding soon to start alchemy," Li Sisi also saw the rudder to step out of the crowd immediately, very enthusiastically. Reminding Yue Jinghua.

A few days ago, in the days when Yue Jinghua strayed into the Sun Luohai, Liejiabao was also a scene of people turning over.

After Lesze sent Bizhi that night, she thought she would catch the moondust soon, which could threaten the meditation yard and others.

Didn't know that Bizhi and those out-of-outwear soldiers had no news after that night.

Inside and outside the city of Poro, there was no news about Bizhi and others, just like the morning dew, seeing the sun, disappearing suddenly. In the past few days, Moondust stayed in the meditation courtyard and did not go out.

This matter, that's all, but immediately afterwards, another thing happened, and Li Sisi completely lost the mind of alchemy.

Rumors began to spread throughout the city, and Yue Jinghua gave a letter of resignation to Fa Yiyi.

The woman is unmarried, and she divorces her husband first. Such a big thing is no less powerful than a mysterious riot in a small Shang country.

When the news arrived in front of the elders of Lie Ruan and Lie Jiabao, the three reacted differently.

Lie Rou was relieved. After experiencing the incident at Cuiwei Lake, she did not have a half opinion of Fa Yi, and was even more unwilling to marry her daughter to such a person.

However, Lie Chang'an and the two of them had the same old face, Lie Chang'an condemned Yue Jinghua for being lawless and didn't even understand the basic etiquette.

Lie Changshun did not blame Yue Jinghua, but instead called Lie Sisi urgently.

Although the three brothers of Liejiabao are mothers and siblings, they are not good or bad.

For the sake of loving his wife, Madagascar Palace is a good man who is passionate, but his two younger brothers, Lie Changshun and Lie Changan, are selfish and cunning.

Lie Changshun called Lie Sisi past to calm his granddaughter's heart.

"Sisi, I heard that in the past few days, your alchemy has always been careless. If you go on like this, how can you pass the examination of the Royal Dan Master," Lie Changshun looked at the granddaughter's expression, his face was pale, his eyes flickered. Obviously restless.

Alchemists are the most taboo about being impatient. Today's fierceness has lost half of it before the Dan test.

"Grandpa, the little **** actually proposed to get rid of her. Why did she get rid of it?" Lie Sisi was unhappy, and too lazy and Lie Changshun to turn around, and directly clarified her mind.

Lie Changshun's face remains unchanged. Could her granddaughter's thoughts not be understood? He stood up and hated the iron. "Sisi, our youngest generation in Liejiabao belongs to you most. OK. Grandpa has always thought that you will inherit Liejiabao in the future, but you can see, what do you think about inheriting Liejiabao in the future, or even being the mother of a country in the future? "

Lie Changshun rebuked this harshly, just like a thunder, and his face changed instantly.

She looked at Lie Changshun in surprise. "Grandpa, what do you mean?"

"Will your grandfather not know your little moves," Lie Changshun rubbed his beard, "You can't forget about Fa-Grandpa, and Fa-Grandpa has a world-wide mind, compared to Fa-Gi-Yun's only knowing peace My narrow mind is much better. Grandpa has decided your wish. From now on, Liejiabao will cooperate with Grandpa. "

In recent years, Liejiabao's domestic development situation is very good, but people's hearts are not enough to swallow the elephant, and Lie Changshun's greed has also expanded. He is not satisfied with Yongchuntang's only attack on the city development in Shang Dynasty. Expansion to other scattered tribes and neutral small countries outside the two major countries.

To make such an expansion, the premise must be to seize the territories of those countries. He secretly borrowed the names of the Ministers of the DPRK and China, and mentioned it to Fa Yiyun several times, but he refused on the grounds that the state treasury was inadequate, and the war was costing his people money.

However, the law suit was different. A few days ago, he personally visited the door, not only showing his heart for Li Sisi, but also proposed the intention to expand the territory in the future and support Lie Jiabao.

This fall from time to time made Lie Changshun, the profitable old man, immediately greedy.

"Grandpa, you really love Sisi, what about the Dan test this time?" Li Sisi's original evaluation of the master Danshi was a winning ticket, but it was revealed with the amazing talent of the month, especially After secretly seeking a son-in-law Dan, but unable to analyze the composition of the elixir, Lie Sisi was a little less confident.

"How many times did Grandpa Er tell you that you should be calm when you do things. This time is the best example of Lord Fa's case. If you know how to be patient at the banquet that day, let Yuejinghua come out in front of everyone. Ugly, the toffee and the prince came to ruin this wedding. It's like now, you can only pick up the man who Yue Jinghua doesn't want. "Lie Changshun looked at the sadness of iron and steel.

Lie Sisi reluctantly argued with her mouth: "It was all blameless and horrible. The woman is by no means as simple as she looks at it. She not only framed me in the Xuanji Pavilion, but also designed When it came to Cuiwei Lake, she and I were both framed by her. "

"Sisi, you grew up with Yue Jinghua from a young age. Unless she is not Yue Jinghua, she will never have such an opportunity," Lie Changshun stopped paying attention to Le Sisi's excuse: "That There is no word in the mouth, it is indeed left by Feng Wanwan, but the mouth of Ding Ding, since the death of Feng Wanwan, it is impossible to refine it. "

"Well, look at you, the bigger the more it is not useful, even a month of shock can not eat, I heard that the drug store in the north of the city is also run by her. The most worrying thing now is that she is really inherited With Feng Wanwan's alchemy talent, or with the help of an expert behind her, "after inquiring about the recent actions of Yue Jinghua, Lie Changshun was still unable to sit still.

He could not imagine that Yuejinghua would learn to practice alchemy within a few months. Not only that, she also received Danlu's approval and quietly became a Danlu certified Danshi, even Liess's junior Dan. Teachers are not yet identified by Dan Lu personally.

The two-for-one comparison is as if Yue Jinghua is professional, but Lie Sisi is amateur.

"Well, fortunately, I still have a baby here, which I bought for a lot of money. As long as you use this mouthful of Danding, you will be more handy," Lie Changshun smiled and smiled. He already was Hatred Yue Yuehua, since the opening of the drug store in the north of the city, Yongchuntang's business has fallen by 30% to 40%.

As early as half a month ago, Lie Changshun accidentally bought a tripod in a market auction.

The tripod is called Jin Chanding. This tripod is used to control the fire, which can evenly distribute the fire element to each place of the Dan body, which can preserve the spirituality of the medicinal materials and improve the rate of Dan.

This is the killing move of Lie Changshun, and he will never take it out when he has to fly.

He got up, walked to the bookshelf, moved a dark cabinet on the bookshelf, and took out a slightly heavy square box inside.

Liesi's eyebrows instantly gave a happy look, "Second Grandpa, this tripod?"

"There's a trick in it, you first go to understand it, and it will definitely be a hit," Lie Changshun laughed.

Lie Sisi recalled this, and she couldn't help showing a proud look. She would definitely win this time when she was evaluated by the Royal Danshi.

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