Genius Demon Empress

Chapter 178: The rise and fall of the Ducal Palace

Where should I go after leaving Shang?

This is a difficult problem for the boss at the moment.

It stands to reason that Yue Jinghua's former residence was in the Dragon War Empire, and the blood of Dragon War was also kept in his bones. Returning to the Dragon War Empire was a natural choice.

It can be considered that a few mothers and daughters came to Shang State in order to avoid creditors, and it would not be so easy to go back.

Lie Rou took Yue Jinghua to Shang State at first, leaving aside to go to Liejiabao, also considering that Yue Jinghua and Fa Yiyi had a marriage contract and married a husband. After the two were married, the daughter had Reliance, Lierou can also feel at ease.

But how can I know that Faye is a scourge of a wolf's ambition, Liejiabao also falls apart, Lie Rou is a weak woman without a backbone, and for a moment I don't know where to go.

The Duke of Blood Cherry Blossoms was heavily in debt in the Dragon War Empire, and many of those creditors were extremely vicious and eager to return, fearing that they would entangle the debtors. Yue Min is still training in Dragon Riding Camp, and there is no one in the capital to take care of it. This is not the best time to return to Ottawa.

It was uncomfortable to have a family that couldn't return, Lie Rou remembered the eldest son Yue Minzhi who had been guarding the Duke's House for three years in the imperial capital, his eyes were dim.

When Yue Jinghua saw this, she let Hongling send her and Yuechen back first. Although Xiaozheng was unwilling, she was stunned by Yue Jinghua, so she had to obey Lierou obediently.

After removing Lie Rou, Yue Jinghua turned to Hongling again, "How much foreign debt does the Duke's House have?"

Although Yue Jinghua is not a wealthy man, he can take a lot of money from Fa Yiyi, and in addition, take a sum of money from Zhan Bei'ao's hands. Just these two kinds of money amount to a million fourth-order Xuan Dan. As many as possible, after Xiaoyao's operation for a while, the accumulated wealth has reached a staggering 500,000 fourth-order Xuandan.

When mentioning Xuan Dan, Yue Jinghua remembered something, "Wait a minute, I almost forgot one thing."

Before Hong Ling and others reacted, they saw more dead bodies on the ground.

After removing the mask from the corpse, the other three were stunned.

"Xi Yu, you killed him?" Sherman was startled.

"What's your look? He's not Xie Jade. This person is called Xie San, and he looks a bit like Xie Jade." After Yue Jinghua killed Xie San earlier, he had no time to deal with his corpse. Placed in the gourd.

Xie III is the senior assassin of the Assassin Alliance, and the leader of the remnants. Assassin kills, once is Wan Xuandan, and it must be not thin to want to come to the family.

The four women swarmed up, unceremoniously, and took all three of Xie's bodies.

Seeing Qingpu stunned, this group of women are too bold.

A few people carried out a juice-like search, and as expected, they found a three-story Danxuan card from the Ottawa market on the body of Xie San, and several good spirits with several bottles of healing elixir.

"Boss, the clothes on his body are sneakers, woven from the skin of a night bat, which can hide at night, and at least double the speed of wearing it," said the red medicine, and Yueyuehua was not surprised. Hesitant to pick off Xie San's clothes.

"It's also good to have boots, made of the skin of the Royal Wind Wolf, which is not tired after traveling a hundred miles. It's for men, and it's also cut off to give Feng Chuo the kid, so that he doesn't fall behind everyone every time." After a while, Xie San was stripped off of his clothes, just like a mahjong whiteboard.

Poor evil three, if he knew that he had become a corpse, he would still suffer such humiliation. He would not provoke the Great Plague God Yueyuehua if he died.

"Boss, this mask is very special. It is a mask for the Assassin's League. It also bears the number of Xie San in the Assassin's League," Hong Yao said after looking at Xie San's mask.

Xie San couldn't help putting on the mask, and always wore it beside him as an honor. He even kept his mask when he went out to perform the task.

Yue Jinghua took the mask and found that there was a lacquered number on the mask, which said, "I want to come is the rank of the evil three in the Assassin's League."

She actually accidentally hit and accidentally killed even the evil third in the assassin league rankings.

"Leave the mask first, maybe it will be used in the future, plus these, we also have millions of xuandan on hand, Hongling, and you can tell me how much external debt the Duke ’s House owes. If we can repay the external debt, we Ottawa Emperor Capital. In the past few years, my mother always remembered that my elder brother had red eyes. If he could go back to reunite with his elder brother, that would be the best. Rewarded cannibals.

Yue Jinghua thought that the money should be enough to pay at least part of the debt.

After knowing Hong Jinghua ’s mind, Hongling sighed with a bitter smile: "Miss, your money is only a small amount of money. If you can live in the capital of Ottawa, you must be rich and expensive. It's four or five times higher than the Shang country. According to the subordinates' knowledge, just buying a ten-square-foot shop in Emperor Ottawa will get three million fourth-order Xuandan, how much money the Duke House owes Slavery is also unclear, but it is roughly equivalent to the state treasury income of the Shang Dynasty. "

Seat ruler is a unit of measurement of the Canglong continent. It is about the size of a small table for two people in a restaurant. Ten feet, but not ten squares in size. Shops of this size are nothing more than a million yuan in Shang Dynasty, and the price difference of hundreds of times makes the moonshine and red medicine lingering in the Ottawa Empire.

Although Shang Guoguo is small, it is very rich. The treasury is abundant all the year round, and the annual treasury income reaches 2 million seven-tier xuandan.

Calculate Xuandan with a hundred-level Xuandan for a fifth-order Xuandan, which means that Yue Jinghua needs to earn at least trillions of Xuandan Xuandan to pay off all of it. debt.

With 1.5 million fourth-order Xuandan, compared to the trillion trillion Xuandan, it is really not enough to plug the teeth.

For ordinary people, such an amazing debt is afraid that it will not be cleared for a lifetime. For countless Xuan Dan, I do n’t know how many people will stare at the Duke of Ottawa. It is conceivable that the young master must have a hard time in Ottawa.

"Emperor Ottawa cannot return," Yue Jinghua weighed and decisively denied the possibility of meeting Ottawa.

"The emperor cannot return, and it is only temporary. We will go to the mysterious ridge on this trip. If we encountered a high-order mystery on the way, if we were lucky, we encountered a nine-order or even a holy-order mystery. There are a few hundred That's enough, "Yue Jinghua had her own calculations. Even if you haven't encountered a high-level mysterious beast, as long as you successfully improve the Bug Insect Special Team into the Poison Insect Special Team, it will be much easier to obtain Xuan Dan.

"Miss, I thought about it, maybe we can go to Fontaine County," Hong Ling flashed in her mind. The last time the wife wanted to take herself to Miss Fontaine with her young master.

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