Genius Demon Empress

Chapter 155: Dragon blood ride

"铿-" The sword groan was low and obscure, a mighty sword was suspended in midair, and the sword body was about half a person tall. No one called it, but stood upright.

Among the weapons, the sword has the reputation of being the king, and if the sword can be invisible, it must be the realm that Jian Xuan can only achieve if there is no shadow.

Xie San's beautiful pair of peach eyes were stunned. Under his three fingers, a ghostly axe was conveyed in the ghost-faced axe, as if he was very jealous of the big sword.

The voice is old and powerful, but there is no fluctuation of half mystery.

Having been an assassin for so many years, Xie San almost never felt like the enemy's breath like today, but the old man's voice was clearly visible like sticking to his ear.

This is a master of extraordinary sanctification. He makes the evil three feel like those assassin veterans in the assassin fortress who are no longer in the world. .

Unpredictable, as long as he does not agree with him, the hand of death will take the lives of others.

At the moment, Fa Yiyi was sweating, and the joy of the monarch of Shang Dynasty disappeared.

It's him!

He is the master.

Hidden behind Yue Jinghua, she calculated her master twice.

Fa Yiyi has gone through similar occasions three times, but this time, the master dormant in the dark finally spoke.

The previous few times, Yue Jinghua was in the Ming Dynasty, the old man never spoke.

"Dare to ask who this old man is, Fang Xia, who is the leader of the stubble of one of the top ten killing gods in the Assassin Alliance." Xie San did not dare to make inferiority in front of this unknown old man He stepped back a few steps, his face lowered, his face respectful. .

"Hehe, my husband has lived for more than a thousand years, and I have forgotten my name for a long time. You call me a guilty old man. Yue Jinghua, the girl with a pure nature and a rare talent, the old man has already She earns money. The old man has a bad temper, so he takes care of himself. I will take away all the people here. "The old man's tone is very loud. In words, he doesn't look at Fayeyi and others in the eyes.

Chitose! The amazing age of the old man shocked Xie San, Qin Gang, and others, and did not dare to act lightly.

It is rumored that the Xuan Zhe repaired successfully. After Tian Xuan stepped into the Dan realm, he was qualified to peep into the laws of heaven and earth and break the limit of the human life.

But it was only a few hundred years old and a thousand years old. I am afraid that even the masters of Danjing may not be able to live as long as this. The age of the elderly makes his identity and cultivation more mysterious.

Fa Yi's face was unpleasant. "The predecessor must not be too arrogant. You must not forget. This is the Shang country. It is not a place where you can come, a place where you can go."

In addition to being counted by the Grand Duke of the Blood Cherry Blossoms as a teenager, he was then reorganized a few times by Yue Jinghua, and Faye Yi has never been insulted in his life. Faye Yun, who once humiliated him, has now become a pool Rotten meat.

"What a big tone, no one dares to talk to my husband like this. Do you really think that after Fa Yiyun's death, you can inherit the monarchy of Shang? It is ridiculous. People, you have to learn a lot, "the old man snorted." You listen, what is that sound? "

Rumble Rumble ---

What is that sound ----

This calamity in Liejiabao has been going on for nearly three hours, starting with the happy event near dusk.

The guests who watched the ceremony have all been taken down by Faye Yi and others and are under house arrest.

The rest of the city was now silent.

But around midnight, there was an inexplicable hoof sound, a clash of armour rubbing on the saddle, like a long-awaited flood, raging towards Liejiabao.

Closer, closer.

A man headed by him was not a steed or a horse, but a dazzling lion covered with colorful tabby. The lion's foot was a man tall, with a thick spine, covered with thick hair, and the lion's eyes were red and murderous.

Behind him, nearly a hundred blood riders who also rode ferocious mysterious beasts of all colors were fierce and evil, and all of them were ground-based Xuan Xiu.

More than a hundred people of Di Xuan Xuan, like the same pace, stopped the beast when riding, but only heard one hoof fall, showing that their training was in order.

The black border, the red bottom flag, and the dark night, the flag of the dragon battle empire blood prisoner army automatic without wind, stretched straight.

Under each foot of the beast, he stepped on the blood mark and came out of the blood. Obviously, he had just gone through a fierce fight.

Along with the mysterious blood rider, there was a soft white sedan topped by moon. A Gong'e accompanied the soft sedan and helped Shafei from the sedan chair.

I saw that the stomach of the concubine is still high, which obviously does not match the news that the concubine aborted earlier.

"The Ao Bei Zhan represents the Dragon War empire. He came to fight against the rebellion, France, and other people, etc., without arresting him." As soon as the Ao Bei, the fetus in the belly of the concubine was not lost, the status of the country was immediately Shaken. Who inherits the throne is unknown.

Dragon War Empire, North War, how did they enter the city of Poro, and how they colluded with Sha Fei.

Fa Yiyi only felt that his throat was dry, as if there were hundreds of reptiles crawling through it. He reluctantly calmed down: "The concubine lady must have misunderstood. Unfortunately, the Shang Dynasty had a group of assassins who broke into Liejiabao and assassinated Both the monarch and the queen mother, the soldiers and general Qin who were present could testify. "

"No need, the assassin in his mouth is here." The evil three strode forward, and the evil smile flashed across his mouth. "Assassin Alliance always does things and dares to do it. People kill us. It ’s just that someone asked us to kill. Lord Fa ’s memory is too bad. The reward you gave me for killing the king is still here. ”

Xie San took out Tianyang Shuo, and Fa Yiyi was scarred, and suddenly came over.

The emergence of Xie San, as well as Sha Fei, who pretended to have a miscarriage, appeared in the Pride North War for no reason, and the three combined together, and Faye Yi immediately understood.

The true employer of the Assassins of the Evil Three is not the queen queen, but the Concubine and the Pride North War.

"Yes, Wei Chen can also testify," Qin Gang saw the situation was not good, and immediately turned the wind.

After seeing Qin Gang's next work, Fa Yiyi's throat seemed to have a fishbone in his throat.

He worked hard for dozens of years, but never realized that in the end it was a shortfall, and he achieved the hegemony of others.

He didn't feel back a few steps. The guard behind him was like a child playing house before the blood riding in the North Pride. For a moment, he was difficult to advance.

"Oh, no wonder my baby apprentice wants to take a break from you. Your kid is too stupid. You were thrown away. This is a trick to kill someone. It's beautiful." "Well, it wasn't convenient for the old man to get involved with your junior affairs, but you shouldn't hit your mind on someone in the meditation courtyard."

"Who are you? Did you threaten the Princess Sha Fei earlier? What did you shrink and do? If you have the ability, you will show your true colors. We will fight one another." Seeing red, "Kill!"

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