Genius Demon Empress

Chapter 177: Woman like a "juicer"

Until noon, Hong Yao and Feng Chuo were late, and the two returned lightly. Didn't they get anything?

As soon as he approached, Hongyao complained to Yue Jinghua, "Boss, next time I'm going to do business, I don't want to take this stupid person with a surname wind. The market thing almost got messed up by him. "

It turned out that Hongyao had followed Feng Yuehua's instructions last night and took Feng Chuo to sneak back. The original intention was to fight fast and make a decision.

When the red medicines were collected, Feng Chuo went a long way.

He saw a group of boys and girls detained in the market, and he set them free. Most of these children are good-looking and have a good family background. They were ransacked by Mrs. Yao, because they are not from a local background, they have a good temper, but they cannot help them.

Red medicine had a headache. In the end, these children could only be sent to the village where Feng Chuo originally lived, and the children were temporarily fostered in the village. This one only took a long time to come and go.

"You are also a red medicine person. You should know how sad the children will be in the future if they are not rescued." As a female spy without a sense of discipline, Yue Jinghua had a look of righteousness at this time. Agree with Feng Chuo's approach, criticize the short-lived behavior of red medicine with heavy interests, and forget Teng Wu and others nodded.

"After a few ****, write to the children's homes and ask them to redeem the money ... Oh, no, let them give some living expenses, and then bring those children back," Yue Jinghua said eloquently.

"..." Everyone was silent.

"Hey, what are your eyes, these days, you do n’t need any money to eat and live. You must try to squeeze out every drop of oil and water. This juicer-style survival theory says that you do n’t understand," Yue Jinghua said. She was extremely dissatisfied, and she was easy. She dragged a family, there were family members, and a mercenary group desperately needed to turn a profit, not to mention a group of eating mysterious animals to be fed.

If you can save it, you can't save it. You just want to break your head to blackmail and blackmail ... Oh, it's making money.

She didn't explain it. Fortunately, the explanation led to more eyes. However, since then, Hongling and others have called Yuejinghua as a juicer, although they do not understand what the juicer is.

Yue Jinghua, who was not understood by everyone, was still a little depressed. Fortunately, Hongyao and Fengchao soon reported the receipt of this market, which immediately made her smile.

With the help of Feng Chuo, the standard of red medicine identification Danfang increased greatly. The Danfang of hundreds of kinds of Danfang searched in one go were all spirits and even two holy products.

"In addition to Dan Fang, we also found dozens of precious herbs, but this time the most precious harvest was the count of more than one hundred poisons personally held by Mrs. Yao. In addition, there was one dedicated to storing poisons. The dragon's bracelet holding the medium, "the Danfang poison that the two brought in, were all stored in that dragon's bracelet.

The market in the Shang country is operated by Mrs. Yao. The most precious items in the store are the various types of Danfang and some personal collections of Mrs. Yao. There are no fewer than hundreds of Danfang alone. Among them, the most precious ones are also poisonous recipes.

Mrs. Yao is treacherous, and she has rarely been exposed to the outside world. Even Red Medicine learned about Yue Jinghua's story about Liejiabao.

"Medicine and poison complement each other. In some specific cases, the elixir is the poison. Conversely, the poison is also the elixir. Madam Yao's poisons are of a wide variety. The resulting powder also contains the raw venom and poison of the mysterious beast. If these poisons are used together, even if the master of Tianxuan Peak encounters it, he will also have to eat a dark loss. " Still, he didn't talk about poison before, because after all, poison is different from elixir. On Canglong continent, poison is not allowed to flow.

Only second- and third-class Dan divisions can refine poisons, but Feng Chuo has a lot of interest in poisons. After all, compared to Dan medicines, the composition and purification of poisons is more difficult.

"Boss, can you let me try to refine the poison?" Feng Chuo asked carefully.

Yue Jinghua's response was unexpected again. She didn't reject it, but touched her chin. She asked inquiringly, "Can you make a poison that can kill you when you touch it?" "

"Can't," Feng said.

"Then the standard will be lowered, which will make people have no power?" Yue Jinghua let out her eyes.

"Some difficulties," Feng Chuo reluctantly explained.

"Cut, what kind of smile, half-step epilepsy, and softness are all deceiving things. Since poison has no effect, what does it do?" Yue Jinghua once again exerted a style similar to that of big capitalists, unprofitable. Things she would never do.

"Although none of the above can be done, I have the confidence to make a poison that can reduce people's mysterious power to a certain extent." Feng Chuo's face, dulled by Yue Jinghua, had no light, gritted his teeth, and uttered a sentence.

Yue Jinghua came to the spirit, "Speak to hear."

"You can use the venom of the scorpion bee insect and the blue mushroom bellflower to extract a medicinal powder that can reduce the enemy's mystic power, but it does not last long, and it can only last for half a column incense. It can be used on the mysterious people below Dixuan, "Feng Chuo analyzed, and he just summarized this poison from the Danshi manual left over from the Madame Yao's refining experiments over the years.

"It can only be used on humans. If it is used on mysterious beasts, can the poison be effective if it is a group-like mesmerized beast below the middle level?" Yue Jinghua is interested in poison, also for the next intention.

They went to the mysterious beast mountain here, I heard that there are many mysterious beasts in the area, and they are mostly group mysterious beasts.

The attack power of the group mysterious beast is amazing. If it is surrounded, even the master of Tian Xuan may not be able to escape safely.

If only Yue Jinghua was alone, she could use Xiaoyun's footsteps or the sacred beast star fall to compete, but now she has followed a group of people and has to make more plans.

"Just using the proper amount of poison and applying it to the Xuanzhe or the group Xuanbei has the same effect," Feng Chuo groaned for a while, and gave a definitive answer.

"That being the case, you immediately started to study this poisonous powder. I need about a thousand copies of similar poisonous powder." Yue Jinghua naturally could not use the thousand copies of poisonous powder on her own. What she thought was to sell gold. Silkworm and its Bugs Commando.

The winged zerg are born with flying advantages. If the golden silkworm leads the more than 1,000 gray-winged moths carrying only this poisonous powder to enter the ridge of the mysterious beast, it will definitely speed up the crowd's entry The speed can even curb the mysterious animals that may be encountered to a certain extent.

Feng Chuo won Yue Jinghua's promise, and she was so happy that she hurried to research the poison.

Hongling and Hongyao were watching, and they were in a fog of water, wondering what Yue Yuehua was going to do.

"Hongling, please invite your mother and young master to come together. We have to discuss where to go after leaving Shang Guo?" Yue Jinghua called Thal Wu and Yunluo and called Sherman. , And ordered Hongling to invite all the staff in the meditation home.

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