Genius Demon Empress

Chapter 174: Moondust like blood

"Who? Who is there?" Lie Rou raised the Luo skirt, hesitating whether to go into the grass to see.

A figure came out, Lie Rou didn't watch out, and took a few steps back.

Under the yellow moon, Qin Gang smiled and walked forward.

"It's you," Lie Rou saw Qin Gang, knowing that things were not good, and panic took out the dagger in his hand, alert, "Qin Gang, what are you doing with me, your grand general of the Shang State, why not Endless chatter on a woman. "

When Qin Gang saw the moonlight, Lie's delicate and delicate body shivered, like a faint orchid, to be snatched by others, which made him more beastly. "Lie Rou, you are a scumbag who doesn't know what to do. This general doesn't care. Chao Wenwu made fun of you. San media Liu hired you to get started. You are the general's person. If you want to leave the Shang country, then General General must be tired of you before you say. "

After Yue Jinghua and others prepared for the chariot and horse to leave, Qin Gang did not change his heart. He had a treasure ring called the Hidden Ring. Using this ring, not only can hide the mysterious power of people, but even the breath fluctuations are hidden. Already.

He concealed the release of selling golden silkworms and Shanyun leopards, and while the night was getting dark, Yue Jinghua and others were late and approached the carriage. I wanted to stun Lie Rou by using the next three methods such as Mi Xiang, and took her away. However, Lie Rou found it.

"You don't have to come," Lierou gritted her teeth. She knew that she was in the wilderness, quiet at night, and it was useless to call for help.

So Luo Luo skirt, desperately rushed to the carriage.

When Yue Jinghua left the city, the horses and horses sent by Zhan Beiao were good horses. When Lie Rou first married, she accompanied her husband to travel around, and he was also proficient in riding. As long as he could **** the horse, rely on The horse's foot strength can at least stay away for a while.

At first sight, the carriage was about to be snatched, and another man was found beside the carriage.

Lie Rou fixed his eyes and exclaimed: "Uncle San."

"You still have a face called my third uncle. You and Yue Jinghua's horrible beast killed the family and ruined the fortified family. It's a good time now. I want to leave as soon as I hit my buttocks and dream. Little bastard, this bitch, handle it at your disposal, "Lie Changan originally thought Lie Changshun died, and Liejiabao will be the master of him.

How long did it take me to return to the fort? First, the imperial court sent people to seize all the properties of the Lie family, saying that it was the Lie brothers who colluded with the law and conspired to rebel. He checked the private property in the castle again and found that a few days ago, a lot of money in the castle was discounted and sold.

Now he is lonely and widowed. He has neither property nor personal wealth, so he has to ask Qin Gang like a pug to be his running dog. Hearing that Qin Gang was going to hunt Lie Rou, he said nothing, so he became a dog leg.

Lie Chang'an is also Di Xuanxiu. He has a better figure than Lie Rou. He has a sharp hand and grabbed the stables. He grabbed the sleepy moon dust and laughed: "You If I don't obey General Qin anymore, I will kill this little bastard. "

Lie Chang'an jumped onto the carriage canopy, raised the moondust high, and fell off as he did so.

Moon dust stretched her face and looked very panicked.

When Lie Rou saw it, his face changed suddenly. "Uncle San, you put down Chen, he is still young, and you will scare him."

"Don't want the kid to die, obediently follow me back to the city," Qin Gang pressed tightly, Lie Rou squeezed the dagger in his hand, neither entered nor retreated.

"Mother, don't you be afraid," Yuechen's slightly immature voice suddenly inserted into the conversation of several people.

"Little bastard, you'll be killed if you fight again," Lie Chang'an frowned, his iron arms tightened, and Yuechen's skeleton was squeaky.

Lie Chang'an was so proud that when she saw a sting in front of her eyes, the red cinnabar on Moondust's forehead seemed to light up, and a gleam of light flashed in the glass-like eyes.

The parked wagon trembled violently, and the roots of the tree were like thick pythons. The vines rolled out of the soil and got out of the wagons. The horses were frightened, hissed, and hoofed forward.

I did n’t know that the tree vine was like a spinning eight-footed spider. Between breathing, it trapped the carriage horses and the columns in a smooth line.

The dark green tree vines grew longer and denser, leaving no gap at all in the end, engulfing Lierou's sight.

"Dust ---" Lie Rou was shocked and wanted to rush forward, but was strangled by the pale-faced Qin Gang, dragging her to escape.

The two haven't escaped a few steps, accompanied by a scream of shattered screams in Chang'an, making people numb and numb.

When Qin Gang heard the cracked bones, he understood that it must have been the strange vine that strangled Lie Chang'an. It was a strange strange vine. With his knowledge, it was naturally far from the strong and gentle Chang'an and others. When he was young, he traveled on the mainland and saw various strange beasts and spirit trees.

He understood that he must have been in the dark hands of others. The deadly attacking spirit wood seeds had already been buried under the carriage. As soon as the spirit wood seeds broke the ground, they could form invisible killers.

Lingmu is different from ordinary mystic beasts and mystics. They are extremely self-healing. As long as they do not find their spiritual core, even if they fight to the mysterious horror, they cannot destroy a high-level spiritual tree.

After all, Qin Gang is a master of Tian Xuan Realm, and he is fast in movement, but he has been away from the carriage with just a few breaths.

He dragged fiercely, moving faster and faster.

"Let me go," Lie Rou struggled endlessly, causing Qin Gang to be furious.

"Little slut, if it wasn't for you, the general would have been so embarrassed," said Qin Gang, seeing that there was no chaser behind him, and the fierce vine could not move quickly, relieved, and threw Lierou to the ground.

The thief flashed in his eyes, and he looked around Lie Rou, "Since you don't want to worship the general with this general, you are not here tonight ..."

"Ah, what the **** is this," Qin Gang faced, slicing a sharp leaf, the grass around him was windless, and the sharp grass tip was like a blade, emitting a gloomy green light.

"Who is it? Who is the one who pretends to be a ghost?" Qin Gang let out the mystery of the whole body, and saw that his body was red-gold, and his old face was in the golden light, as if it was cast by copper and iron.

When the leaves were closer, they were shaken into powder.

No one answered in the forest, Qin Gang turned back abruptly, his eyes narrowed out Daoliguang, and a heavy palm hit an old tree not far away.

The old tree was smashed in the roar, and the moondust fell out of the tree. After all, he was still young, and his cultivation was not deep. He just chased all the way just now, and his breath has not stabilized. He was so hurt by Qin Gang's attack that he had turned into a spiritual tree around the grass soldiers, all out of control. .

"Little devil, it's you," Qin Gang didn't expect Yuechen to be so capable, he was shocked, and realized that Yuechen's life was by no means simple, he was by no means just the adopted son of Liejiapu.

Keeping a tiger in trouble, if the boy is not removed today, once his wings are full, it must be a big scourge. Qin Gang thought of this layer, and even more fiercely removed the moondust.

Qin Gang froze and rushed towards Moondust, seeing that Moondust was about to be killed by his palm. At this moment, Lierou darted up and fed Qin fiercely. Gang's heart nest.

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