Genius Demon Empress

Chapter 206: Fallen Beast War (1)

When Zhangya danced claws, as if a small beast appeared in front of Moon Dust and Ye Zi, Ye Zi blurted out, "Devil's Alga," Moon Dust was full of interest.

This kind of magic algae also grows in the forest underworld. This kind of magic algae known as the ten most dangerous alien species in forest underworld once caused a lot of panic in the forest underworld.

"Fondan County actually has this kind of algae, which is terrible. This kind of algae will not only attack living people and mysterious beasts, but also swallow the nutrients of other plants. It is a forbidden grass." Zao's impression is not good.

"This grass is cute," Moondust drew the sucker-type leaves of the Poisonous Toadstool with his fingers. After receiving the consciousness of Yue Jinghua, the Poisonous Toadstool did not attack the Moondust, but sucked with the sucker-type leaves. She drew her fingers and stunned, "Its structure is a bit special."

Moondust's eyes were sharp, and noticed that there were a few unusual leaf collaterals on the leaf surface of Poisonous Algae.

Except for Yue Jinghua and Qingpu and the small covenant beasts around her, only Sherman knew that the matter of Yue Jinghua's spiritual wood grain. From the last time the lines were carved on the crossbow, Yue Jinghua is now Have learned two kinds of spirit wood grain and device grain

"Slightly moved my hands and feet to facilitate reproduction and shortened its growth cycle a lot," Yue Jinghua didn't tell Moondust, except for the carved wood grain on the poisonous algae. When she left the dark hell, she also stored a lot of Death Lake.

A few drops of dead lake water were used on the toxic algae of Kakihara, which can catalyze the toxic algae into the breeding period in an instant.

Unlike the Summoner, Yue Jinghua's time to become a Summoner is still short. Her current level of Summoner is still out of Bronze Summoner. Except for the destiny contract, she can only contract two Dark Warcraft. She has already contracted the piebald The King of Mosquitoes, so she did not waste on the poisonous algae of Sugawara.

Moondust took a closer look at the toxic algae of Hagiwara, and was not very sure: "This algae is the most fertile herb I have ever seen. It can reproduce in many ways, by inserting leaves, or by using pollen fruits or even It's cracking breeding. If the planting location is determined, I can let it reproduce nearly a thousand plants in two days. "

With the cooperation of Moondust and Ye Zi, Yue Jinghua was planted on the outskirts of Fontaine County, near Fontaine County and Bailu County, and two hundred feet long, and a hundred feet long. The villagers were warned not to leave Fontaine County without authorization at this time.

The promotion of Lanxue's candles was much faster than Yue Jinghua imagined. In a village of nearly 1,000 people, less than half a day, every household used candles.

The villagers praised the new "lamp", called a blue snow candle, with high brightness and no smoke at all. I don't know how much trouble is compared with kerosene and diesel lamps.

During this time, several people, including Teng Wu Feng Chuo, began to cut down trees in some territories, and built several temporary shelters.

Perhaps the people's lives have improved since Yue Jinghua arrived. After seeing the rebuilding of the lord's palace, some villagers have also helped to build it. Only Nan Muyu refused to receive anything from the Lord ’s Mansion, as he did last time. When he saw the re-establishment of the Lord ’s Mansion, he just watched from the sidelines.

Winter is coming to an end, and it is only half a month from spring.

Yomo was the night before the Lord ’s Mansion was about to be built. One late at night, Yue Jinghua was like a cat scratching, inexplicably excited. She drove a carriage alone and walked slowly around the outside of Fontaine County.

The wind sounded like a lion roar, irritating the eardrum.

During the white snow and ice time, the gray-covered carriage moved forward against the wind.

When the evil spirit in Dantian turned counterclockwise for two small weeks, she opened her eyes stunned, and her face was covered with an imperceptibly smile. The snow wind tonight seemed a little unusual.

At the entrance of Fontaine County, an unusual snow storm suddenly rolled up.

It was an artificial snow storm caused by the beasts running and mysterious mystery.

In the snowstorm, I saw a reckless big man headed by a burly figure like a mountain pier, wielding two fifty or sixty pound weight hammers in his hands, and his overly majestic figure, only his body was pressed down. That adult fifth-order fang tooth can only withstand it.

"Blowing the battle horns made the grandchildren of the tortoises in Fontaine County scare their farts," this person is the leader of the county guard in Bailu County, Zhang Chao, and the peak of Dixuan. His voice is like a banging war drum, letting Human brains are buzzing.

The sergeants of Bailu County prepared for three days, and while the snow was rising tonight, they finally launched a night attack like Fontaine-gun.

The horn of horns made of horns of ironback cattle, once blown out, was like a thunderstorm nine days away, blowing up the whole of Fontaine County by surprise, shook the arrow bamboo forest, and snow fell down.

It was the sleeping villagers who dragged the old man and hugged the children, as if they were shocked by the vole, and they shivered.

The village head hurried to find Hongling. In the eyes of the villagers, the red steward is far more reliable than the young lord who has not been seen all day long. "Girl Ling, who is from Bailu County, listens to the movement. Shall you take the villagers into the mountains to hide? "

Bailu County has never used so many soldiers to attack Fontaine County like tonight. Could it be said that the lord had rescued the scourge caused by Erwang earlier, it was really evil.

"You don't need to worry about the village chief. Our young master has stopped the foreign enemies," Hong Ling found that Yue Jinghua's carriage was gone. With her understanding of the lady, she must have thought of ways to break the enemy.

"How many men and women did the lord bring? No, I see that Teng and Weiyao are still outside," the village chief wiped the old muddy eyes and glanced out.

"Um, it seems he's alone, he's not right, and he's carrying a horse," Hong Ling secretly said with a group of mosquitoes and little mysterious beasts.

"Ah, it's just one person, isn't this going to die?" The village chief almost didn't pass.

Hearing the shark's creeping spiders reported that there were thousands of soldiers outside, most of them carried weapons and mysterious beasts, such as Bailu County, which really flattened Fontaine County.

"Village chief, you can rest assured that it will never be a death, but who knows who died will be known at dawn," Hong Ling appeased the village chief, and then walked towards Lierou's carriage.

The trumpet sounded on the wide snowy field, and the arrogant Bailu County Guards gradually calmed down after a roar.

I did not hear the expected begging, nor did the villagers run away in a panic. The snow was still blowing and the wind was blowing ahead.

"Captain, why is it so quiet, there is no response at all," said the soldier below, wondering how calm it was. "

"What is it, maybe the grandson of the turtle is so scared and flees that he sent someone around the ridge of the mysterious beast to see one chopped one," Zhang Chao snorted.

Suddenly, he saw a small black dot ahead slowly moving towards this side.

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