Genius Demon Empress

Chapter 156: combustion! Yasha Kill Flame

Under this roar of "killing", Zhan Beiao's whole body was so angry that his veins were stretched, and the mysterious energy behind him was violently turbulent. The head of a stingy **** war lion appeared on his chest.

With his arms raised suddenly, he challenged the book unquestionably with a condescending voice: "My name, I challenge you in the name of a dragon-fighting man."

Those who are familiar with Beibei know that he is addicted to battle, especially when he meets a master, no matter what the status of the other party is, what the state of cultivation is, in his eyes, it is the same, even when facing the dragon. The patriarch of the war empire, as well as the Danao master Long'ao.

Seeing the battle, Bei Ao insisted on the first battle, and Xie San sneered, commanding the remaining members behind him to watch the changes.

And Fa Yiyi was gloomy, neither escaping nor retreating. No one knew what he was thinking at this moment.

The blood prisoners collectively backed away, leaving an empty space, and no one knew what the next battle would be like.

Several people in Lierou looked at each other. I don't know what the relationship between the old master who emerged from the road and Yue Jinghua was.

Lie Rou couldn't help but whispered to Hongling: "When did Huaer worship Master?"

For a while, Hongling was in trouble, and I didn't know how to explain it. Where did the master behind the lady come from, but who imitated this wonderful old man's voice? Where is the person now when Miss escapes?

"Oh, this is a big deal. You must be able to do it, Sin Parrot. This crazy man who challenges Bei Ao will challenge you. Right, it will challenge the fierce ugly. Alas, that is the **** lion, Tianxuan peak. The best of the younger generation. The fierce and ugly, you still don't care about the people in the meditation courtyard, it is better to move away first, "Pin Jinchan sees Sha Fei appearing, and those who want to come to the meditation courtyard will no longer have any life. Fear.

It turned out that the old man who leaned on the old man and sold the old man and pretentiously was just a month shocked by the sinful nautilus talking.

Just finished selling the silkworm, but I feel a bit strange all over.

Yue Jinghua, who was originally sitting in the star-studded sea of ​​Mexico and communicating with the guilty parrot, opened her eyes when she heard it.

The heartbeat was accelerating, and the blood surged like a waterfall, seemingly affected by the evil spirit of Zhan Bei'ao.

That dark, occlusive influence from Sen Luohai.

Kill, fight, no one can stop the Pentium's involuntary killing intention in her body.

After a night of toleration, and after a few days of prison, a lot of evil spirits continued to be released in the body, Yue Jinghua's evil spirits were blown out at this moment.

No one can stop it, not even Zhanbei.

Outside Liejiapu, everyone held their breath and waited for the hidden old man to come out and the strong to face off. This was a rare opportunity.

Boom, a dazzling white light, suddenly bright from somewhere, just as the torch of the North Pole stars at dawn, so bright, so amazing.

"!!!" Zhan Bei'ao first felt the shame, such a similar shame, and the star-like killing flame.

It's kill flame!

All members of the remnants including Xie San are shocked. It is the very few elite killers that can be cultivated in the Assassin Alliance. Only the true assassins who have experienced the baptism of blood can cultivate such a pure killer .

Could it be said that the old man had a relationship with the Assassin Alliance?

Xie San's heart suddenly had scruples. If Yue Jinghua truly worshiped the old man's door, then the next killing would be difficult.


The great sword hung in mid-air was silent for more than half a night, and at this moment, a groan like water was issued.

The air twisted into ripples, and after the big sword danced out of thin air, a moving sword flower was drawn, and the sword pointed obliquely to the ground.

At that moment, although the figure was still not seen, everyone's minds clearly imagined an extraordinary scene with a master with a sword.

"..." Qingpu shrugged his lips, the world is foolish, and I don't know if someone is just a new student who has just learned a sword, making the sword only a little bit better than killing a pigsmith.

Landing, a little under the foot of the Northern War, faster than lightning and stronger than the blast, people have turned into a beast that eats prey.

With the sword, he determined the general position of the "Old Man", and the two blood punches in his hand instantly struck countless punches.

The boxing shadow Huo Huo had a voice, as if thousands of soldiers were crossing the border.

Ao Bei fights fast, but the old man who hides and has been reluctant to show up is very slow.

Even people like Lie Rou who can't understand mystery can see the old man's movements clearly.

He raised his sword and pushed it forward as usual. Even street performers are better than him.

"Be careful," Lie Rou knows why. At this moment, her heart was tight. In her heart, the old man who claimed to be her own daughter's master had become her family.

"Well," after the old man's sword was launched, a ghost appeared next to the sword, and the ghost was divided into two and two into four, just as he slowly pushed his sword and fist, at an amazing speed, Dozens of sword shadows were transformed.

There are all things in the world, there is everything, there are truths, and there are illusions.

Sherman's Snake Girl Phantom is a kind of illusion.

If illusions come true, they have the same power as real existences. Rumors have turned swords into a state of brilliance, which can imitate thousands of swords.

One sword is one elephant. If you practice to the sword sage, you can even use a sword to imitate countless sword elephants. One sword can kill all armies.

"Sword elephant!" Qin Gang and others took a breath of air. They had expected that the old man would be strong, but they could not have reached this point.

The sword is ten percent as continuous as cloud qi, blocking all the fist bursts from the battle.

Alas, the big sword disappeared out of thin air, and appeared behind Zhan Bei'ao. The sword light was like a white nugget, falling heavily. The rising sword anger broke Zhan Bei'ao's helmet instantly. Back.

"The light of blood prison, royal," the blood lion image of Zhan Bei'ao's chest was even more red, and a red purgatory lion helmet grew out of his body, immediately covering his back and face. , Limbs and knees.

Zhan Bei Ao has gone through hundreds of battles. Although the old man's weird swordsmanship made him a bit messy for a while, his superiority of Tian Xuan Peak is at this moment.

"Rat generation, let's die," Zhan Bei'o roared, and he was about to make a final blow to fight the old man behind him.

"North Pride, save me," the woman's trembling voice came at this moment, and it was very unexpected.

The Princess Sha Fei's flowers faded, and I saw that Faye had restrained Princess Sha. He had a gloomy face, and held a weird black hair bun in his hand, aimed at the Princess' throat.

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