Genius Demon Empress

Chapter 173: Continental double

Unconsciously, it was dark outside, and Yue Jinghua and the people from the Yunhu Chamber of Commerce talked for four full hours in the cottage in the outer courtyard.

Tengwu described the whole story in detail, which is much clearer than the description of the compass in his jail, and Yue Jinghua's mind also has a general context.

The reason why the Cloud Lake Chamber of Commerce bought these batches of black eggs was for the Dragon War Empire black horse cavalry. The Dragon War Empire is different from the Shang Kingdom. It is a rare mystery in the Shang Kingdom, and it is almost everywhere in the Dragon Battle Empire.

There are many reasons for the mysterious beasts, in addition to the brave and bellicose habits of the people of the Dragon War Empire. Another reason is that there is a continuous mysterious ridge with an area of ​​thousands of miles. The place where the egg disappeared was in this mountain.

Because of the above two reasons, almost every family in the Imperial City of Ottawa raises mysterious beasts. From the mysterious beast to the protection of pets, the mysterious beasts are almost as common in the Dragon War Empire as modern cats and dogs.

"I think Miss Shalman is also a foster teacher. It is better for you and me to help explain the difference between ordinary domestic animals, horses, and even pets." Teng Wu also contacted Xuan many times at the Yunhu Chamber of Commerce. Beast issues, so there is also some research on raising mysterious beasts. He saw that the five-element colored spiders raised by Shalman were unique, and he wanted to test her.

Sherman is also a rare person who knows about support other than the Deputy Dean Xuediao. Naturally, he is willing to discuss this topic with Tengwu.

"Dare to ask Miss Shalman what is a domesticated mysterious beast?" Tengwu Xinzhiyue Jinghua and her own family did not know much about this, and she simply explained from the simplest common mysterious beast.

Sherman was like a primary school student who answered the exam with great excitement: "Domestic mysterious animals generally refer to mysterious animals that have been directly hatched and then sold out, and are trained as ordinary domestic animals in their infancy. Most of the beasts are ordinary low-order mysterious animals such as cats, dogs, rabbits, etc. They do not have strong attacking power and are gentle in nature. Domesticated mysterious animals are sold in ordinary mysterious animals stores, and most of them are not recognized. Health, loyalty is not high, it is easy to be domesticated by others. "

"So what is the difference between protecting pets and mounts from ordinary domesticated mysterious beasts?" Tengwu was quite satisfied with Shallman's answer.

"It's a big difference. I just mentioned that when ordinary domesticated mysterious animals are sold in the mysterious animal store, they are already hatched cubs. They have seen a lot of buyers in the store, and they don't have much loyalty. In addition, Domesticated beasts breed in large numbers, and the survival rate of a group may reach hundreds of tens. From the perspective of scarcity of things, it is greatly discounted. The loyalty of mounts and pets is extremely high. So , They must be delivered to the owner's hands when they are still an egg. In order for the mysterious beast to hatch, he can see his own owner at the first glance, and eliminate the interference of people other than the owner. Conditional buyers, even You can use your own blood to incubate the mysterious beast. In this way, you can even guarantee that the mysterious beast will not betray her for life. "Shalman said, this time even the savage girl nodded with satisfaction.

"There are two more points. The mount should be dominated by a variety of ferocious beasts that are good at running or flying, and the pet should be dominated by fierce and well-behaved astral beasts. Both are wild and the best. Stocking is secondary, "Sherman added two more.

"About the mysterious beast and the mysterious beast eggs, as Ms. Shalman said. Most of the domesticated mysterious beast eggs of the Dragon War Empire are raised and hatched by their own breeders, but these are the lowest level. The mysterious beasts. The middle and advanced ones, especially the ones that serve as the mounts of the dragon warriors and the royal guards, can only be hatched in the mysterious array by collecting some wild mysterious eggs. This batch of mysterious eggs is A group of wild eggs and a number of black animal eggs that were incorrectly evaluated by the Chamber of Commerce, "Tengwu said with emotion. In fact, if this batch of black animal eggs is known to contain a hatchable dragon egg, the Chamber of Commerce will never So hastily handed over the transport task to an unknown mercenary unit.

"So, we must first reach the ridge of the mysterious beast outside the Dragon War Empire, and then look for relevant clues." Schalman has not left Shang Kingdom since he was a child. This time, I heard that he can leave Shang Kingdom. A little excited.

"No, before that we need to find the mercenary squad and find out what happened before the mysterious egg was destroyed." Tengwu has already inquired about the captain of the mercenary squad. In the jail of Shang State.

"No, I know what happened, and I need to explain in advance," Yue Jinghua coughed. "In fact, just a few days ago, I just became the vice captain of this team. Temporarily perform all duties on behalf of the captain. "

"..." There was a brief silence in the hut.

The night was sinking in the water, just in the hut in the outer courtyard, and when the figure was still shaking, the unknown danger was quietly approaching the carriage parked on the official road of the city of Boro, waiting for Yue Jinghua and others.

Lie Rou sat on the carriage, raised the carriage curtain from time to time, and looked out. In the carriage, Moondust had fallen asleep.

Hongling stood on a tree not far away and looked out into the distance. The lady said that she would return after dark, and it was already two hours since it was dark. Hongling was a little uneasy.

"Why is Huaer still not back?" After the incident at Liejiabao, Lie Rou tried to talk to his daughter a few times in private, but he didn't find a suitable opportunity. "Hongling, you go to Xuanzang College to see, Is something wrong? "

After hearing Lie Rou's exhortation, Hong Ling still refused to agree, but the lady had already ordered her to accompany his wife and Master Yuechen.

"Go, it's not far from Xuanzang College. Even in the official way, people come and go at night, so don't be afraid of something wrong," Lie softly persuaded.

Hongling thought about it, the lady had left the sales of golden silkworms and sable leopards to take the wind nearby. There was really a wind blowing and a care. After thinking about it, Hongling swept away in the direction of Xuanzhang College.

After another half an hour, there was still no movement outside the car.

Lie Rou experienced a lot of things in the past few days, her mind was disordered, and she was completely sleepless for a moment. She simply jumped out of the curtain and lay down on the cold cypress tree, thinking about the day.

Out of the window was the orange moon, and a squeaking worm called out from the grass in the forest.

"Xiaosuoxuosuo," Lie Rou felt contemplative, and there was some noise outside the car.

Although Lie Rou didn't know Xuan Gong, but after getting the book of turtles sent by her daughter Yue Jinghua earlier, she practiced diligently, her eyesight and ears unknowingly improved a lot, she faintly saw the grass clusters There was a shadow moving in it, and he was suspicious.

Glancing at the moon dust that had fallen asleep, Lie Rou groped into the package inside the car, took out the dagger, strengthened it, put it in his sleeve, and fumbled out of the carriage.

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